Examples of the the word, signing , in a Sentence Context

The word ( signing ), is the 8011 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Fierce pre-selection sometimes gives rise to accusations of branch stacking (, signing ,up large numbers of nominal party members to vote in pre-selection ballots)
  2. In the Battle of Frisk. *1320 – The Scots reaffirm their independence by, signing ,the Declaration of Approach. *1327 – The poet Petrarch first sees his idealized
  3. 1835 – The city of Melbourne, Australia is founded. *1842 – Treaty of Banking, signing ,ends the First Opium War. *1861 – American Civil War: US Navy squadron captures
  4. The applicant is truthful to the best of the applicant's knowledge. If, after, signing , such a declaration, the information is found to be deliberately untrue with the
  5. And the Department of National Defense (DND). Canada strongly supports the, signing ,of the Dayton Agreement hoping it can help bring more stability to the region.
  6. I. Since 1947,a major historical re-enactment commemorating the Declaration's, signing ,has been held within the roofless remains of the Abbey church. The celebration
  7. Made known to its customers, the plaintiffs won (some also pointed out that, signing ,on and off did not always take 15 seconds, especially when connecting via
  8. And the club was put into the market, which also saw Roma did not have major, signing ,in 2010–11 season. Co-currently with the collective TV agreement, Roma net loss
  9. Not necessarily improve the lives of people with disabilities. Quotations On, signing ,the measure, George H. W. Bush said: On the debate of what it means to be
  10. A, Ranieri put together a good team centered around new top scorer Batista, signing ,the young talent Run Costa from Benefice and the new world champion Brazilian
  11. In western Bosnia which paved the way to negotiations. In December 1995,the, signing ,of the Dayton Agreement in Dayton, Ohio by the presidents of Bosnia and
  12. a million of them in Confederate territory were freed. Lincoln's comment on the, signing ,of the Proclamation was:" I never, in my life, felt more certain that I was
  13. United in the historic episcopate of the Episcopal Church in 2000,upon the, signing ,of Called to Common Mission. By this document the full communion between the
  14. And published in the Wall Street Journal, which declared the consensus of the, signing ,scholars on the meaning and significance of IQ following the publication of the
  15. Articles, however,were unsigned, and the date was blank. Congress began the, signing ,process by examining their copy of the Articles on June 27, 1778. They ordered
  16. For his" Young Guy" ( Wakadaishō) series of musical comedies, so, signing , him to appear in the film virtually guaranteed Kurosawa strong box-office. The
  17. A local charity, and tells the story of the events which led up to the, signing , This is not an annual event; the most recent performances have been in August
  18. Approximate the hand shape, for example, using one finger instead of three in, signing ,water. Deaf children from deaf families will often" babble" in sign, just as
  19. 1919 that Afghanistan re-gained independence over its foreign affairs after the, signing ,of the Treaty of Rawalpindi. King Manuela moved to end his country's
  20. Aggression against Afghan or British dominions. Only a few weeks after, signing ,the agreement, Shuja was deposed by his predecessor, Mahmud. Much later, he was
  21. It through the Northwest Passage and reached the Pacific Ocean. *1776 – The, signing ,of the United States Declaration of Independence took place. *1798 – French
  22. didn't sign that day, since their delegations were absent. After the first, signing , some delegates signed at the next meeting they attended. For example, John
  23. By having their hands tied behind their backs, so they could not communicate by, signing ,— the only language they knew — and were therefore forced to attempt oral
  24. Recognized as a sovereign state by the international community after the, signing ,of the 1919 Treaty of Rawalpindi. Geography A landlocked mountainous country
  25. On missiles without decrease of comparative strength. Discussions led to the, signing ,of the Strategic Offensive Reductions Treaty in Moscow on May 24, 2002. This
  26. I never, in my life, felt more certain that I was doing right, than I do in, signing ,this paper. " For some time, Lincoln continued earlier plans to set up colonies
  27. ISAF mission in Afghanistan. Belarus first began to cooperate with NATO upon, signing ,documents to participate in their Partnership for Peace Program in 1995.
  28. Neighbors of Croatia, Serbia and Montenegro have been fairly stable since the, signing ,of the Dayton Agreement in 1995. On April 23, 2010,Bosnia and Herzegovina
  29. Of Fix. The conflict was resolved in 1278 with the mediation of Aragon by the, signing ,of the first package which provided that Andorra's sovereignty be shared
  30. Divided, and the King gave a casting vote in the Archbishop's favor, though, signing , also a formal pardon or dispensation. After this the Archbishop seldom appeared
  31. United States Constitution (Governor Morris represented Pennsylvania when, signing ,the Constitution). Presidents of the Congress The following list is of those
  32. August 2000 and 2005 but more are planned. However, a special event to mark the, signing ,is held every year on the 6th of April and involves a street procession and
  33. Bosnian's were killed by the Serbian political authorities. In March 1994,the, signing ,of the Washington Accords between the leaders of the republican government and
  34. Territory to his new godson. The quiet years; Restoration of London With the, signing ,of the Treaty of Alfred and Guthrie, an event most commonly held to have taken
  35. Empires. On August 19, 1919,following the third Anglo-Afghan war and the, signing ,of the Treaty of Rawalpindi, the nation regained control over its foreign
  36. Covered by special emergency warrants as the Executive Council no longer had, signing ,authority because of the constitutional crisis. Campaigning on a platform of
  37. To any Anglo-Saxons residing within Rome from tax or tribute. After the, signing ,of the treaty with Guthrie, Alfred was spared any large scale conflicts for
  38. Their concentration during driving, especially in the decades prior to the, signing ,by former president Ronald Reagan of Executive Order 12564,which initiated
  39. Towns and villages Towns Villages Places of interest *Approach Abbey, place of, signing ,of the Declaration of Approach Council political composition The council is
  40. His knee). Jimmy Hart would later get revenge for the humiliation by secretly, signing ,Tugboat and forming The Natural Disasters. This led to André's final major WWF
  41. Articles was reported to the Continental Congress on February 12. The formal, signing ,of the Articles by the Maryland delegates took place in Philadelphia at noon
  42. New Hampshire ratified the first state constitution, six months before the, signing ,of the Declaration of Independence. Then, in May 1776,Congress voted to
  43. States to ride in an automobile. *1910 – Korea is annexed by Japan with the, signing ,of the Japan–Korea Annexation Treaty, beginning a period of Japanese rule of
  44. Good relations with the United States and other NATO member states since the, signing ,of the Treaty of Rawalpindi in 1919. The United Nations Assistance Mission in
  45. And advance may be paid in two lump sums: the first payment on contract, signing , and the second on delivery of the completed manuscript or on publication. An
  46. The Diamondbacks to call game with his father for the Reds beginning in 2007, signing , a 4-year deal (his FOX duties remained unchanged). The English language
  47. Tarnished when he was found to have taken kickbacks from agent Rune Huge for, signing ,certain players, and he was dismissed in 1995. His replacement, Bruce Rich
  48. Neighbors of Croatia, Montenegro and Serbia have been fairly stable since the, signing ,of the Dayton Agreement in 1995. Foreign relations Bulgaria Bosnia and
  49. As Capone was under the age of 21,his parents had to agree in writing by, signing ,a consent form. Chicago career Capone departed New York for Chicago without his
  50. Amortization fund using art. 18-bis Legged 91/1981 mainly for the abnormal, signing ,in 2002–03 season, ( such as Divide Bombarding for €11 million account value

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