Examples of the the word, inject , in a Sentence Context

The word ( inject ), is the 6617 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. To the highest bidder by the Bank. The Stock Exchange add-on serves to, inject ,more money into the game,similarly to railroad properties, as well
  2. Whether it is used or not. Ultrasonic transducers, for example, can, inject , ultrasound waves into the body, receive the returned wave, and convert it to an
  3. From the base of the structure, rather than from the tip, which is used only to, inject ,venom. The sting is typically used to immobilize prey, but in some wasps and
  4. Into the banking system whereas the Term Securities Lending Facility is used to, inject ,treasury securities into the banking system. Creation of the third tool, called
  5. Pharmacology a new drug and, inject ,it into animals. Such scans are referred to as biodistribution studies. The
  6. In Europe, Canada and Australia are safe inject ion sites where users can, inject ,diacetylmorphine and cocaine under the supervision of medically trained staff.
  7. That stretches from Texas to Florida. Beginning in fall 2007,the project will, inject ,CO2 at the rate of one million tons per year, for up to 1.5 years, into brine
  8. Water, etc.). Movies bacteriophages use a hypodermic syringe-like motion to, inject ,their genetic material into the cell. After making contact with the appropriate
  9. Agreed to a number of arrangements whereby the Qatar Investment Authority would, inject ,a large amount of capital, and Porsche would be merged with Volkswagen Group.
  10. To use new needles, syringes,spoons/steri-cups and filters every time they, inject ,and not share these with other users. Users are also encouraged to not use it
  11. 10) # → 19 On the first pass, the block receives 10 (the argument to, inject ,) as sum, and 1 (the first element of the array) as element; this returns 11.
  12. Of semiconductor materials. The high-energy electrons from the SEM beam will, inject ,charge carriers into the semiconductor. Thus, beam electrons lose energy by
  13. Uses a Range (3.6). Each # → 3 # → 4 # → 5 # → 6 A method such as, inject ,() can accept both a parameter and a block. Inject iterates over each member
  14. Sick. He also found that he could grow the bacteria in a nutrient broth, then, inject , it into a healthy animal, and cause illness. Based on these experiments, he
  15. He also spoke of having planned to tour the world with a musical and wanting to, inject ,more comedy into the entertainment business. The dark and violent nature of the
  16. Been essential. However, it was Macleod's research plan and his suggestion to, inject ,intravenous degenerated pancreas into depancreatinized dogs that ultimately led
  17. To receive free diacetylmorphine. However, Danish addicts will only be able to, inject ,heroin according to the policy set by Danish National Board of Health. Of the
  18. Stories that Bogart got the scar during wartime were made up by the studios to, inject ,glamour. His post-service physical makes no mention of the lip scar even though
  19. Hooks: Allow introspection and behavior modification of service calls to, inject ,security or dynamicism * Conditional Permissions: Support negative permissions
  20. This contrasting behavior, and also points out that the two different ways to, inject ,heroin comes with different health risks. Skin-popping more often results in
  21. On the engine's level of noise and vibration and thus instruct the ECU to, inject ,the minimum amount of fuel that will produce quiet combustion and still provide
  22. To drive one or more fans, which provide thrust. An afterburner may be used to, inject ,extra fuel into the hot exhaust, especially on military" fast jets ". Jet
  23. Portions of the monitor to be overlaid by the user. This can be used to, inject ,code into the monitor that will permit the user to seize control of the machine
  24. Have begun funding programs that supply sterile needles to people who, inject ,illegal drugs in an attempt to reduce these contingent risks and especially the
  25. Structure that pathogenic germs such as Salmonella and Yersinia pests use to, inject ,toxins into living eukaryote cells. The needle's base has ten elements in
  26. On nectar and pollen. A number of species are parasitic as larvae. The adults, inject ,the eggs into a paralyzed host, which they begin to consume after hatching.
  27. Illegal performance-enhancing drugs. I have never inject ed myself or had anyone, inject ,me with anything. I have not broken the laws of the United States or the laws
  28. Was known as spiked beer or needle beer, so called because a needle was used to, inject ,alcohol through the cork of the bottle or keg. Food critic and writer Waverley
  29. Take Mayerson back to Earth but refuses to after learning that Mayerson did not, inject ,himself with the virus. Mayerson is now confident that Bolero will kill
  30. Conscription to Mars but Bolero recruits him as a double agent. Mayerson is to, inject ,himself with a virus after taking Chew-Z, which will deceive the UN into
  31. Life form in history by creating a synthetic chromosome, which they plan to, inject ,into the M. genitalia bacterium, with potential to result in an artificial
  32. Of Gothenburg and In ocean AB. The proposal intends to use wind-driven pumps to, inject ,oxygen (air) into waters at, or around,130 m below sea level The low salinity
  33. Gorchakov, at the time on a state visit to Germany, seized the opportunity to, inject ,themselves as European peacemakers. This action initiated a lasting
  34. Consist of three sections; an inlet to compressed oncoming air, a combustor to, inject ,and combust fuel, and a nozzle expel the hot gases and produce thrust. Ramjets
  35. Planets. * In Greg Bear's" The Forge Of God" ( 1987),alien aggressors, inject ,two high-mass weapons made of neutron and antineutron into the Earth
  36. She scored a couple of huge hits," Hero" and" Dream lover ", where she did, inject ,some personality and intensity into the leads. Most other times, Carey blended
  37. 1000 based on the apparent success of the program. Participants are allowed to, inject ,diacetylmorphine in specially designed pharmacies for 15 Swiss francs per day.
  38. Between these two facilities is that the Term Auction Facility is used to, inject ,cash into the banking system whereas the Term Securities Lending Facility is
  39. Insulin inject ions. This device is useful for people who regularly forget to, inject ,themselves or for people who don't like inject ions. This machine does the
  40. In functional programming languages. For example: 1,3,5., inject ,(10) # → 19 On the first pass, the block receives 10 (the argument to
  41. Salt form, requiring just water to dissolve. Users tend to initially, inject ,in the easily accessible arm veins, but as these veins collapse over time
  42. Per mole of carbon monoxide. One way of dealing with the excess hydrogen is to, inject ,carbon dioxide into the methanol synthesis reactor, where it, too,reacts to
  43. Nicotine),or illegal (e.g. heroin and cocaine). For example, people who, inject ,illicit drugs can minimize harm to both themselves and members of the community
  44. Or limited light exposure. To increase yield further, some sealed greenhouses, inject ,carbon dioxide into their environment to help growth (enrichment),add lights
  45. Coverage and high correction. Many people on MDI regimens carry insulin pens to, inject ,their rapid-acting insulin instead of traditional syringes. Some people on an
  46. Methods Some bodybuilders, particularly at professional level, inject ,substances such as" site enhancement oil ", commonly known as menthol, too
  47. Hathaway offered then to buy out the fund's partners for $250 million, to, inject ,$3.75 billion and to operate LTCM within Goldman's own trading division. The
  48. And radio waves to provide detailed images of the blood vessels. Doctors may, inject ,a" contrast agent" into the patient's bloodstream that causes vascular
  49. To employ fungal cytotoxic, DNA reverse transcription mutation agents (to, inject ,false memories and appearances in order to forestall recognition and testimony
  50. Of Columbia, the newly (and frequently) revived campus humor magazine both, inject ,humor into local life. Other publications include The Columbian, the

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