Examples of the the word, thereto , in a Sentence Context

The word ( thereto ), is the 12160 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Proposing to authorize the use of the Deposited Book with certain amendments, thereto ,which were set out in a Schedule to Measure. This Measure again was approved by
  2. Of administration describing the boundaries thereof and assigning names, thereto , Transborder (Article 25) Under the terms of the McMahon-Hussein
  3. Brother Ernest Duet, only some three years his senior, who was trying," and, thereto ,soberly," to make a living as a journalist in Paris. Alphonse took to writing
  4. Examination of any such application does not reach such decision with respect, thereto , it shall notify the applicant thereof, shall fix and give notice of a time and
  5. State Highway and Transportation Officials can reach agreement with reference, thereto ,". New additions to the system must serve more than one state and "
  6. Yet, considering I am God's creature, ordained to obey His appointment, I will, thereto ,yield, desiring from the bottom of my heart that I may have assistance of His
  7. Couplet with his Crystalline, where euphony is the key component and a title, thereto ,optional. An early example of this euphony, in a couplet form can be found in
  8. Reading of the indictment ... to the defendant ... and call on him to plead, thereto , He/she shall be given a copy of the indictment ... before he/she is called
  9. Common Criteria MRA (Mutual Recognition Arrangement),whereby each party, thereto ,recognizes evaluations against the Common Criteria standard done by other
  10. Complaining party files an action and then fails to cause the papers pertaining, thereto ,to be served on the opposing party within the time established by local rules
  11. The notion of the rule of law and divine order, or else is an obdurate enemy, thereto , could take upon himself to want to interfere with that law, which is the
  12. Approves the Statutes and By-Laws of the Union (and amendments proposed, thereto ,) and elects various committees. The right to vote on matters brought before
  13. King will frame all his actions to be according to the law, yet is he not bound, thereto ,but of his good will ..." James also had printed his Defense of the Right of
  14. Its headquarters, hangars,training centers, and flight simulators adjacent, thereto , and reflects its ties to Love Field in its ticker symbol (Love). Operations
  15. Surroundings of the Falls of Niagara, rather than to attempt to add anything, thereto ,", and the report anticipated fundamental questions. How would preservationists
  16. And signed off in the course of the collaboration or correspondence relating, thereto , The parties are in control of the time they are prepared to give their
  17. And to provide for the payment of the same and other matters relating, thereto ," (which was later amended by Section Five of the" Compromise Act" of April
  18. Weeds, barnacles,and every other foulness which usually does or may adhere, thereto , This patent was filed in 1791 and although it was not developed at the time
  19. To safeguard classified equipment, material,and documents from access, thereto ,or observation thereof by unauthorized persons. * Traffic-flow security:
  20. While the Capitol, the Navy Yard, the Magazine, and the buildings attached, thereto , on Greenleaf's Point, were entirely in flames, I was sitting in the window of
  21. Other disciplines. Following is an index of specific terminology applicable, thereto , 0-9 180 degree rule - 30 degree rule A and B editing - A roll - Accelerated
  22. Protection of the Holy Places against desecration, as well as freedom of access, thereto , Israel agreed to leave administration of the site in the hands of the Waif.
  23. His widow, Irene of Athens, as regent for her son, began its restoration, moved, thereto , by personal inclination and political considerations. When, in 784,the
  24. Immovable property) is the combination of interests in land and improvements, thereto , and personal property is interested in movable property. Real property rights
  25. And in case the person offending is an attorney, he or she may, in addition, thereto ,be disbarred from practicing law within this state. " Barbary (in the sense
  26. The physicians who had the care of them; and he regulated the expenses relative, thereto , He had the charge of providing carriages, bathhouses and the proper tools for
  27. To preserve the political independence and stability of Bulgaria. With a view, thereto , Boris made arrangements for the establishment of two literary schools (
  28. Or restrains her;:: (b) levies war against Canada or does any act preparatory, thereto ,; or:: (c) assists an enemy at war with Canada, or any armed forces against
  29. Death,Æthelflæd freely gave London and Oxford, with the lands belonging, thereto , to her brother in Wessex as a token of loyalty. She then concentrated on
  30. External aggression, insurgency,terrorism and encroachment. In addition, thereto ,the AFL shall respond to natural disasters and engage in other civic works as
  31. Of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland and Ireland, and the dominions, thereto ,belonging, for his life. The replacement constitution of 1657,the Humble
  32. Editorial judgment as to the most musical of permutations and processes leading, thereto , One example of permutation fugue can be seen in the opening chorus of Bach’s
  33. The style and title of a Constitution for the United States, and of amendments, thereto , they constituted a general government for special purposes, delegated to that
  34. Remains the public religion of the State. Those inhabitants, who confess, thereto , are bound to raise their children to the same. Jesuits and monastic orders are
  35. By the universally accepted paradigm within which scientific progress has, thereto ,been made. The paradigm, in Kuhn's view, is not simply the current theory, but
  36. The Church of Scientology, which claims exclusive intellectual property rights, thereto ,and is viewed by many as a dangerous cult. The newsgroup has become the focal
  37. Rivers Io manes and Ganges, where both meet together,225 miles, and many put, thereto ,13 miles more *and so to the mouth of the Ganges where he fallen into the sea
  38. Remains the public religion of the State. Those inhabitants, who confess, thereto , are bound to raise their children to the same. Jesuits and monastic orders are
  39. To. " The House then voted on that question and on other questions related, thereto ,; the decisions on these questions constituted the House's formal judgment. If
  40. Will follow. ATC will assign altitudes in its initial clearance or amendments, thereto , and navigational charts indicate minimum safe altitudes for airways. The
  41. The Heisenberg uncertainty principle (but not really mathematically equivalent, thereto , since H and t are not dynamically conjugate variables, neither in classical
  42. Not possess a central bank was Brazil, which subsequently developed a precursor, thereto ,in 1945 and the present central bank twenty years later. Having gained
  43. Of Pollution from Ships,1973,as modified by the Protocol of 1978 relating, thereto ,(MARPOL 73/78),London 1973 and 1978. *International Convention for the
  44. And the Standing Committee on Highways can reach agreement with reference, thereto ,". Naming The official route log, last published by AAS HTO in 1989,has been
  45. Dining services, games,lawn tennis, and the entire social advantages attendant, thereto , The club’s privileges were also open to members’ families. In 1912,the John
  46. Of other powers, not granted by the said compact, the states, who are parties, thereto , have the right, and are in duty bound, to interpose, for arresting the
  47. As the ancient Jewish historian Flavius Josephus tells us" The king being, thereto ,disposed beforehand, complied with them, and came upon the Jews with a great
  48. Some theists argue that God created all knowledge and has ready access, thereto , This statement invokes a circular time contradiction: presupposing the
  49. Quae ... ad infamies Del NVIDIA calculus specter" ) the person exposed, thereto , Any act apt to bring another person into disrepute gave rise to an action
  50. As well as legislation, regulations,statutory instruments and amendments, thereto ,providing such subsidies (including export credits),grants, and any other

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