Examples of the the word, temper , in a Sentence Context

The word ( temper ), is the 6619 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. To bring about other metallurgical effects (hardening, annealing,and drawing, temper ,as examples). The forge fire in this type of forge is controlled in three ways
  2. Star player, before 1985 he was regarded as a player with talent but with a bad, temper ,and a lack of consistency, a player who failed when Millionaires gave him a
  3. Beagles are intelligent, and are popular as pets because of their size, even, temper , and lack of inherited health problems. These characteristics also make them
  4. Notably the 'damn good thrashing' scene in Gourmet Night where Basil loses his, temper ,and attacks his car with a tree branch which was filmed at the T-junction of
  5. Resolution. Donald has to agree but points early on that Daisy herself has the, temper ,of a" wild-eyed wildcat ". Her next appearance by Barks in" Biceps Blues" (
  6. His musical talents, he was sometimes feared for his occasional violent onstage, temper , which was at times directed at members of his band, and other times aimed at
  7. Scenes of war and human debasement. This evolution reflects the darkening of his, temper , Modern physicians suspect that the lead in his pigments poisoned him and
  8. And the Spanish nation between whom was mutual misunderstanding and ill, temper , Charles was outraged, and upon their return in October, he and Buckingham
  9. Seed" chocolate. The temper of chocolate can be measured with a chocolate, temper ,meter to ensure accuracy and consistency. A sample cup is filled with the
  10. She and Donald have a date in a restaurant wherein they both end up with a bad, temper , Their relationship problems were also focused on in Donald's Double Trouble (
  11. Fluid," replying that the frog's legs responded to differences in metal, temper , composition, and bulk. By the 1810s William Hyde Williston made improvements
  12. In need of anger management training. There is a continuation regarding her, temper ,at one episode in Mickey Mouse Works where she and Donald have a date in a
  13. Claudius himself acknowledged the latter trait, and apologized publicly for his, temper ,). To them, he was also overly trusting, and easily manipulated by his wives and
  14. Impatient of the slightest crossing, and subject to violent outbursts of, temper ,". Its consequences may have led to the social isolation which made his life's
  15. Common variant is introducing already temper ed, solid " seed" chocolate. The, temper ,of chocolate can be measured with a chocolate temper meter to ensure accuracy
  16. Personnel, and thus had significant reliability problems. Poole's legendary, temper ,and unwillingness to suffer fools gladly did not help matters. By the time of
  17. Pursuit of important commissions, Borromini was both melancholic and quick in, temper ,which resulted in him withdrawing from certain jobs, and his death was by
  18. Such as the cooling southwest breezes off Lake Erie in summer that gently, temper ,the warmest days. As a result, the Buffalo station of the National Weather
  19. Service the scum of the earth as common soldiers ". Although later, when his, temper ,had cooled, he extended his comment to praise the men under his command saying
  20. Before," and" whose primary impulse is to smash the world. " The Thing has a, temper , and the Human Torch resents being a child among adults. Mr. Fantastic blames
  21. Disappointment, Hume later wrote," Being naturally of a cheerful and sanguine, temper , I soon recovered from the blow and prosecuted with great ardor my studies in
  22. A writer’s mood. Emoticons are often used to alert a responder to the tenor or, temper ,of a statement, and can change and improve interpretation of plain text. The
  23. Reviewers; for example, the New York Times wrote that a" spiteful and shallow, temper ,... pervades the book ", while The New Republic opined," it is unfortunate for
  24. These dogs are suited to city dwelling. Temperament The Beagle has an even, temper ,and gentle disposition. Described in several breed standards as" merry ", they
  25. Consuls. According to Famous' biographer Plutarch, Fabius possessed a mild, temper ,and slowness in speaking. As a child, he had difficulties in learning, which
  26. Exhibition. She wrote,“ Fleury is much less benign than Bouguereau and don’t, temper ,his securities…he hinted of possibilities before me and as he rose said the
  27. Naration. As of this date, this recording has not been issued. Personality and, temper ,As respected as Mingus was for his musical talents, he was sometimes feared for
  28. The Royalist generals wanted to fight Essex before he grew too strong, and the, temper ,of both sides made it impossible to postpone the decision. In the Earl of
  29. Managed to be an intimidating figure with his height, facial scars and volatile, temper , It was rumored that he was responsible for Adolf Eichmann's failure to attain
  30. And illustrated by Al Taliaferro. She was seemingly soft-spoken but had a fiery, temper ,and Donald often found himself a victim to her rage. For example one strip had
  31. And for his" folly and stupidity ". Clinton's response, once he recovered his, temper , was to issue another proclamation little different from the first. Allen's
  32. To tone down his beatings. Goldman later speculated that her father's furious, temper ,was at least partly a result of sexual frustration. Lena, however,was distant
  33. Must be ill, or he would not be acting like this. The chief clerk loses his, temper ,and tells Gregor that he is shocked by his attitude, insisting that his
  34. An origin of this practice:" He who becomes harsh in speech, or violent in, temper , he who seduces or abducts other people's women or robs the wealth that
  35. And shoplifting, respectively,and Misspelled had a reputation for his, temper ,and for engaging in fistfights with other teenagers at school. Misspelled and
  36. V. After this point, any excessive heating of the chocolate will destroy the, temper ,and this process will have to be repeated. However, there are other methods of
  37. Is much more aggressive and unpleasant than his two predecessors. He has a bad, temper , is unpleasant to the staff and is unashamedly. He is however, like his
  38. Then Donald. In Cured Duck Daisy even gives Donald an ultimatum regarding his, temper , Daisy herself sometimes exhibits a temper , but she has much greater self
  39. Donald an ultimatum regarding his temper . Daisy herself sometimes exhibits a, temper , but she has much greater self-control than Donald. Appearance In the early
  40. It. She demonstrates that the locking mechanism was on and criticizes his, temper , She refuses to date Donald again until he learns to manage his anger. She
  41. Displayed the failings and transgressions of the deities. Finally, losing her, temper , Athena destroyed Arachne's tapestry and loom, striking it with her shuttle.
  42. Band in 1953,as a substitute for bassist Wendell Marshall. Mingus's notorious, temper ,led to him being one of the few musicians personally fired by Ellington (
  43. These traits proceeded from stability, greatness of mind, and lion-likeness of, temper , According to accounts, by the time he reached adulthood, his virtues exerted
  44. Player Bell woos to his school with gifts and other perks. The coach's, temper ,and wardrobe seem to be modeled after Knight's, but at no time has Knight been
  45. And it was unlikely that anyone would ever buy a copy. In a fit of, temper ,Arthur Schopenhauer told her that his work would be read long after the rubbish
  46. And they began to treat the tribes with more violence. Columbus tried to, temper ,this when he and his men departed from Quisqueya — as the Taints called the
  47. Learns to manage his anger. She claims Donald does not see her losing her own, temper , Donald agrees to her terms and follows the surreal method of mail ordering an
  48. Childe's tomb and beats his servant. He is depicted as a victim of his own bad, temper ,rather than a sadist. Malherbe is introduced as the younger son of a noble
  49. And was not afraid to criticize his nation's government, although he had to, temper ,his remarks to some extent in order to travel abroad. Rather than leaving his
  50. Working class or foreign). Requests both reasonable and impossible test his, temper , Even the afflicted seem to annoy him, with the episode" Communication

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