Examples of the the word, committed , in a Sentence Context

The word ( committed ), is the 8008 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The consent of the other person. An injury need not occur for an assault to be, committed , but the force used in the assault must be offensive in nature with an
  2. State, he will be extradited to and tried in the state in which the crime was, committed , # Allocates one vote in the Congress of the Confederation (the" United
  3. Cinemas Apollo also had a lyre-playing contest with Cinemas, his son, who, committed , suicide when he lost. Roman Apollo The Roman worship of Apollo was adopted from
  4. To sacred services, the special charge of the sanctuary and the altar was, committed ,to the Maronite alone (Numbers 18:1-7). The scene of this enactment is
  5. As Mr. Alcott refused to pay his town tax ... After waiting some time to be, committed ,to jail, he was told it was paid by a friend. Thus, we were spared the
  6. Afterward it proves too difficult. " *" An education isn't how much you have, committed ,to memory, or even how much you know. It's being able to differentiate between
  7. Savage violence—what Stephen Prince calls" the countertradition to the, committed , heroic mode of Kurosawa’s cinema"—first appears. According to Donald Richie
  8. Have a prayer asking for forgiveness for one's sins that one may have, committed ,in this Gill or a previous one. Other well-known rabbis who are
  9. 1115,Robert, the founder of Fontevraud Abbey near Chignon and Seymour, France, committed , the government of the whole order, men as well as women, to a female superior.
  10. And after another defeat in Alexandria on 1 August 30 BC, Antony and Cleopatra, committed ,suicide; Antony fell on his own sword and into Cleopatra's arms, while she let
  11. Stationed at the head establishment. All the produce of the monks' labor was, committed ,to him, and by him shipped to Alexandria. The money raised by the sale was
  12. League of Antisemitic" (" Antisemiten-Liga" ), the first German organization, committed ,specifically to combatting the alleged threat to Germany and German culture
  13. Among the labor movement. Four of the men were executed and a fifth, committed ,suicide prior to his own execution. The incident became known as the Haymarket
  14. While trying to consolidate control over northern and western Afghanistan, committed ,systematic massacres against civilians. U. N. officials stated that there had
  15. Of life, and this sensibility ... impedes his efforts to realize a socially, committed ,mode of filmmaking. " Furthermore, the director’s ideal of heroism is subverted
  16. There is no Mrs. McGillicuddy. Miss Marple herself sees an apparent murder, committed ,on a train running alongside hers. Likewise, it is Miss Marple herself who
  17. S family moved to Hamburg. In 1805,Schopenhauer's father may have, committed ,suicide. Shortly thereafter,Schopenhauer's mother Johanna moved to Weimar
  18. Biologists. Aldous had another brother, Noel Trevelyan (1891–1914),who, committed ,suicide after a period of clinical depression. Huxley began his learning in his
  19. Struggled with the stresses of losing her husband and sons, and Robert Lincoln, committed ,her temporarily to a mental health asylum in 1875. Abraham Lincoln suffered
  20. Means by which a fatal dose was delivered. An inquest determined that he had, committed ,suicide, and he was cremated at Working Crematorium on 12 June 1954. Turing's
  21. Affirming the consequent, sometimes called converse error, is a formal fallacy, committed ,by reasoning in the form: #If P, then Q. #Q. #Therefore, P. An argument of this
  22. Order for the appeal to succeed, the appellant must prove that the lower court, committed ,reversible error, that is, an impermissible action by the court acted to cause
  23. Afterwards, he does not want to be interviewed by the police, since he has, committed ,a crime by attempting suicide, and fears arrest. Cottard's personality changes
  24. Little Pigs (aka Murder in Retrospect),in which Poirot investigates a murder, committed ,sixteen years before by analyzing various accounts of the tragedy, is a
  25. Of assault: common assault and battery. Assault (or common assault) is, committed ,if one intentionally or recklessly causes another person to apprehend immediate
  26. To be held, and the punishment inflicted, in the place where the crime had been, committed , He mitigated the use of torture in examining slaves by certain limitations.
  27. A stronger form of assault, usually using a deadly weapon. A person has, committed ,an aggravated assault when that person: * attempts to cause serious bodily
  28. Rationalizing the national purpose and his skill in keeping the border states, committed ,to the Union cause. Although Lincoln's approach to emancipation was slow, the
  29. In the early foundations of parapsychology as a laboratory science, was, committed , to finding scientific evidence for the spiritual existence of humans.
  30. But still convict of common assault if it finds common assault has been, committed , Aggravated assaults; Assault occasioning actual bodily harm: The offense of
  31. The charge proceeds through the court system and the type of assault that is, committed , Some variations on the ordinary felony of assault include: * Assault: The
  32. It was to Aaron’s tribe of Levi that the work of punitive vengeance was, committed ,(Exodus 32:26). Priesthood At the time when the tribe of Levi was set apart
  33. Often rationalizing their actions as justifiable homicide or defense of others, committed ,in order to protect the lives of fetuses. In the United States, four physicians
  34. To lose work, and Akira moved back in with his parents. In July 1933,Halo, committed ,suicide. Kurosawa has commented on the lasting sense of loss he felt at his
  35. Although this has been held to mean no more than that assault" cannot be, committed ,accidentally or recklessly or negligently" as upheld in Lord Advocate's
  36. That he had actually been killing sheep, Ajax was left so ashamed that he, committed ,suicide. Odysseus eventually gave the armor to Neoptolemus, the son of Achilles
  37. The right of a free state to outlaw slavery within its borders. Republicans, committed ,to ending the expansion of slavery were among those opposed to any such right
  38. To the rights established by the state into which he travels. If a crime is, committed ,in one state and the perpetrator flees to another state, he will be extradited
  39. He shot his wife to death, apparently because of mental illness, and he was, committed ,to an institution for the criminally insane for the rest of his life. Namesakes
  40. In October of 42,the Caesarion army was victorious and Brutus and Cassius, committed ,suicide. Mark Antony would later use the examples of these battles as a means
  41. Competing ambitions of its rulers: Lepidus was driven into exile, and Antony, committed ,suicide following his defeat at the Battle of Action by the fleet of Octavian
  42. S power to end slavery was limited by the Constitution, which before 1865, committed , the issue to individual states. He argued before and during his election that
  43. Do not attack the root of the evil. They try to keep prices low while firmly, committed ,to a policy of increasing the quantity of money that must necessarily make them
  44. The Command Module was separated from the Service Module, the astronauts were, committed ,to re-entry. Six minutes before they hit the top of the atmosphere, the crew
  45. Perseverance is also conditioned. Apostasy (turning from Christ) is only, committed ,through a deliberate, willful rejection of Jesus and renunciation of saving
  46. To the lower court's findings of fact (such as whether a defendant, committed ,a particular act),unless clearly erroneous, and so will focus on the court's
  47. Place where the wrongly convicted reside, the fields of sorrow where those who, committed ,suicide and now regret it reside, including Aeneas' former lover, the warriors
  48. Of Venice 1550,the early Italian instigators of the Radical Reformation, committed ,to the views of Serves (d.1553),and these were promulgated by Giorgio
  49. Of equal access for the disabled, it may indeed be necessary and desirable for, committed ,individuals to bring serial litigation advancing the time when public
  50. The later novels are the underlying assumption that particular crimes are only, committed ,by particular types of people. Poirot's methods focus on getting people to

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