Examples of the the word, accession , in a Sentence Context
The word ( accession ), is the 8014 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- In January 1984 at the Fourth Islamic Summit held in Morocco. After its, accession ,to the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation forum (APEC) in 1989,Brunei hosted
- Counted the years starting from the presumed birth of Christ, rather than the, accession ,of the emperor Diocletian on 20 November 284,or as stated by Dionysus:" used
- Canceled the KAZ before it was published, and in the manifesto announcing his, accession ,to the throne he let it be very clearly understood that he had no intention of
- Göring with the fait accompli of Speer's appointment. At the time of Speer's, accession ,to the office, the German economy, unlike the British one, was not fully geared
- Counter to the demands of the SACK and COS ATU. 2008 schism Following Zuma's, accession ,to the ANC leadership in 2007 and Mbeki's resignation as president in 2008
- II (641–668) were appointed consuls on the first 1 January after their, accession , All of these emperors, except Justinian, used imperial post-consular years for
- Sons named Bayed and Suleiman. A half-brother of Ahmed, Jahja, resented his, accession ,to the Ottoman throne in 1603,and spent his life scheming to become Sultan. In
- Policy toward conscientious objection is in transition, as part of Armenia's, accession ,to the Council of Europe. Most of Armenia's ethnic Azeris population was
- Andrew I, having left England as an infant after his father's death and the, accession ,of Cut as King of England. In this mission Alfred was somewhat successful and
- More brief periods when Athanasius was exiled. In the spring of 365,after the, accession ,of Emperor Valets to the throne, troubles again arose. Athanasius was once more
- Rahman these outlying territories were closely welded to Kabul; but after the, accession ,of Abdullah the bonds once more relaxed. Political administration In the 19th
- Italy for the rest of his life, although his agents in Rome did not prevent the, accession ,of Pope Stephen VI in 896. Although he eventually became a supporter of the
- Work At Rome, he wrote in Latin a history of the Roman Empire from the, accession ,of Nerve (96) to the death of Valets at the Battle of Adrianople (378),in
- Scone on 6 December the same year. King of Scotland In 1215,the year after his, accession , the clans Mac Villa and Machetes, inveterate enemies of the Scottish crown
- Could not help unless Kashmir acceded to India. So on 26 October 1947,Kashmir, accession ,papers were signed, and Indian troops were airlifted to Srinagar. Fighting
- Empire The Neo-Assyrian Empire is usually considered to have begun with the, accession ,of Adad-nirari II, in 911 BC, lasting until the fall of Nineveh at the hands of
- That high military command should be in the hands of one to whom such an, accession ,of dignity was impossible. The largest of these contingents was that of the
- Have likewise played significant roles in the reconstruction. EU accession The, accession ,of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the European Union is one of the main political
- The East had opposed the Nicene creed in the decades leading up to Theodosius ', accession , he managed to achieve unity on the basis of the Nicene creed. In 381,at the
- Eugenics of Minds, Maximus of Ephesus, and the emperor Julian. After the, accession ,of the latter to the imperial purple he invited Genesis to continue his
- His advisors. Yet he was also very religious and a pacifist by nature. At his, accession ,the financial straits of the treasury were such that the usual do native could
- Vigor, which were belied by his subsequent conduct. The wars which attended his, accession ,both in Hungary and in Persia terminated unfavorably for the empire, and its
- Sarawak, North Borneo and Singapore achieve technical independence pending, accession ,to the Federation of Malaysia *1965 – The Aero Space lines Super Guppy aircraft
- Went directly to Toulouse to take possession. There was some resistance to his, accession ,as count, which was suppressed with the help of his mother Blanche of Castile
- As told in 1 Kings 18,form the keynote to a period which culminated in the, accession ,of JHU, an event in which Elijah's chosen disciple Elisha was the leading
- EU. Bosnia and Herzegovina is therefore a potential candidate country for EU, accession , Foreign support Bosnia and Herzegovina receives support from donor programs of
- Stolen by the invading Italian army in 1937. *2005 – Bulgaria and Romania sign, accession ,treaties to join the European Union. *2005 – 107 dice in Nagasaki rail crash in
- Of John Comments the Fat in 1200 had caused him to be imprisoned until the, accession ,of Isaac II Angelo's, who was restored to the throne after having been deposed
- Yakov Rostovtsev, and Nikolai Militia. On 3 March 1861,6 years after his, accession , the emancipation law was signed and published. Other reforms In response to
- Mostly from Africa, Asia,the Balkan region and Latin America. Following the, accession ,of Romania and Bulgaria to the European Union, there has been an influx of
- NGOs) that have likewise played significant roles in the reconstruction. EU, accession ,The accession of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the European Union is one of the
- The janissaries. War was, however,forced on him and less than a year after his, accession ,the complete defeat of the Turks at Battle of Koala led to the humiliating
- Bud),in control of the united Hun tribes. At the time of two brothers ', accession , the Hun tribes were bargaining with Eastern Roman Emperor Theodosius II's
- Governor of Toledo. Exiled after he refused to accept his brother Hisham's, accession ,to the throne. Returned to challenge his nephew in 796,captured and executed
- Of Wessex, Alfred is not mentioned. However, his public life began with the, accession ,of his third brother, Æthelred of Wessex, in 866. It is during this period that
- Act was to confirm Mustafa Copula as grand vizier. Only a few weeks after his, accession ,the Ottoman Empire sustained a crushing defeat at the Battle of Lankan from
- Rank and file the gravest accusations were raised against Address. Upon the, accession ,of Czar Nicholas II, however,the Russians reneged on the agreement, asserting
- Luxury and extravagance at the imperial court were diminished. Upon his, accession ,he reduced the silver purity of the Darius from 46.5 % to 43 % — the actual
- EU. Bosnia and Herzegovina is therefore a potential candidate country for EU, accession , The implementation of the Dayton Accords of 1995 has focused the efforts of
- Ahmad Shah's death, the Duran chieftains only reluctantly accepted Timur's, accession , Most of his reign was spent fighting a civil war and resisting rebellion;
- Life gave little indication of his ultimate potential; until the time of his, accession ,in 1855,aged 37,few imagined that he would be known to posterity as a leader
- Assyrian kings during this period. This long period of isolation ended with the, accession ,in 911 BC of Adad-nirari II. Society in the Middle Assyrian period Assyria had
- And the Aurelia. He did not possess the sobriquet" Pius" until after his, accession ,to the throne. Almost certainly, he earned the name" Pius" because he
- Of the Union for the Mediterranean. Albania has been a potential candidate for, accession ,to the European Union since January 2003,and it formally applied for EU
- Was King of Jerusalem 1163–1174,and Count of Jeff and Salon before his, accession , Amalia was the second son of Melisande of Jerusalem and Full of Jerusalem. He
- Court. Name "/NP"> Daftary-Ismailis"/> Governorship of German Soon after the, accession ,of Muhammad Shah Qatar to the throne of his grandfather, Fath Ali Shah, the
- In the framework of the European Union, which forms part of the Austrian EU, accession ,treaty. Austrian German is the only variety of a Eurocentric language
- Regimes in Eastern and Central Europe in the late 1980s. Since May 2004,on the, accession ,of the Baltic States and Poland, the Baltic Sea has been almost entirely
- Of England and Scotland was by Mary's son, King James VI and I. On his, accession ,to the English throne in 1603 King James announced his intention to unite his
- Commissions With the death of the Barbering Pope Urban VIII in 1644 and the, accession ,of the Camphill Pope Innocent X, the Barbering family and their favorite artist
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