Examples of the the word, protester , in a Sentence Context

The word ( protester ), is the 8002 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In the city, in July 2001,was overshadowed by violent protests, with one, protester , Carlo Giuliani, killed amid accusations of police brutality. In 2007 15
  2. Dargie's winning portrait, the seventh time he had been awarded the prize. One, protester ,tied a sign around her dog which said" Winner Archibald Prize – William Doggie
  3. 1898–1984),Nobel Laureate 1977 *Muhammad Ali, ( born 1942),boxer, war, protester , civil rights protester , and poet *James Alexander Allan (1889–1956)
  4. Was already preparing for retirement. In 1996,Chrétien was confronted by a, protester , Bill Bennett, during a walkabout in Hull, Quebec. The prime minister
  5. In Michelangelo Antonioni's 1970 film Brickie Point, as an arrested student, protester , Not happy with the roles being offered to him, Ford became a self-taught
  6. Shirts" and for the government, by unknown gunmen killing one pro-government, protester , the government stated that the Red Shirts protester s were firing the weapons
  7. Near Athabasca. Klein defended his actions by noting that it was the, protester ,who made the offensive gesture first. A supporter of Klein's later purchased
  8. Face, in protest over his support for a third runway at Heathrow Airport. The, protester ,was cautioned on 9 April for causing" harassment, alarm or distress ". In a
  9. Mid- to late 1950s that was popular amongst the nuclear disarmament and antiwar, protester ,subculture. Folk rock songs like Bob Dylan's 1963 Masters of War and A Hard
  10. Karatzaferis, Greek politician *1948 – Jan Palace, Czechoslovakian student, protester ,(d. 1969) *1949 – Eric Carmen, American singer and guitarist (Raspberries)
  11. Most famously the Serjeant-at-Arms at the Palace of Westminster, after a, protester ,got past the security, were described in the media as" middle-aged men in
  12. The Rosario Front said Moroccan security forces had killed a 26-year-old, protester , at the camp, a claim denied by Morocco. Protesters in Anyone threw stones at
  13. Episodes always ended with the castaways still stuck on the island). The, protester ,was played by Russell Johnson, who portrayed the Professor on Gilligan. During
  14. Recorded performances to reveal a complex man who was at once poet, musician, protester , idealist, itinerant hobo, and folk legend. In 2003,Jimmy Leave produced a
  15. Antisemitic attitudes created a climate hostile to Jewish professors. One young, protester ,reportedly demanded:" Aryan students want Aryan mathematics and not Jewish
  16. Desert Storm) while a member of the House in 1991 and was a very vocal, protester ,against the Vietnam War in the 1970s. Boxer is a cosponsor of S. 495,or the
  17. And thus not protected speech. The majority disagreed and stated that the, protester ,'s speech was not personal but public, and that local laws which can shield
  18. Screenplay (2010) Television * The Beverly Hillbillies - Jethro's College, protester ,friend (1969) * The Rockford Files – Larry 'King' Stuyvesant (1974) * All
  19. Trek by sparking the Regina Riot, in which one city police officer and one, protester ,were killed. The Trek, which had been organized to call attention to the
  20. That she and Albert had acquired in 1847,Balm oral Castle. In March 1864,a, protester ,stuck a notice on the railings of Buckingham Palace that announced" these
  21. The Rosario Front said Moroccan security forces had killed a 26-year-old, protester , at the camp, a claim denied by Morocco. Protesters in Anyone threw stones at
  22. All Dogs Go to Heaven" and" Partial Terms of Endearment ", as himself and a, protester ,) * Seth MacFarlane's Cavalcade of Cartoon Comedy (2009) (voice) *
  23. Versions of this term are" Two Jabs" ( following his retaliation against a, protester ,farmer in 2001);" Two Shags" ( in reference to his affair with his diary
  24. Security (the experience of the Belgian police in dealing with protester s (a, protester ,in Gothenburg was shot by police) ) as well as Brussels having fixed
  25. National attention. One of the victims, James Bouillon, was a pro-life, protester ,who was widely known for his highly vocal and visible public demonstrations
  26. At Berkeley, she became embittered by the" Bloody Thursday" incident where a, protester ,was killed. The two became lovers and Soltysik and Refreeze created the first
  27. Jump were both born in the town. * David Chick - Infamous rather than famous, protester ,; dressed up as Spider-Man, scaled a crane in London to protest for rights to
  28. The planned Heathrow Airport expansion. On 6 March 2009,the environmental, protester ,Leila Been of anti-aviation group Plane Stupid approached him outside a summit
  29. One of the more noted events of a quiet campaign was when a countryside, protester ,Craig Evans threw an egg at Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott in RHEL;
  30. This intervention had little impact on the protests. On April 6,1970, a, protester ,was killed by the police. This was followed on April 13 by the resignation of
  31. Had implied they did not exist. Stevenson was hit by an anti-United Nations, protester ,in Dallas, Texas,on October 24, 1963,one month before the assassination of
  32. Laureate 1977 *Muhammad Ali, ( born 1942),boxer, war protester , civil rights, protester , and poet *James Alexander Allan (1889–1956),Australian poet *Damask Alonso
  33. London, a " ring of steel" was formed around the Flame to protect it, but one, protester , Ian Harold Brown, managed to grab hold of the torch while it was being held by
  34. December 1982,the Washington Monument was" held hostage" by a nuclear arms, protester , Norman Mayer, claiming to have explosives in a van he drove up to the monument
  35. 1969) was recorded for husband David Harris, a prominent anti-Vietnam War, protester ,eventually imprisoned for draft resistance. Harris, a country-music fan, turned
  36. Because the community views the work in the same vein as that of the civil, protester ,who marches in the street—such protest are impermanent but effective
  37. It was rebuilt after a terrible fire in 1994 caused by a flare fired by a, protester ,during a demonstration. It houses the Rennes Court of Appeal. Basilica
  38. Blood on the aircraft's fuselage, following an earlier incident in which a, protester ,had thrown red paint over the gallery's carpeting. On 18 May 1998,the
  39. Raus! Singer rats! " (" Singer out! ") When Singer attempted to respond,a, protester ,jumped on stage and grabbed his glasses, and the host ended the lecture. The
  40. Songwriter (b. 1903) * January 19 – Jan Palace, Czech student, protester ,(suicide) (b. 1948) * January 25 – Irene Castle, English dancer (b. 1893)
  41. And chanted" Fight AIDS, not Arabs" during the show's introduction. One, protester ,was seen on camera just as Rather began speaking. Rather immediately called for
  42. Louise Smith (later Mary Louise Smith Ware) (born 1937) is a civil rights, protester , She is famous as one of the pre-Rosa Parks women who refused to give up their
  43. Of the Republic. In July 2000,Juan Carlos was the target of an enraged, protester ,when Juan María Fernández y Crohn, who had previously tried to take the life of
  44. The confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor after she and another, protester ,started yelling during the opening statement of Senator Al Frankel (D-, July
  45. He was killed instantly. The priest, Richard F. Morris roe, grabbed the other, protester ,and ran. Coleman shot Morris roe, wounding him in the lower back. In June 1965
  46. The fifteen deputies of 1874,1881,1884 (but one) and 1887 were called, protester ,deputies (for: deputes protestations) because they expressed to the
  47. In 1934,BUF stewards violently ejected anti-fascist disruptors, with one, protester ,claiming to have lost an eye, and this led the Daily Mail to withdraw its
  48. Or sang was scriptural. And I didn't speak against the church. I wasn't a, protester , I wasn't ANTI anything, but I was FOR Jesus. " A widespread ban on Norman's
  49. Totalling $42,000. " However, continues the article," Kent Having, a tax, protester , makes a substantial amount of money ". The Pensacola News Journal noted," On
  50. Advertisers to put ads on the back of famous San Francisco eccentric and alien, protester ,Frank Chu's sign. In June 2006,Quiz nos revealed their new slogan:" Eat Up ".

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