Examples of the the word, strive , in a Sentence Context

The word ( strive ), is the 4015 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Training. Even though one actor may have years of training, they always, strive ,for more lessons; the cinematic and theatrical world is always changing and
  2. However, i'their is still an Islamic ideal, to which all Muslims should, strive ,to adhere at all times. Judaism defines altruism as the desired goal of
  3. Be the most effective employees and leaders in the workplace. These individuals, strive ,to achieve their goals and advance in the organization. They tend to be
  4. Then again in the 1960s,the Czechs used their cultural and literary effort to, strive ,for political freedom, establishing a confident, politically aware nation.
  5. Of large canvases of history painting, and artists continued for centuries to, strive ,to make their reputation by producing such works, often neglecting genres to
  6. Mitzvot. He engages in a discussion of religious behaviorism — when people, strive ,for external compliance with the law, yet disregard the importance of inner
  7. Lapidum, and Throwing of Javelins fitted with Loops for the Purpose, which they, strive ,to fling before the Mark; they also use Bucklers, like fighting Men. " It is
  8. Media. Description Photos are approved by a panel of volunteer moderators, who, strive , to keep the site" fun, clean,and real ". However, in recent times there have
  9. Of computer professionals. Developers of computer games and 3D video cards, strive ,to achieve the same visual quality on personal computers in real-time as is
  10. Europe depending on the more favorable form of regulation. While nations often, strive ,for substantive harmony to facilitate cross-national distribution
  11. Act for a householder to provide sadhus with food or other necessaries. Sadhus, strive ,to treat all with respect and compassion, whether a person may be poor or rich
  12. Distinction between tsar and legal. Horror films are unsettling movies that, strive ,to elicit the emotions of fear, disgust and horror from viewers. They often
  13. Affect the way they engage with academic tasks. Those who have mastery goals, strive ,to increase their ability and knowledge. Those who have performance approach
  14. The final year of their contracts. The theory was that the players would, strive ,to put up huge numbers in hopes of getting a big contract at the end of the
  15. Canada is concerned with its manufacturing base, and the Atlantic provinces, strive ,to escape from being less affluent than the rest of the country. In order to
  16. Foes embody ideals contrary to the American values Captain America is shown to, strive ,for and believe. Some examples of these opposing values are Nazism (Red Skull
  17. Except for very small systems. Therefore, a great number of approximate methods, strive ,to achieve the best trade-off between accuracy and computational cost. Accuracy
  18. Increase their ability and knowledge. Those who have performance approach goals, strive ,for high grades and seek opportunities to demonstrate their abilities. Those
  19. And advance in the organization. They tend to be dedicated to their work and, strive ,hard to succeed. Such individuals also demonstrate a strong desire for
  20. In a separate part of the experimental system. These experiments generally, strive ,for a steady state condition, with the electrolyte being replaced periodically.
  21. This founding document would declare that the Society of Jesus was founded to ", strive ,especially for the propagation and defense of the faith and progress of souls
  22. The highest-ranked contract, and the side that wins the bidding must then, strive ,in the play of the hand to fulfil that bargain by winning at least the
  23. Deeply rooted in Ethiopian culture, strengthening the hand of those who would, strive ,to keep Ethiopia from adopting techniques imported from the modern West -
  24. Water prior to consumption. Jain monks and nuns practice strict asceticism and, strive ,to make their current birth their last, thus ending their cycle of
  25. Swedish, Mandarin,Dutch, Polish,and Hindi. His love of sounds pushes him to, strive ,to minimize, and ideally get rid of, any foreign accent. Le Ton beau de Tarot:
  26. Of every individual to find out the kind of person he or she really is and to, strive ,to become that person. " In a speech given to the Norwegian Women's Rights
  27. Power. # It must provide a forum for public criticism and compromise. # It must, strive ,to make the news significant, interesting,and relevant. # It must keep the
  28. Degree of piety. # Refinement: Hasidim teaches that one should not merely, strive ,to improve one's character by learning new habits and manners. Rather a person
  29. Title should have a minimum number of common elements. The development teams, strive ,to create completely new worlds for each title, and avoid making new games too
  30. Novels, the main character mentions Asoka as a model for administrators to, strive ,for. * Asoka is a 2001 epic Bollywood historical drama. It is a largely
  31. Still living a phase of national liberation, and thus they have the right to, strive ,to recover their own rights and end the occupation using all means, including
  32. Schooling experience because students spend all day there. Many educators today, strive ,for meaningful student involvement in their classrooms, while school
  33. Cultural paradigm; and, at last, he hints that metaphysics and religiosity, strive ," to find in everything a beyond ". Works * Selected English Poems, ed. Tony
  34. Of immutable data can be seen even in imperative programs, so programmers often, strive ,to make some data immutable even in imperative programs. Comparison to
  35. Proposed as truth without recourse to knowledge and reason. Thus, freethinkers, strive , to build their opinions on the basis of facts, scientific inquiry, and logical
  36. Which includes the development and exercise of rational capacities as we, strive ,to achieve a" higher mode of existence ". The rejection of censorship and
  37. Of selfishness and worldliness serves as an inspiration to householders who, strive ,for mental renunciation. Some monastics live in monasteries, while others
  38. Vigor (very). #Very difficult to train: Bodhisattva's who attain this Bhūmi, strive ,to help sentient beings attain maturity, and do not become emotionally involved
  39. A correctly timed castling can often enhance this. * Pawn structure: Players, strive ,to avoid the creation of pawn weaknesses such as isolated, doubled,or backward
  40. Authority (as councils which have adopted strategies of criminalization also, strive ,to remove graffiti quickly). Therefore, existing racist graffiti is mostly
  41. That returned to their terror. Most of the descendants of European immigrants, strive ,for the preservation of their heritage. Therefore, some groups even have their
  42. His concept of" coats" states that human beings' natural inclination is to, strive ,toward preserving an essential being and an assertion that virtue/human power
  43. Of the original covenant. This allows the Jewish people as a community to, strive ,and fulfill the prophecy" I, the Lord, have called you in righteousness, and
  44. By how fast the user can press the buttons). Thus, designers of calculators, strive ,to minimize the number of logic elements on the chip, not the number of clock
  45. On familiar and intimate terms with excommunicated persons, still we ought to, strive ,by all possible means to bring them to a better mind, and recover them to the
  46. Make the world better actually make the world worse. Therefore, it is better to, strive ,for harmony. Legalism is a pragmatic political philosophy synthesized
  47. So far as possible. Though we cannot perfect the endeavor we should, strive ,for it: the will-to-live constantly renews itself, for it is both an
  48. It is, therefore,important not to waste human life in evil ways. Rather, strive ,to rise on the ladder of spiritual evolution. * The goal of Jainism is
  49. And quantum mechanics, electromagnetic theory and relativity among others. They, strive ,to work with real algebras wherever that is possible, and they argue that it is
  50. Development. He compiled a list of eight cardinal virtues for his students to, strive ,toward: * Always be considerate of women, children,and older people. * Take

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