Examples of the the word, herbicide , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Biotechnology issue. It includes increased herbicide usage and resultant, herbicide ,resistance," super weeds," residues on and in food crops, genetic
  2. Its own right. In 1979,the Yale biologist Arthur Alston, who specialized in, herbicide ,research, published a review of what was known at the time about the toxicity
  3. Beets that could be forked into the back of a cart. Today, mechanical sowing, herbicide ,application for weed control and mechanical harvesting have displaced this
  4. ID=7160 Herbicide-tolerant GMO crops Roundup Ready seed has a, herbicide ,resistant gene implanted into its genome that allows the plants to tolerate
  5. Day Hershey independently recognize that viruses undergo mutations. * The, herbicide ,2,4-D is introduced; it is later used as a component of Agent Orange. * A team
  6. And hand weeding were often necessary to control weeds not controlled by, herbicide ,applications. The introduction of herbicide -tolerant crops has the potential of
  7. Food crops in October 1962,primarily using Agent Blue. In 1965.42 % of all, herbicide ,spraying was dedicated to food crops. According to Vietnamese Ministry of
  8. Series of United States war plans * Agent Orange, the code name for a powerful, herbicide ,and defoliant used by the U. S. military during the Vietnam War. Geography
  9. Veterans exposed to Agent Orange as conditions associated with exposure to the, herbicide , This list now includes B cell leukemia, such as hairy cell leukemia
  10. Time of its use by the U. S.; the U. S. was not prohibited from using it as a, herbicide ,; and the companies which produced the substance were not liable for the method
  11. In computational complexity theory *Pentachlorophenol, timber preservative, herbicide , insecticide, fungicide and algaecide *Post correspondence problem, an
  12. Available transgenic crops, followed by insect resistance. In 2001, herbicide , tolerance deployed in soybean, corn and cotton accounted for 77 % of the
  13. Affect the process of cell division. To be precise, this means that to use the, herbicide ,safely not only you must wear coveralls and a mask but also ensure that there
  14. Of nowhere" adding that" over time,. The build-up of different types of, herbicide ,resistance in feral natural canola and closely related weeds, like field
  15. Of herbicide -tolerant crops, comes an increase in the use of glyphosate-based, herbicide ,sprays. In some areas glyphosate resistant weeds have developed, causing
  16. Humans who apply the biocides and other beneficial organisms. For example,the, herbicide ,2,4-D imitates the action of a plant hormone, to the effect that the lethal
  17. Several years in order to weaken and kill the entire patch. Picking the right, herbicide ,is essential, as it must travel through the plant and into the root system
  18. Been using Monsanto's genetically engineered soy plant as well as the Roundup, herbicide ,to which it was artificially adapted. The Reliant spoke against the Brazilian
  19. Perennials and broadcast or used in the cut-stump treatment as a forestry, herbicide , Initially, glyphosate was sold only by Monsanto under the trade name Roundup
  20. In 1965.42 % of all herbicide was sprayed over food crops. Another purpose of, herbicide ,use was to drive civilian populations into Uncontrolled areas. As of 2006
  21. Monsanto has developed a program to encourage growers to use different, herbicide ,modes of action to control their weeds in all cropping systems. Growers receive
  22. Herbicide active ingredients used for weed management, reducing the number of, herbicide ,applications made during a season, and increasing yield due to improved weed
  23. Knockout mouse are being used for research purposes and insect resistant and/or, herbicide ,tolerant crops have been commercialized. Genetically engineered plants and
  24. S. Flemming announced that some 1959 crop was tainted with traces of the, herbicide ,aminotriazole. The market for cranberries collapsed and growers lost millions
  25. Is another side to the agricultural biotechnology issue. It includes increased, herbicide ,usage and resultant herbicide resistance," super weeds," residues on and in
  26. Of herbicide -tolerant crops has the potential of reducing the number of, herbicide ,active ingredients used for weed management, reducing the number of herbicide
  27. Of a variety of chemical products. It is used in the manufacture of the, herbicide ,glyphosate. Glyphosate is a non-selective systemic herbicide used to kill weeds
  28. Agricultural and horticultural uses Herbicide use Vinegar can be used as an, herbicide , Acetic acid is not absorbed into root systems; the vinegar will kill top
  29. To transgenic crops; BT crops accounted for 15 %; and" stacked genes" for, herbicide ,tolerance and insect resistance used in both cotton and corn accounted for 8 %.
  30. A trade name for a glyphosate-based product, which is a systemic, nonselective, herbicide ,used to kill weeds. Roundup Ready seeds allow the farmer to grow a crop that
  31. Inflicting damage on the crops while killing nearby weeds. From 1996 to 2001, herbicide , tolerance was the most dominant trait introduced to commercially available
  32. It is Glyphosate-resistant and so cannot be killed by the widely used Roundup, herbicide , Also, this plant can survive in tough conditions. This could be of particular
  33. Genetically modified sugar beet, engineered for resistance to glyphosate,a, herbicide ,marketed as Roundup, was developed by Monsanto. Glyphosate controls weeds by
  34. Sugar beet field. Resistance develops when growers use the same, herbicide , or mode of action, every year to control their weeds. Applying different
  35. A risk unless such an occurrence has negative consequences. If, for example,an, herbicide ,resistance trait was to cross into a wild relative of a crop plant it can be
  36. And into the root system below. Glyphosate is the best active ingredient in, herbicide ,for use on Japanese knot weed as it is’ systemic ’; it penetrates through the
  37. Destroying vegetation used as cover by the NLF and destroying food crops the, herbicide ,was used to drive civilians into Uncontrolled areas. In 1997,an article
  38. Believed that crop spraying had begun that spring). In 1965.42 percent of all, herbicide ,spraying was dedicated to food crops. The first official acknowledgement of the
  39. Gene that codes for the Bacillus thuringiensis (BT) toxin. Hybrids with both, herbicide ,and pest resistance have also been produced. In 2009,transgenic maize was
  40. Reduce yields. These can be controlled with a modest application of a broadleaf, herbicide , such as 2,4-D,while the weeds are still small. Pests and diseases Oats are
  41. Which may prove to be a viable option for eradication where concerns over, herbicide ,application are too great. It can be found in 39 of the 50 United States and in
  42. In a broad range of narcotics control activities. Through aerial spraying of, herbicide ,and manual eradication, Colombia has attempted to keep coca, opium poppy, and
  43. Affecting an estimated 13 % of South Vietnam's land. In 1965.42 % of all, herbicide ,was sprayed over food crops. Another purpose of herbicide use was to drive
  44. Manufacture of the herbicide glyphosate. Glyphosate is a non-selective systemic, herbicide ,used to kill weeds, especially perennials and broadcast or used in the
  45. In 1994,the European Union approved tobacco engineered to be resistant to the, herbicide ,bromoxynil, making it the first genetically engineered crop commercialized in
  46. Market of cotton selling on the one hand the GM seeds and on the other hand the, herbicide ,that goes with it. Research shave shown that Roundup had a harmful effect on
  47. Or mode of action, every year to control their weeds. Applying different, herbicide ,modes of action reduces the risk of resistance. The introduction of
  48. Re-sprouting from the roots. The most effective method of control is by, herbicide ,application close to the flowering stage in late summer or autumn. In some
  49. To agronomic crops. Weed management tended to rely on reemergence—that is, herbicide ,applications were sprayed in response to expected weed infestations rather than
  50. Have also been genetically engineered to acquire tolerance to broad-spectrum, herbicide , The lack of herbicide s with broad-spectrum activity and no crop injury was a

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