Examples of the the word, atlas , in a Sentence Context

The word ( atlas ), is the 8007 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In Dial is an operation made up of an array of component operations. When an, atlas ,is applied to a value, each element of the atlas is applied in turn to the
  2. Klein surfaces A Klein surface is, as for Riemann surfaces, a surface with an, atlas ,allowing the transition functions to be composed using complex conjugation. One
  3. Fields is a Banach space. Moreover, the transition maps from one chart of this, atlas ,to another are smooth, making the diffeomorphism group into a Banach manifold.
  4. At the Topeka Palace in Istanbul. His world map is the oldest known Turkish, atlas ,showing the New World, and one of the oldest maps of America still in existence
  5. Attacks atlas ),a large saturnine moth species * Atlas Turtle (Colossochelys, atlas ,), a prehistoric giant tortoise, formerly in the genus Tested Physics * ATLAS
  6. Company, whose first governor was Sebastian Cabot, and commissioned a world, atlas ,from Diego Home. Adventurers like John OK and William Tower son sailed south
  7. S small star atlas of Flambeed. ):: Verzeichniss (Containing the above star, atlas , and including 5,058 stars observed by Flambeed,Hevelius’T. Mayer, de la
  8. At the end of sixteenth century. They were depicted by Johann Bayer in his star, atlas ,Uranometria of 1603. Several more were created by Nicolas Louis de Lacaille in
  9. Portugal c. 1595–1662) Portuguese cartographer author of an important, atlas ,of the Iberian Peninsula and a map of Portugal (1656 *Vessel Gerrit (
  10. Spinal cord and how it is altered during disease or injury. " The spinal cord, atlas ,is set up like the Allen Institute's earlier atlas of the mouse brain. The Map
  11. Complex manifold is complex if and only if it admits a homomorphic coordinate, atlas , An almost Hermitian structure is given by an almost complex structure J, along
  12. Eduard IMHO (1895–1986) – Oversaw the Schweizerischer Mittelschul atlas ,the, atlas ,used in Swiss high schools from 1932 until 1976 *John P. Snyder (1926–1997) –
  13. Was also a brilliant polymath, an astronomer who created a celestial, atlas ,of star maps, wrote a pharmaceutical treatise with related subjects of botany
  14. With Joyous Hindus. The first depiction of this constellation in a celestial, atlas ,was in Johann Bayer's Uranometria of 1603. Notable features The only star in
  15. By Treaty of Ghent after the War of 1812. In 1843 Thompson completed his, atlas ,of the region from Hudson Bay to the Pacific Ocean. Afterwards, Thompson
  16. More Details on Pelvis copy and Hysteroscopy was published in 1976,a slide, atlas ,on pelvis copy, hysteroscopy,and photocopy in 1979,and his books on
  17. And criticism of a subject,2 for a bibliography,5 for a dictionary,6 for an, atlas ,or maps,7 for a periodical,8 for a society or university publication,9 for a
  18. Systematic names by the German astronomer Johann Bayer in 1603,in his star, atlas ,Uranometria (named after Urania, the Greek Muse of Astronomy, along with
  19. An extinct subspecies of the Brown Bear * Atlas Beetle (Chalcosoma, atlas ,), a rhinoceros beetle species * Atlas Cedar, a cedar tree sometimes included
  20. That my next novel would have a different sort of background. " King opened an, atlas ,of the US on the kitchen table and randomly pointed to a location, which turned
  21. Component operations. When an atlas is applied to a value, each element of the, atlas ,is applied in turn to the value to provide an end result. This is used to
  22. Flanders,1527–1598) – Generally recognized as the creator of the first modern, atlas ,*Pedro Panel (Portugal? – c. 1542) – Author of the oldest signed Portuguese
  23. Twice is transformer f (f) twice rest 4,5,6,7,8 | 6 7 8 Atlas An, atlas ,in Dial is an operation made up of an array of component operations. When an
  24. Augsburg city council in 1612 and died in 1625. He is most famous for his star, atlas ,Uranometria, published in 1603,which was the first atlas to cover the entire
  25. The compilation and publication of their research as a comprehensive dialect, atlas ,of the Turkish language. Relics is spoken by immigrants from Amelia, and
  26. Injury. " The spinal cord atlas is set up like the Allen Institute's earlier, atlas ,of the mouse brain. The Map could reveal new treatments for human neurological
  27. Wounded. *1570 – Cartographer Abraham Cornelius issues the first modern, atlas , *1609 – Shakespeare's sonnets are first published in London, perhaps
  28. S globe, the first known depiction of the constellation in a celestial, atlas ,was in Johann Bayer's Uranometria of 1603. Notable features Apes includes two
  29. Himmels atlas (Bode's revised and enlarged edition of Fortin's small star, atlas ,of Flambeed. ):: Verzeichniss (Containing the above star atlas , and including
  30. May be observed in the outer gallery of Angkor Was. * Garuda serves as an, atlas ,supporting a superstructure, as in the bas-relief at Angkor Watt hat depicts
  31. Sometimes included in the Eurasian Pied Flycatcher * Atlas Moth (Attacks, atlas ,), a large saturnine moth species * Atlas Turtle (Colossochelys atlas ),a
  32. Five years after Peter's death, in 1730 on Strahlenberg published a new, atlas ,proposing the Urals as the border of Asia. The Russians were enthusiastic about
  33. And Joyous Hindus. The first depiction of this constellation in a celestial, atlas ,was in Johann Bayer's Uranometria of 1603. This constellation were classified
  34. For use by people with diabetes. *1924 – Rand McNally publishes its first road, atlas , *1927 – The Great Mississippi Flood of 1927,the most destructive river flood
  35. Famous for his star atlas Uranometria, published in 1603,which was the first, atlas ,to cover the entire celestial sphere. It introduced a new system of star
  36. Amsterdam by Places with Joyous Hindus. Its first depiction in a celestial, atlas ,was in Johann Bayer's Uranometria of 1603 where it was also named Dorado. The
  37. Pentathlon, Bennettitales, and Antonia),but not the Gentiles. An, atlas ,is a collection of maps. Atlas may also refer to: Greek mythology * Atlas (
  38. Documents. The Arab geographer Muhammad al-Idrisi produced his medieval, atlas ,Tabular Rogering in 1154. He incorporated the knowledge of Africa, the Indian
  39. Amsterdam by Places with Joyous Hindus. Its first depiction in a celestial, atlas ,was in Johann Bayer's Uranometria of 1603. An alternative name for the
  40. Place of the Year by the Oxford Atlas of the World in 2007. Ben Keen,the, atlas ,'s editor, commented:" In the last two or three decades, global warming has
  41. And Bode himself. ) * 1801 Uranographer five Storm Description (A large star, atlas ,illustrated with twenty copper plates. ): :Allegiance Beschreibung UND
  42. And statesman, author of the Dream Pool Essays, which included a large, atlas ,of China and foreign regions, and also made a three-dimensional raised-relief
  43. Heaven and hell. Garuda and stylized mythological lions are the most common, atlas ,figures at Angkor. * Garuda is depicted in the pose of a victor, often
  44. North America, as separated from East Asia. In his reworking of the Ptolemy, atlas , the continent is labelled simply Terra Incognito (unknown land). Despite the
  45. Slides to teach and inform interested colleagues about his technique. His first, atlas , More Details on Pelvis copy and Hysteroscopy was published in 1976,a slide
  46. Information is called a dictionary. A book which is a collection of maps is an, atlas , A more specific reference book with tables or lists of data and information
  47. River were tributaries of the Niger River. However, the contemporary African, atlas ,of Venetian cartographer Livia Santa, published in 1588,sketches the Senegal
  48. Later republished in several versions of Abraham Ortelius's pioneering world, atlas ," Theater Orbit Terrarium ". External links * * *
  49. Joy" ) for the southern dog, as Canes Venation, the Hunting Dogs, in his star, atlas , In his star catalog, the Czech astronomer Bear assigned Asterion to β CVN
  50. Black made a first detailed map of the island in his famous“ Der Spiegel ”, atlas ,of 1623,establishing its current name. There were also two ships from Dunkirk

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