Examples of the the word, traumatic , in a Sentence Context

The word ( traumatic ), is the 7998 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Several species in the D. Melanogaster species group are known to mate by, traumatic ,insemination. Drosophila vary widely in their reproductive capacity. Those such
  2. Distinguish apoptosis (Greek: APO - from/off/without, ptosis - falling) from, traumatic ,cell death. Following the publication of a paper describing the phenomenon
  3. Physician Susan Auckland wrote This Common Secret (2007) about how a personal, traumatic ,abortion experience hardened her resolve to provide compassionate care to women
  4. Finger discussed Batman's background and decided that" there's nothing more, traumatic ,than having your parents murdered before your eyes. " Despite his trauma, he is
  5. The development of antibiotics, was a major medical advance in the care of, traumatic ,wounds. For this, Carrel was awarded the Legion d'Conner. Organ transplants
  6. White, furry objects. In the real world, fear can be acquired by a frightening, traumatic ,accident. For example, if a child falls into a well and struggles to get out
  7. Other types of interventions followed, such as exit counseling, that are less, traumatic ,for the follower and don't use any coercion. Sometimes the word deprogramming
  8. Hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). It is also used to treat symptoms of, traumatic ,brain injury (TBI) and the daytime drowsiness symptoms of narcolepsy
  9. When he was ill, I used to go and visit him in London, and that was really, traumatic ,for me. " The dystopian themes explored in Blade Runner are an early example of
  10. By a single bullet were selected from a much larger set by excluding all other, traumatic ,factors, including past history. It has often been asserted that hydrostatic
  11. The insertion of elements to attach a prosthesis. Prevention Amputations are, traumatic ,experiences that reduce the quality of life for patients in addition to being
  12. Medications now are used for other conditions including social anxiety and post, traumatic ,stress. The use of antidepressants in the United States doubled over one decade
  13. Written when the loss of Constantinople to the Turks was still a recent and, traumatic ,memory to Christian Europe, tells the story of the valiant knight Tyrant The
  14. Had reportedly paid $180,000 to that point on the recordings). Following the, traumatic ,experiences surrounding God's Foot, and now freed from her major label
  15. Temple, and the Davidic dynasty by Babylon in 587/586 BC was therefore a deeply, traumatic ,event, and led to much theological reflection on the meaning of the national
  16. To the director, Dr. Wilbur Larch, whose history is told in flashbacks: After a, traumatic ,misadventure with a prostitute as a young man, Wilbur turns his back on sex and
  17. Nation’s destruction who poured out sorrow, anger and dismay after the city’s, traumatic ,defeat and occupation by the Babylonians. " The theological views that led to
  18. In either case, damage to these language areas can be caused by a stroke, traumatic ,brain injury, or other brain injury. Aphasia may also develop slowly, as in the
  19. Phase 1. Post- traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) emerges after exposure to a, traumatic ,event eliciting fear, horror or helplessness that involves bodily injury, the
  20. He adopted as an infant in 1982. James, Steven,and Kurt were adopted after a, traumatic ,week in 1958,in which their father James Car malt Adams was killed on September
  21. Made a partial recovery, he remained a high-profile example for patients with, traumatic ,brain injury. Jan and Dean continued to tour on their own throughout the 1980s
  22. Unable to continue fighting. The term is often associated with a sudden, traumatic ,loss of consciousness caused by a physical blow. Single powerful blows to the
  23. Movement and eating ability in the 38-year-old American man who suffered a, traumatic ,brain injury. His injuries left him in a minimally conscious state (MCS),a
  24. Labors of farming and building put stress on the spine and joints, and, traumatic , injuries from construction and warfare all took a significant toll on the body.
  25. In Finland can be found; for the civil war generation of the left,the, traumatic ,hardships of the prison camps were probably decisive. Compromise Just as the
  26. Great arteries and levo-Transposition of the great arteries * Trauma, such as, traumatic ,aortic rupture, most often thoracic and distal to the left subclavian artery
  27. The Edwin Smith Papyrus, which details speech problems in a person with a, traumatic ,brain injury to the temporal lobe. Notable cases The aorta (; from Greek ἀορτή
  28. S cover shoot. In her interview with Howard Stern, Plato mentioned that the, traumatic ,events of her mother’s death and her husband’s leaving her took place during
  29. 2006–07) and Nick Cl egg (incumbent). Though the merger process was, traumatic ,and the new party suffered a few years of extremely poor poll results, it
  30. Of the Goths from the east. Their raids throughout the three parts of Gaul were, traumatic ,: Gregory of Tours (died ca 594) mentions their destructive force at the time
  31. In the latter’s personal interest to emphasize any kind of parallel between the, traumatic ,experience of the Cambrian and Teutonic incursions and the alleged threat that
  32. To attain. It is this resistance to symbolization that lends the Real its, traumatic ,quality. Finally, the Real is the object of anxiety, insofar as it lacks any
  33. Created the illusion that Diabetics was the first psychotherapy to address, traumatic ,experiences in their own time, but others had done so as standard procedure.
  34. Of hyperinflation is equally complex. As hyperinflation has always been a, traumatic ,experience for the area which suffers it, the next policy regime almost always
  35. Have a reputation with patients and doctors for causing a severe and, traumatic ,withdrawal; however, this is in large part due to the withdrawal process's
  36. Republic, with a modernizing civil society. The civil war remains the most, traumatic , controversial and emotionally charged event in the history of modern Finland
  37. In his short time in the military he experienced much, and witnessed the, traumatic ,effects of battle. He also contracted diphtheria and dysentery. Walter Kaufmann
  38. Of the menopause. More serious problems with memory generally occur due to, traumatic ,brain injury or neurodegenerative disease. Everyday memory problems The
  39. A urinary tract infection (UTI),excessive consumption of coffee or sodas, traumatic ,injury, etc.),urinary chemicals can" leak" into surrounding tissues
  40. Fled to Russia at the end of the war and during the period that followed. The, traumatic ,civil war created a legacy of bitterness, fear,hatred and desire for revenge
  41. And she wanted to have him circumcised. The father, who had experienced a, traumatic ,circumcision as a child objected, and they turned to the courts for a decision.
  42. Involved, ranging from pre-natal experiences, infancy and childhood, even the, traumatic ,feelings associated events from past lives and alien cultures. The type of
  43. Had left their positions, and Bran well. The whole episode at Blake Hall was so, traumatic ,for Anne, that she reproduced it in almost perfect detail in her later novel
  44. Sodium thiopental and propofol are used to treat reperfusion injury and, traumatic ,brain injury, while the experimental drug NXY-059 and been are being applied
  45. As in Clostridium difficile colitis) or from the environment as a result of, traumatic ,introduction (as in surgical wound infections or compound fractures). An
  46. Have, until now, not met with any lasting success. A collective trauma is a, traumatic ,psychological effect shared by a group of people of any size, up to and
  47. Of the Xavier Institute, and the failing of her marriage to Scott following his, traumatic ,experience being possessed by Apocalypse. New X-Men concluded with Jean fully
  48. Interim administration, East Timor gained independence in 2002. Despite the, traumatic ,past, relations with Indonesia are very good. Indonesia is by far the largest
  49. Surrounding cells and cause damage. In contrast to necrosis, which is a form of, traumatic ,cell death that results from acute cellular injury, apoptosis,in general
  50. Injuries such as strokes or herniation, hypoxia,hypothermia, hypoglycemia or, traumatic ,injuries such as head trauma caused by falls or vehicle collisions. It may also

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