Examples of the the word, secrecy , in a Sentence Context

The word ( secrecy ), is the 8000 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. That were omitted from the actual Enigma machine. Owing to the need for, secrecy ,about its cipher systems, no royalties were paid for the use of the patents by
  2. High concentrations of various actinides including americium. Due to military, secrecy , this result was published only in 1956. Elevated levels of americium were also
  3. Anything about herself or her background, despite questioning from Laura. Her, secrecy ,isn't the only mysterious thing about her. Camilla sleeps much of the day
  4. Or less, by Colonel Dramatic Dimitrijevic (also known as APIs). To ensure, secrecy , members rarely knew much more than the members of their own cell and one
  5. The number of Virginians who had died to protect his interests. He defended the, secrecy ,of the operation by suggesting that Eden" could contribute nothing to the
  6. The metals, the possible loss of knowledge on the crafting techniques through, secrecy ,and lack of transmission, or a combination of all the above. The raw material
  7. Diffie–Hellman key exchange by itself trivially achieves perfect forward, secrecy ,because no long-term private keying material exists to be disclosed. In the
  8. The project the director, Richard M. Bissell Jr., understood that the extreme, secrecy ,enveloping the project, the flight test and pilot training programs could not be
  9. With the treatments of Mr. Hemingway. " Meyers writes that" an aura of, secrecy ,surrounds Hemingway's treatment at the Mayo ", but confirms that in December
  10. Or a firm theoretical basis in current scientific theories. Due to this, secrecy , the Swedish evaluators were not allowed to examine the inside of the reactor
  11. Club, and while holding" meetings" in Calvin's treehouse or in the" box of, secrecy ," in Calvin's room, they usually come up with some way to annoy or socially
  12. And the Waco Siege. Land dispute and status of the church today Due to the, secrecy ,under which Forest operated, and because some of his original followers were
  13. Black to give hitters a decent background for pitched balls. Ambiguity and, secrecy ,* A black box is any device whose internal workings are unknown or inexplicable
  14. Of various actinides, including berkelium. For reasons of military, secrecy , this result was published only in 1956. Nuclear reactors produce mostly, among
  15. Long keys, modern cryptographic practice has discarded the notion of perfect, secrecy ,as a requirement for encryption, and instead focuses on computational security
  16. Be in reach. He dedicated all of his research time to this problem in relative, secrecy , In 1993,he presented his proof to the public for the first time at a
  17. By a matter of hours. Bonaparte, aware of Nelson's pursuit, enforced absolute, secrecy ,about his destination and was able to capture Malta and then land in Egypt
  18. Leader of the Secret Avengers, a black-ops team that operates under a veil of, secrecy , Marvel stated in May 2011 that Rogers, following the death of Bucky Barnes in
  19. And fate The use to which the Colossus computers were put was of the highest, secrecy , and the Colossus itself was highly secret, and remained so for many years
  20. 246Cm and smaller quantities of 247Cm,248Cm and 249Cm. For reasons of military, secrecy , this result was published only in 1956. Atmospheric curium compounds are
  21. They have stepped up the fight against money laundering, by limiting banking, secrecy , introducing requirements for customer identification and record keeping, and
  22. Was provided for by the estate of Mandingo, Carmarthenshire, was brought up in, secrecy ,at Glamorgan, Wales. She went on to become second wife to Bishop Jeremy Taylor
  23. The same specification. The British were hampered on this occasion by the, secrecy ,surrounding German battlecruiser construction and particularly about the heavy
  24. Were published after his death, in the Opera Costume edited by his friends in, secrecy ,to avoid confiscation and destruction of manuscripts. The Ethics contains many
  25. Words ... the logical answer was missiles ". The Soviets maintained their tight, secrecy , writing their plans longhand, which were approved by Rodin Malinowski on July
  26. They have stepped up the fight against money laundering, by limiting banking, secrecy , introducing requirements for customer identification and record keeping, and
  27. Earthworks, the Lines of Torres Vedas, which had been assembled in complete, secrecy ,and had flanks guarded by the Royal Navy. The baffled and starving French
  28. Prosecutor knows the actual discussion which took place and the jury is sworn to, secrecy , Therefore, the appeal once conviction occurs, must be made on the basis that
  29. Were asked by the NSA to keep the technique secret. Coppersmith explains IBM's, secrecy ,decision by saying," that was because differential cryptanalysis can be a very
  30. Of the effort to maintain a project secrecy that was kept up into the 1970s—a, secrecy ,that deprived some Colossus creators of credit for their pioneering
  31. A mass evacuation of allied personnel may be required. In order to maintain, secrecy , frequencies were changed at irregular intervals. Decca, Racal, and the
  32. As an ANA. Formerly, some companies changed their ANA number every month for, secrecy ,; this is still the case with a few numbers. In one example of this concern
  33. A variety of authenticated protocols, and is used to provide perfect forward, secrecy ,in Transport Layer Security's ephemeral modes (referred to as EDS or THE
  34. The character for Danny DeVito. " Warner Bros. devoted a large amount of, secrecy ,for Batman Returns. The art department was required to keep their office blinds
  35. Colossus hardware and blueprints as part of the effort to maintain a project, secrecy ,that was kept up into the 1970s—a secrecy that deprived some Colossus
  36. Cap Anson and Bob Add, to sign with Chicago. This was all done under complete, secrecy ,during the playing season because players were all free agents in those days
  37. Manufacturer, as a means of wall mounting notices. There was no need for, secrecy ,about the formula, as it was of no use for a gun-grade mastic, the main product
  38. Eager to bankroll" his next project, which Kubrick kept" shrouded in, secrecy ," from the press partly due to the furor surrounding the controversially
  39. Design of a stored-program computer. Although ACE was a feasible design,the, secrecy ,surrounding the wartime work at Bletchley Park led to delays in starting the
  40. Of the most important provisions of law is the guarantee for the maintenance of, secrecy ,of the information collected at the census of each individual. The census
  41. Produced the first MRD car, for the entry level Formula Junior class, in, secrecy , Unveiled in the summer of 1961,the" MID" was soon renamed. Motoring
  42. Marlborough, realising the only way to ignore Dutch wishes was by the use of, secrecy ,and guile, set out to deceive his Dutch allies by pretending to simply move his
  43. Among the accusations made by the paper was that the BNP used" techniques of, secrecy ,and deception ... in its attempt to conceal its activities and intentions from
  44. Financial services also have contracted, and The Bahamas is one of 34, secrecy , jurisdictions that would be subject to the Stop Tax Haven Abuse Act introduced
  45. Of the aircraft are then moved to a normal air force base. The intense, secrecy ,surrounding the base, the very existence of which the U. S. government did not
  46. Nearly 30 years. Due to developments in TDI policy made in 2009,the issue of, secrecy ,is no longer valid. Pictures of and writings by Karen Derby and Steve Kelly can
  47. Without interference or distraction. * Black frequently symbolizes ambiguity, secrecy , and the unknown. Beliefs, religions and superstitions * Black is a symbol of
  48. The history of TDI has been their aversion to government oversight and extreme, secrecy ,surrounding leadership and finances. World Services (WS),the central
  49. Shannon's work on information theory showed that to achieve so-called perfect, secrecy , it is necessary for the key length to be at least as large as the message to
  50. Arab Emirates and Canada. The ACTA negotiations have been largely conducted in, secrecy , with very little information being officially disclosed. However, on 22 May

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