Examples of the the word, gratitude , in a Sentence Context

The word ( gratitude ), is the 8010 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In Amsterdam. Second is the Imperial Crown of Austria. In 1489,out of, gratitude ,for services and loans, Maximilian I awarded Amsterdam the right to adorn its
  2. Many holy gifts, craters,rings and precious stones, offered to Achilles in, gratitude , One can still read inscriptions in Greek and Latin, in which Achilles is
  3. Construction and father of the real and late Dorothy Wayne right. To show her, gratitude , and as a form of payment for Roger's help, she decides to move in with him
  4. Sent a check to the Marine weekly for the remainder of his life as a sign of, gratitude , However, Hughes was proud that his mind was still working. As he lay in his
  5. Was the martial leader and bowed before her throne with the same homage and, gratitude ,as he accorded the emperor. In 50,Agrippina was granted the honorific title of
  6. The definition there was" the soul of a dead person, or his angel, showing, gratitude , to someone who, as an act of charity, arranged their burial. " According to
  7. Non-supernatural illusions to exploit credulous people in order to obtain their, gratitude , confidence and money. Physicist Robert L. Park have called into question the
  8. Achievement" ) and gave an interview onstage; the two wanted to express, gratitude ,for the honorary award and to thank their fans. On 25 November 2009,PRS for
  9. Of Paul, including the letter that gave him his own freedom as an expression of, gratitude , This hypothesis could explain why the letter to Philemon (a letter written to
  10. Second Foreign Regiment lost the Colonel Charier, its commanding officer. In, gratitude , the city of Milan awarded, in 1909,the" commemorative medal of the
  11. And the horror of life are themes which influenced Baudelaire writings. In, gratitude ,for their friendship and commonality of vision, Baudelaire dedicated Les Flours
  12. Father deserves all the credit ... As it is now, he deserves from me unstinting, gratitude ,and praise. I could never be ashamed of such a father, nor do I feel any need
  13. Has it that there was a member of the British Royal Family onboard and that in, gratitude ,for their bravery, King George III decreed that Caymanians should never be
  14. Possible Communist take-over of Indian films. " Ambassador Bowles also conveyed, gratitude ,to Capra for" one helluva job. " Disillusionment period – 1950s Although It's
  15. Seville, S. A. M., their former owner, and Seville's coat of arms as a sign of, gratitude , On 18 July 2007 it was reported that Cuba will receive 100
  16. Service dogs for people with disabilities. Trixie was a gift from CCI in, gratitude ,of the Koontz's substantial donations, totalling $2,500,000 between 1991 and
  17. And Let was able to give birth to her children on the island. As a gesture of, gratitude , Demos was secured with four pillars. The island later became sacred to Apollo.
  18. On his borders. Schlemiel speaks of this" mighty victory" in terms of fervent, gratitude , and tells how" the arm of Charles Martel saved and delivered the Christian
  19. On an illustrator or cartoonist, his fellows saw his knighting coming as, gratitude ,for“ raising what had been a fairly lowly profession to an unprecedented level
  20. The first part of Psalm 34 is directed toward Yahweh in complete and humble, gratitude ,(David does not even mention his own royal status); the second part
  21. From Greek" " (transliterated as" Eucharistic" ), which means thankfulness, gratitude , giving of thanks. Today," the Eucharist" is the name still used by the
  22. C. As a symbol of friendship between Norway and the US and as an expression of, gratitude ,from Norway for the help received from the US during World War II. The United
  23. Of the good believed to be already present behind the illusory appearance and, gratitude ,for that good. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints With claims of
  24. Of the citizens of Canada, may I extend to you an expression of our combined, gratitude ,and sympathy. Under a wide and starry sky, Dig the grave and let me lie. Glad
  25. Gives his firsthand account of his health problems, his consequent feelings of, gratitude ,towards the scientists, cardiologist,surgeons,EMT's, phlebotomists
  26. Established in 1575 by the Dutch stadtholder, William of Orange, as a token of, gratitude ,for Leiden's fierce resistance against Spain during the Eighty Years War)
  27. The Heracleidae. In another version, Tyndareus gives his kingdom to Heracles in, gratitude ,for restoring him to the throne, but Heracles" asks the Spartan king to
  28. The shimmy" was for long accepted with resignation by the Christians and with, gratitude ,by the Jews" but ceased to be so after the rising power of Christendom and the
  29. 1366-7 there was a general rebellion in Campaign. Despite all and as a mark of, gratitude ,the pope appointed him legate at Bologna in 1367,but he died at Viterbo the
  30. Her and was able to persuade Amphitrite to accept Poseidon's wooing. Out of, gratitude ,the god placed the image of a dolphin among the stars. The second story tells
  31. Attributed to Hecate Lampadephoros (the tale is preserved in the Sudan). In, gratitude ,the Byzantines erected a statue in her honor. As a virgin goddess, she remained
  32. Is blessed. ' That’s always there. It’s a benediction, a transference. It’s, gratitude , really. The more of that a poet keeps, the more genuine his nature ". Walcott
  33. He is having a cup of tea with the Squire, who admits to now owing a debt of, gratitude ,to the Scarecrow.: On November 11, 2008 the Walt Disney company released a
  34. Alexander's dedication of On Fate to Septimius Severus and Caracalla, in, gratitude , for his position at Athens, indicates a date between 198 and 209. A recently
  35. Might. Abacus prayed, and it ceased in consequence. Abacus himself showed his, gratitude ,by erecting a temple to Zeus Panhellenic on mount Panhellenic, and the
  36. A (very) casual observer might think that the machine is actually expressing, gratitude ,; however, the machine is only printing a preprogrammed string of symbols. Where
  37. And made them take a two-thousand word oath of" eternal fidelity" and ", gratitude ," to their" beloved father" and" great liberator" to whom the people owed "
  38. Soviet Congress, the Cheney was dissolved by Visit" with expressions of, gratitude ,for heroic work. " It was replaced by the State Political Administration or GPU
  39. Bribe politicians. Bribery is common in the healthcare system in the form of, gratitude ,payment–92 % of all people think that some payment should be made to the head
  40. Of Czechoslovakia and the consequent disillusion with the Western response and, gratitude ,for the liberation of the major portion of Czechoslovakia by the Red Army, the
  41. Title has justly become part of the English language and is retained here with, gratitude , The phrase" all quiet on the western front" later became popular slang for
  42. Notable example is the anthem" They that go down to the sea in ships. " In, gratitude ,for the providential escape of King Charles II from shipwreck, Gostling, who
  43. Critical of their writers, Groucho and Harp Marx expressed admiration and, gratitude ,towards Kaufman. Dick Caveat, introducing Grouchy onstage at Carnegie Hall in
  44. In the future, Robo is found and repaired by Lucca. He joins the group out of, gratitude , The fiercely confident Ayla dwells in 65,000,000 BC. Unmatched in raw strength
  45. Him to Athens to study Greek and philosophy. The poet later expressed his, gratitude ,in a tribute to his father: If my character is flawed by a few minor faults
  46. The fast is meant to allow Muslims to seek nearness to God, to express their, gratitude ,to and dependence on him, atone for their past sins, and to remind them of the
  47. Piece of legislation, then the newly enfranchised electorate may return their, gratitude ,to the Tories in the form of a Conservative vote at the next general election.
  48. Again, and had to give a radio broadcast (20 November 1958) expressing his, gratitude ,to Auchinleck for having stabilized the front at the First Battle of Altman.
  49. On the pyre. Before dying, Hercules offered his bow and arrows as a token of, gratitude ,to Philoctetes. His father Zeus then turned him into a god. Barbara, after
  50. To her family and friends. The preface, written when Shaw was 49,expresses, gratitude ,to his parents for their support during the lean years while he learned to

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