Examples of the the word, breadth , in a Sentence Context

The word ( breadth ), is the 8018 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Our control. The gods too gave us the soul and reason, which is not measured by, breadth ,or depth, but by knowledge and sentiments, and by which we attain to greatness
  2. Of only a handful of lighter solos until the 1960s. Since then, however,the, breadth ,and depth of the solo euphonium repertoire has increased dramatically. In the
  3. Is called Jami. Though there were several kinds of variations across the, breadth ,of India, the Jami was the effective community within which one married and
  4. Of the figure of the bun yip which is about 11 paces long and 4 paces in extreme, breadth , " Debate over origins of the bun yip Non-Aboriginal Australians have made
  5. Of the Kushal rulers, the empire reached its greatest geographic and cultural, breadth ,to become a center of literature and art. Kanishka extended Kushal control to
  6. Legislature can ever address the full spectrum of factual possibilities in the, breadth , depth and detail of the case law of the common law courts of even a smaller
  7. Not on the pilgrimage itself. Style The variety of Chaucer's tales shows the, breadth ,of his skill and his familiarity with countless rhetorical forms and linguistic
  8. Of Cyc's inference engine * The current incompleteness of the system in both, breadth ,and depth and the related difficulty in measuring its completeness * The lack
  9. On the Internet allows some to gain credentials without the implied depth or, breadth ,of expertise. Certifying agencies have responded in various ways: Some now
  10. Especially Plato's moral and political seriousness, but he also respected his, breadth ,of imagination. Cicero nonetheless rejected Plato's theory of Ideas. Family
  11. Though insufficient, are the way of extension (a sign's objects, also called, breadth , denotation, or application) and the way of intention (the objects '
  12. I raise up the Chaldean's, that bitter and hasty nation, that march through the, breadth ,of the earth, to possess dwelling places that are not theirs. (World English
  13. Metres (4,898 ft). The region is almost rectangular with a length of and, breadth ,of. Hence, it has an area of approximately. The name Schwarzman,i.e. Black
  14. S eyes today the Church of England has, as one of its distinguishing marks,a, breadth ,and" open-mindedness ". This range of belief and practice includes those of
  15. Plan, a decreased number of test scenarios which are more complex and wider in, breadth ,than traditional UAT and ultimately the equivalent confidence-level attained
  16. Gun, Chi (immediately proximal to the wrist crease, and one and two fingers ', breadth ,proximally, usually palpated with the index, middle and ring fingers). Tongue
  17. Desired. Thus, the borders mentioned in the first stanza loosely reflected the, breadth ,of territory across which German speakers were spread at the time. * In the
  18. Of 1914 that emerged victorious in the conflict of goals between armament in, breadth ,for a short war and armament in depth for a feared long war. The Germans were
  19. And their lifestyles. Investigations have been based upon vague standards whose, breadth ,made excessive collection inevitable. Unsavory and vicious tactics have been
  20. Construction started in 1613 and proceeded from west to east, across the, breadth ,of the layout, like a gigantic windshield wiper as the historian Gee rt MAK
  21. Coalitions of individuals. Types Backup has categorized, in ascending order of, breadth , the types of conspiracy theories as follows: * Event conspiracy theories. The
  22. And understanding of substances with a useful function. The field is a new, breadth ,of study in graduate programs, and it integrates elements from all classical
  23. To compare the tales in all their variety, and allows Chaucer to showcase the, breadth ,of his skill in different genres and literary forms. While the structure of the
  24. Among diploids is the shape of the tail, which is comparatively thin in, breadth ,and short, a profile caused by the vertebral spines decreasing in
  25. Anshan and Fisher. ENIL was considered to be the god of breath, wind,loft and, breadth ,(height and distance). Origins One story names his origins as the exhausted
  26. But whether democracy depended on this extra time is impossible to say. The, breadth ,of slave ownership also meant that the leisure of the rich (the small minority
  27. Stress on the visible church. As to his use of Scripture, the extraordinary, breadth ,of his reading and manifold variety of his quotations from the most diverse
  28. Is possible. The following discussion and resources give an indication of the, breadth ,of law that falls within the" environmental" metric. International Pollution
  29. Is a quadrilateral with hollowed sides, about in the greatest length and in extreme, breadth , The total land area is, with of coastline. The island is the flat summit of a
  30. S) = a (T). * Every rectangle R is in M. If the rectangle has length h and, breadth ,k then a (R) = HK. * Let Q be a set enclosed between two-step regions S and
  31. Such as an encyclopaedia of medicine, philosophy,or law. Works vary in the, breadth ,of material and the depth of discussion, depending on the target audience. (
  32. Size of the contiguous United States. The height is the same as the length and, breadth , and although this has led most people to conclude that it is shaped like a
  33. As well as the software issues. Depending upon the size of the company and the, breadth ,of data, choosing an application can take anywhere from a few weeks to a year
  34. For food or look for nesting material. The eggs average about long and have a, breadth ,of. Relationship with humans Population decline and recovery Once a common
  35. And understanding of substances with a useful function. The field is a new, breadth ,of study in graduate programs, and it integrates elements from all classical
  36. Three basic reasons. First, government required a degree of intelligence and, breadth ,of knowledge of the sort that was very uncommon among the common people. Second
  37. Others, but the vast numbers required just for the system to work testify to a, breadth ,of participation among those eligible that greatly exceeded any present day
  38. One of the largest empires in the history of West Eurasia, extending its entire, breadth , However, the Umayyad dynasty was not universally supported within Islam itself
  39. Caution (for which Pace gave as example the game of Twenty Questions), breadth , or in complexity. One can hope to discover only that which time would reveal
  40. Explained by inflation. However, none of these" alternatives" has the same, breadth ,of explanation as inflation, and still require inflation for a more complete
  41. Next. Oral language developed into written symbols and letters. The depth and, breadth ,of knowledge that could be preserved and passed soon increased exponentially.
  42. Was an influential mathematician of the 20th century, renowned for the, breadth ,and quality of his research output, its influence on future work, and the
  43. Make them obviously difficult, such unreliable English words include angst, breadth , depth, fifth,gulf, kiln,oblige (its second syllable is stressed),mulcts
  44. Governing organization, have their own in Japan, and have an international, breadth , Because a substantial portion of any aikido curriculum consists of throws, the
  45. With jokes directed at both the caller and at themselves, the depth and, breadth ,of their knowledge of automobiles is extensive, and they are usually able to
  46. In Europe, including one of the most extensive Grand Tours of the length and, breadth ,of Italy ever undertaken. In 1721,he took Holy Orders in the Church of Ireland
  47. And the Roman Citizen (1895),Ramsay's views gain both in precision and in, breadth , The gain lies chiefly in seeing beyond the Began text to the" Western" text
  48. The recent advent of saber metrics has created statistics drawing from a, breadth ,of player performance measures and playing field variables. Saber metrics and
  49. A long war, so it deliberately refrained from arming in depth, to arming in, breadth , to enable it to win a series of quick victories. Millard alleged an economy
  50. On how the Ark is to be constructed. It is to be 2½ cubits in length,1½ in, breadth , and 1½ in height (as). Then it is to be plated entirely with gold, and a

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