Examples of the the word, cellar , in a Sentence Context

The word ( cellar ), is the 12159 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. To prominence in the National League, as the team rose out of the standings, cellar ,for the first time in five years. The fans responded with an increase in
  2. Fortunes, taking an unremarkable team that was once regarded as the traditional, cellar ,dwellers of the competition, through a golden era of success that transformed
  3. Da Vinci's Mona Lisa was briefly hidden in a secret vault behind a wine, cellar ,at Montauban. Sights Its fortifications have been replaced by boulevards beyond
  4. Their hoard is beyond reason; avarice has no use for it; they have a separate, cellar ,for emeralds and a separate cellar for sapphires; they have filled a hole with
  5. About the strange happenings on the set. For instance, the rat seen in the, cellar ,was nicknamed" Señor Cojones" by the crew (" cojones" is Spanish slang for
  6. And poor play plagued the team which finished the 2007 season in the AFC North, cellar ,with a disappointing 5-11 record. A humiliating 22-16 overtime loss to the
  7. To be a tower. CN Tower still held world records for highest above ground wine, cellar ,(in 360 Restaurant) at 351 meters, highest above ground restaurant at 346
  8. Usually denotes a cozy old-fashioned wine tavern, pince is a beer or wine, cellar ,and a Somoza is an offering draft beer and sometimes meals. The bistro is an
  9. The beer down to temperatures between 3 °C and 8 °C. Cask beer is served at the, cellar ,temperature of 12 °C. In the UK, the term keg beer would imply the beer is
  10. He said" I cannot get over the difficulty of the wine which is kept in the, cellar ,for three or four years i.e., while constantly increasing in exchange value
  11. A part of the building's attic for extra rooms, so apart from the lack of a, cellar , the lack of a backdoor, a garage in a separate building instead of being
  12. In Hungarian and cafeteria means" sweatshop" in Romanian. Solano means ", cellar ," in Spanish, but Soto means" attic" in Portuguese. Normal in French implies
  13. The writings from Athens to Sepsis, where his heirs let them languish in a, cellar ,until the 1st century BC, when Allison of Tens discovered and purchased the
  14. The time in which Strabo and Plutarch suggest they were confined within the, cellar ,in Sepsis. Third, the definitive edition of Aristotle's texts seems to have
  15. Tanks have cooling jackets on them, as opposed to the whole fermentation, cellar ,being cooled, conditioning can take place in the same tank as fermentation.
  16. Fiction in 1950 and is the tale of a monstrous child chained in its parents ', cellar ,told in the first person as the creature's diary (in poignantly non-idiomatic
  17. The grave and Ash beheads her with a shovel. Ash returns inside and enters the, cellar , to find shotgun ammunition. Hearing a noise from above, Ash goes to
  18. Knocks Sam unconscious and rushes to the house. Lila sees him and hides in the, cellar ,where she discovers the mummified body of Mrs. Bates. Seconds later, Norman
  19. Space below the balcony, one or two rooms of the attic and possibly part of the, cellar , In 1943, it was destroyed in a bombing raid. Early photos show the Verbal with
  20. Technically tenants of the Browns. Meanwhile, the Browns rapidly fell into the, cellar , War era During the war, the Browns won their only St. Louis-based American
  21. Run. They managed two second-place finishes but spent much of the decade in the, cellar , In 1927 Dunn's widow, Mrs. George Pros's (Dunn had died in 1922),sold the
  22. Best's mother, Mona Best (1924–1988),started The Cash Coffee Club in the, cellar ,of the Bests' house in Liverpool, which became very popular—the membership
  23. Talked about how his wife Henrietta was possessed and buried in the cabin's, cellar ,rather than dismembered. Ed is possessed and is soon killed by Ash. Bobby Joe
  24. Thwarted when Sir Thomas Knives, a justice of the peace, finds Guy Fawkes in a, cellar ,below the House of Lords. *1688 – The Glorious Revolution begins: William of
  25. Saw Walsh lead the 49ers to a Super Bowl championship; the team rose from the, cellar ,to the top of the NFL in just two seasons. Four important wins during the 1981
  26. David Jacobs purchased the team in 1986. The team was unable to move out of the, cellar , with losing seasons between 1969 and 1975. One highlight was the acquisition
  27. Street, one reaches the House of Ananias, an underground chapel that was the, cellar ,of Ananias's house. The Umayyad Mosque, also known as the Grand Mosque of
  28. Just prior to being served either by flash coolers or a remote cooler in the, cellar , This chills the beer down to temperatures between 3 °C and 8 °C. Cask beer is
  29. Designed to hold it steady and at the right angle, and then allowed to cool to, cellar ,temperature (typically between),before being tapped and vented—a tap is
  30. Death there was a large surplus in the royal treasury (which was kept in the, cellar ,of the royal palace). He intervened briefly in the Great Northern War but
  31. Jim Leland took over as manager, and the Pirates gradually climbed out of the, cellar ,behind mostly young and exciting players such as" outfield of dreams" Bobby
  32. The glaring white" of the bathroom tiles where Marion dies, and the fruit, cellar ,'s exposed light bulb shining on the corpse of Norman's mother. Such bright
  33. On the western side of the cloister is another two-story building (N). The, cellar ,is below, and the larder and store-room above. Between this building and the
  34. Apparently viewed the complete film just once, and then stored it in his wine, cellar , where it remained undisturbed until it was discovered in December 2009. The
  35. Finds that she is still possessed when she attempts to strangle Ash through the, cellar ,door. When Linda becomes possessed again, Ash drags her outside and locks her
  36. In point of fact, she was away in the Crimea). The group led him down to the, cellar , where they served him cakes and red wine laced with a massive amount of
  37. Up their recruiting grounds to the Essendon Football Club. North Melbourne were, cellar ,dwellers for the first twenty-five years of VFL membership, but by the late
  38. Has no use for it; they have a separate cellar for emeralds and a separate, cellar ,for sapphires; they have filled a hole with gold and dig it up when they need
  39. In the same tank as fermentation. Otherwise, separate tanks (in a separate, cellar ,) must be employed. This is where aging occurs. Filtering the beer
  40. Beers; lightly chilled () for all dark lagers, altbier and German wheat beers;, cellar ,temperature () for regular British ale, stout and most Belgian specialities;
  41. Roman theater – Rood – Roof garden – Roof pitch – Roof stand – Roof – Root, cellar ,– Rosette – Rosette – Rotting room – Rotunda – Round-tower church – Round House
  42. Stabs him to death. Norman confronts his mother and urges her to hide in the, cellar , She rejects the idea and orders him out of her room. Against her will, Norman
  43. Orders him out of her room. Against her will, Norman carries her to the fruit, cellar , When Arrogant does not call Lila, she and Sam contact the local police. Deputy
  44. Items belonging to Henry and Catherine, including gold goblets, a gold salt, cellar , basins of gold, and candlesticks. Her tomb in Peterborough Cathedral is marked
  45. Used to dispense beer from a cask or container in a pub's basement or, cellar , It was invented by the locksmith and hydraulic engineer Joseph Branch.
  46. Scotty (Hal Del rich) fights with the possessed Cheryl and locks her in the, cellar , Afterwards, Shelly (Theresa Tilly) enters her room and is killed and
  47. Annie retreats to the cabin and accidentally stabs Jake and drags him to the, cellar ,door where he is killed by Henrietta in a bloodbath. Ash tries to kill Annie
  48. Not be as pleasant, with the team enduring 100 losses while avoiding the AL, cellar ,by only three games. With fellow investors both frustrated with his domination
  49. Lasted only three years. The team hit bottom in 1914 and 1915,finishing in the, cellar ,both years. 1915 brought significant changes to the team. Lavoie, nearly 40
  50. A full-body, latex costume, crouch in a small hole in the floor acting as a ", cellar ,", or on one day, both. Rail became extremely overheated, to the point that

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