Examples of the the word, bodily , in a Sentence Context

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  1. For any animal, survival requires maintaining a variety of parameters of, bodily ,state within a limited range of variation: these include temperature, water
  2. Within the Latin Church, only when death was approaching and, in practice, bodily ,recovery was not ordinarily looked for, Liturgical rites of the Catholic Church
  3. Code. * Assault with a weapon: Section 267 (a) of the Code. * Assault causing, bodily ,harm: See assault causing bodily harm. * Assaulting a peace officer, etc.:
  4. Testing of an individual to determine if he or she is a replica. It measures, bodily ,functions such as respiration," blush response ", heart rate, and eye movement
  5. Or recklessly causing bodily injury to another; or, # negligently causing, bodily ,injury to another with a deadly weapon. Some states also define assault as an
  6. Through traces of his own touch and with his more open attitude toward, bodily ,pose, sensual subject, and non-realistic surface — that marked Rodin's
  7. The emergence of that bodily specialization which constitutes the human brain, bodily ,specialization itself might be said to be outmoded. " A work that Server said
  8. Were able to accurately recount what had happened in the room even though their, bodily ,eyes were closed. Investigation of the afterlife also includes the study of (
  9. As: # an attempt to cause or purposely, knowingly,or recklessly causing, bodily ,injury to another; or, # negligently causing bodily injury to another with a
  10. Churches of Christ Baptism in Churches of Christ is performed only by full, bodily ,immersion, based on the Kline Greek verb baptize which is understood to mean to
  11. Committed an aggravated assault when that person: * attempts to cause serious, bodily ,injury to another person such as in the case of kidnapping * attempts to have
  12. Element one was weakened in most jurisdictions so that a reasonable fear of, bodily ,injury would suffice. These four elements were eventually codified in most
  13. The law also recognizes the crime of assault with intent to cause grievous, bodily ,harm, where grievous bodily harm is defined as" harm which in itself is such
  14. Religious experience as an intensely physical one. Theresa described her, bodily ,reaction to spiritual enlightenment in a language of ecstasy used by many
  15. The brain cavity was tiny and insignificant in comparison to the, bodily ,mass, which was equal to that of the largest rhinoceroses. These animals were
  16. Act 1998.; Racially or religiously aggravated assault occasioning actual, bodily ,harm: This offense is created by section 29 (1) (b) of the Crime and
  17. God more than ourselves and our neighbor, taken as an entirety, more than our, bodily ,life, since the ultimate purpose of love of our neighbor is to share in
  18. Rules of a game (Mixed martial arts, wrestling,boxing, or contact sports), bodily , adornment (R v Wilson),or horseplay (Jones and others). However, any
  19. Offers or attempts, with force or violence, to strike, beat,wound, or do, bodily ,harm to, another. Republic of Ireland Section 2 of the Non-Fatal Offenses
  20. Physical effects of battle can include scars, amputations,lesions, loss of, bodily ,functions, blindness,paralysis — and death. Battles also affect politics. A
  21. God ". Wesley was clear that Christian perfection did not imply perfection of, bodily ,health or an infallibility of judgment. It also does not mean we no longer
  22. Sacraments recognized by the Catholic Church, and is associated with not only, bodily ,healing but also forgiveness of sins. Only ordained priests can administer it
  23. Equal, and so the boat sinks a little to compensate. Blood is a specialized, bodily ,fluid in animals that delivers necessary substances such as nutrients and
  24. The virgin birth; miracles; atonement for sins through the death, burial,and, bodily ,resurrection of Jesus; the Trinity; the need for salvation (through belief in
  25. Occasioning actual bodily harm: The offense of assault occasioning actual, bodily ,harm is created by section 47 of the Offenses against the Person Act 1861.;
  26. Threat displays are sufficient, since most animals try to avoid potential, bodily ,harm. However, the massive strength and size of the brown bear will usually
  27. Culture centered on an experiential sense of self, e. g., language,gesture, bodily ,signification, desires,etc., in a situation in which tensions with British
  28. Section 270 of the Code. * Sexual assault with a weapon or threats or causing, bodily ,harm: Section 272 of the Code. * Aggravated sexual assault: See aggravated
  29. Coney in 1882 found that a bare-knuckle fight was an assault occasioning actual, bodily ,harm, despite the consent of the participants. This marked the end of
  30. Movement at the inception of head motion. What expands the qualities of further, bodily ,response is a very subtle nod forward to counteract a common backward startle
  31. Sensory awareness is a relative sense, not a truthful indicator of factual, bodily ,relationship in space. The current postural attitude is sensed internally as
  32. And battery: a summary offense, under section 43 * Assault occasioning actual, bodily ,harm: under section 47 The Criminal Justice (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (
  33. Is explained almost entirely by his understanding of perception; in this way, bodily ,perception interrelates with the immaterial human intellect. In sense
  34. Argument that there is nowhere else in the book where Job expresses a wish for, bodily ,resurrection, only for someone to intervene as an" umpire ", a " vindicator "
  35. A Defendant has been charged on an indictment with assault occasioning actual, bodily ,harm (ABH),or racially/religiously aggravated assault, then a jury in the
  36. The first evolutionist to recognize clearly that ... with the emergence of that, bodily ,specialization which constitutes the human brain, bodily specialization itself
  37. Feet upon standing, in order to gain a wider base and to avoid situation (, bodily ,oscillations tending to be forward-backward ones). The instability is
  38. Of our neighbor is to share in eternal beatitude, a more desirable thing than, bodily ,well-being. Comte was probably opposing this Thomistic doctrine, which is
  39. Antisemitism on college campuses. It reported that" incidents of threatened, bodily ,injury, physical intimidation or property damage are now rare ", but
  40. Or actual menacing) by placing another person in fear of imminent serious, bodily ,injury. States vary on whether it is possible to commit an" attempted assault
  41. In cases of harm against police officers or other public servants, or for, bodily ,harm stemming from the reckless operation of a motor vehicle. The latter is
  42. Also be considered in cases involving the spitting on, or unwanted exposure of, bodily ,fluids to others. Consent may be a complete or partial defense to assault. In
  43. 267 (a) of the Code. * Assault causing bodily harm: See assault causing, bodily ,harm. * Assaulting a peace officer, etc.: Section 270 of the Code. * Sexual
  44. And working" as well as the operation of several specified" major, bodily ,functions. " Required doctor visits are not to be held against anyone with a
  45. And section 1 (2) (b) makes provision for assault occasioning actual, bodily ,harm, on UN staff. Abolished offense:; Assault on customs and excise officers
  46. Activity with another person under the age of consent * attempts or causes, bodily ,injury to another person with a deadly weapon. Aggravated assault can also be
  47. Assault has been committed. Aggravated assaults; Assault occasioning actual, bodily ,harm: The offense of assault occasioning actual bodily harm is created by
  48. By Euclid and Ptolemy. In" tying the visual perception of space to prior, bodily ,experience, Alhacen unequivocally rejected the intuitiveness of spatial
  49. The crime of assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm, where grievous, bodily ,harm is defined as" harm which in itself is such as seriously to interfere
  50. Persons Act 1978 (c.17) makes provision for assault occasioning actual, bodily ,harm or causing injury on" protected persons" ( including Heads of State).;

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