Examples of the the word, seating , in a Sentence Context

The word ( seating ), is the 8009 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Areas. Later, as airlines began to use the upper-deck for premium passenger, seating ,instead of lounge space, Boeing offered a ten-window upper deck as an option.
  2. 1 catering cars had mixed bogies—a B5 under the kitchen end, and a B4 under the, seating ,end. Some B4 fitted Mark 2s,as well as many B4 fitted Mark 1 BGS were
  3. 75 % of the total drag of the bicycle/rider combination. Drag can be reduced by, seating ,the rider in a more aerodynamic position. Drag can also be reduced by covering
  4. The theater had only one screen, but featured couches and armchairs for, seating , Top employers According to the City's 2009 Comprehensive Annual Financial
  5. state's second-largest sports stadium, Darrell K Royal-Texas Memorial Stadium, seating ,over 101,000 fans. Baseball games are played at UCU Disc–Fall Field which
  6. In 1992. In the U. S. House, the Democrats have held a 34–19 edge since the, seating ,of the 110th United States Congress in 2007. As the result of gerrymandering
  7. Areas. Frame The great majority of today's bicycles have a frame with upright, seating ,which looks much like the first chain-driven bike. Such upright bicycles almost
  8. At the 'Genius Bar' and also in other areas of the store at times when, seating ,is required for a product workshop or special event. Significant buildings
  9. Because it set a precedent for the uniform distribution of accessible, seating ,and gave the DOJ the opportunity to clarify previously unclear rules. The
  10. To increase capacity in rush hours. Carriages are not organized to increase, seating ,capacity even in the case of commuting longer than 50 km and commuters in
  11. Uncomfortable to sit there. They'll move in and take the center seat! " (This, seating ,design can also be found on older New Jersey Transit and Long Island Rail Road
  12. 2009. It is designed by Jean Novel and has four halls with the main auditorium, seating ,1800 people. It serves as the home of the Danish National Symphony Orchestra
  13. All of these routes are flown with CRJ-700 aircraft outfitted with First Class, seating , Also, American is looking to refurbish the Admirals Club at LaGuardia and find
  14. Miro Fischer. The policy was dropped in August 2010 with the airline instead, seating ,unaccompanied minors in a non-discriminatory manner near the cabin crew.
  15. Fuel capacity and greater payload capability. With increased economy class, seating , up to 498 passengers could be carried in early versions and more than 550 in
  16. By ARTE are currently used in Apple stores across the world to serve as, seating ,for customers. Finished in black lacquer, the stools are used to seat customers
  17. The pitch unlike the other 3 stands. It contains the corporate hospitality, seating ,alongside Fulham fans. Jimmy Hill once referred to the Riverside being" a bit
  18. The roof of the lower court which forms the central terrace, with serpentine, seating ,round its edge. Image: Goelbench06390140. JPG|The unique shape of the
  19. Long-distance trains. Cars may be single- or double-level, and aim to provide, seating ,for all. Compared to intercity trains, they have less space, fewer amenities
  20. 1983. It included a stretched upper deck, increased cruise speed and increased, seating ,capacity. Passenger, short range and combination freighter-passenger versions
  21. Stadium, the largest American football stadium in the world with a 109,901, seating , capacity. The stadium is colloquially known as" The Big House. " Crisper Arena
  22. Accordingly, the ballparks were expanded, sometimes by building outfield, seating ,which shrunk the size of the outfield and made home run hitting more practical.
  23. Are less cumbersome when carried aboard. Los Angeles removed a small amount of, seating ,on some trains to make more room for bicycles and wheelchairs. Bicycles offer
  24. As the Palace of Daphne. Nearby was the vast Hippodrome for chariot-races, seating ,over 80,000 spectators, and the famed Baths of Zeuxippus. At the western
  25. Deck to serve as a first class lounge or (as is the general rule today) extra, seating , and to allow the aircraft to be easily converted to a cargo carrier by
  26. And lived like simple beggars, disposing the incumbent Bishop of Norwich and, seating ,the abbot in his place, thus the dual title still held to this day.
  27. From light rail or rapid transit (metro rail) systems by: *providing more, seating ,and less standing room, for the longer distances involved *having (in most
  28. Design included a full-length double-deck fuselage with rows of eight-across, seating ,and two aisles on the lower deck and seven-across seating and two aisles on the
  29. Are read electronically when passing through the gates. Where the new plastic, seating ,lies (in front of the wooden seats),originally was a standing area. Children
  30. In order to monitor surface temperature, as well as probes set up in the, seating ,area (to monitor humidity) and in the compressor room (to monitor brine
  31. DME) * Seating products that assist people to sit comfortably and safely (, seating ,systems, cushions,therapeutic seats). * Standing products to support people
  32. The number of tickets distributed to spectators is equal to or greater than the, seating ,capacity at Fenway Park. The 2008 seating capacity is 36,984 for day games and
  33. I program – the highest level – playing in huge stadiums, six of which have, seating ,capacity exceeding 100,000. In many cases, college stadiums employ bench-style
  34. Configuration on the Boeing 777,an aircraft which is designed for nine-abreast, seating , This utilized specially built narrow seats and aisles, and was applied to
  35. Reserved exclusively for walkers, cyclists,and those lounging in temporary, seating ,placed by the City. The City decided that the experiment was successful and
  36. In March 2001,it was revealed that British Airways has a policy of not, seating ,adult male passengers next to children who are sitting by themselves, even if a
  37. Here are exhibited in the Museum of Anatolian Civilizations (see above). The, seating ,area is still under excavation. Temple of Augustus and Rome The temple, also
  38. The minimum requirements seem to have been a meeting room with adequate, seating , a case for the Torah scroll, and a raised platform for the reader. Jesus
  39. 5.64 m (222 in) diameter circular fuselage section for 8-abreast passenger, seating ,and wide enough for 2 LD3 cargo containers side-by-side * Structures made from
  40. Concessions and parking. Additionally, the distribution of the accessible, seating ,was at issue, with nearly all the seats being provided in the end-zone areas.
  41. About the composition of those audiences. They were certainly huge, with, seating , for at least 10 000 at the Theatre of Dionysus, but it is not certain that they
  42. Since removed this unpopular arrangement and returned to standard nine-abreast, seating , Seating policies In March 2001,it was revealed that British Airways has a
  43. The only gearing option with a shaft drive is to use a hub gear. Steering and, seating ,The handlebars turn the fork and the front wheel via the stem, which rotates
  44. Rows of eight-across seating and two aisles on the lower deck and seven-across, seating ,and two aisles on the upper deck. However, concern over evacuation routes and
  45. Capacity exceeding 100,000. In many cases, college stadiums employ bench-style, seating , as opposed to individual seats with backs and arm rests. This allows them to
  46. In a ball that traveled farther when hit. The construction of additional, seating ,to accommodate the rising popularity of the game often had the effect of
  47. Is equal to or greater than the seating capacity at Fenway Park. The 2008, seating , capacity is 36,984 for day games and 37,400 for night games. " That is: a
  48. Of the 747-300 in 1980. The resulted from Boeing studies to increase the, seating ,capacity of the 747. Solutions such as fuselage plugs and extending the upper
  49. For hosting regular AFL pre-season matches, with an aim to accommodate, seating ,for 20,000 people. The Ballarat Football League (founded 1893) is a strong
  50. Mount Clear Secondary College) – Seating 350 * Mechanics Institute hall (, seating ,700) is used from time to time for travelling performances and cinema shows.

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