Examples of the the word, namely , in a Sentence Context

The word ( namely ), is the 4026 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Any equation involving the coordinates specifies a subset of the plane, namely ,the solution set for the equation. For example, the equation y x corresponds to
  2. Himself recognized a fundamental snag in the theory even at its conception, namely ,that a classical charged object cannot sustain orbital motion because it is
  3. In Cauchy's definition of continuity, but in an entirely different sense, namely ,endpoint of the interval where the function is defined. 5. Cauchy introduced
  4. The first string has a short English-language description, namely ," ab 32 times ", which consists of 11 characters. The second one has no obvious
  5. And games. The general Amiga architecture uses two distinct bus subsystems, namely , the chipset bus and the CPU bus. The chipset bus allows the custom
  6. Of antihydrogen, two collaborations were formed in the late 1990s, namely , ATHENA and TRAP. In 2005,ATHENA disbanded and some former members (
  7. Are then separated. Further processing is possible by" blowing" the product:, namely ,reacting it with oxygen. This makes the product harder and more viscous.
  8. Through a subsidiary company called Clara Roads Ltd. Two products resulted, namely ,Clara, and Caliphate, with the former being manufactured by Clara Roads
  9. In his Cur Zeus Homo the definition that was followed by the great School men, namely ,that Original Sin is the" privation of the righteousness which every man ought
  10. Schools nationwide celebrate this day with environment-related activities, namely ,tree planting. South Africa Arbor Day was celebrated from
  11. Ever leaving. *William Gibson's Sprawl trilogy features various arcologies, namely ,the" projects ", which is a megastructure constructed with electricity, heat
  12. The same hints of alchemy that are found in evidence from ancient China, namely ,vague references to a connection between gold and long life. Mercury, which was
  13. Of how others would seem to make this kind of leap. The alternative option, namely ,suicide, would entail another kind of leap, where one attempts to kill
  14. Resulted in two of his most original operas being consigned to his desk drawer, namely ,Kublai, gran Kan de' Tartary (" Kublai Grand Khan of Tartary" ) a satire on
  15. Speakers may be unaware of the differences among six allophones of the phoneme, namely ,unreleased as in cat, aspirated as in top, glottalized as in button, flapped as
  16. This is not to be confused with what the Arabs call the" Hindi numerals ", namely ,the Eastern Arabic numerals (- - - - - - - - -) used in the Middle East, or
  17. Elementary relations in On Interpretation, to the study of more complex forms, namely , syllogisms (in the Analytics) and dialectics (in the Topics and Sophistical
  18. Torpedo) and angler-fish are detailed, as is his writing on cephalopods, namely , Octopus, Sepia (cuttlefish) and the paper nautilus (Argonauts Argo). His
  19. In the government was about 20 %. This excluded a majority of the population, namely ,slaves, freed slaves, children,women and metrics. The women had limited rights
  20. Documents and packaging offered in the sale rather than the computer itself;, namely ,(and amongst others) the original packaging (with the return label showing
  21. Two categories here were devised by early neurologists working in the field, namely ,Paul Brock and Carl Bernice. Other researchers have added to the model
  22. Each of them. Kant wrote:" … There are two stems of human knowledge ..., namely , sensibility and understanding, objects being given by the former sensibility
  23. There is one volume of Aristotle's concerning logic not found in the Org anon, namely ,the fourth book of Metaphysics. In Aristotle's terminology," natural
  24. Operated by the federal government direct, a different terminology is used, namely ," fourth class "," third class "," second class" and" first class" ( the
  25. And) made supplication to him; (and) he (Pagan) gave him the upper land, namely ,Mari, Yarmuti, ( and) Ella, up to the Cedar Forest (and) up to the Silver
  26. Interestingly, this ACT exclave surrounds a small exclave of NSW territory, namely ,the Point Perpendicular lighthouse which is at the southern tip of the Beecroft
  27. He wrote a number of books and papers two of which are of immense importance, namely ,(1). India in Transition, about the preparation politics of India and (2).
  28. By Edwin Moist. ) Units Every unit of length has a corresponding unit of area, namely ,the area of a square with the given side length. Thus, areas can be measure in
  29. To Dithers, Archimedes obtains the result of which he was most proud, namely ,the relationship between a sphere and a circumscribed cylinder of the same
  30. Eastern Europe practice ritual child-murder in at least one later work as well, namely ,the section on mysticism in Book Four or Magic. Here he uses quotation marks
  31. Of the end, which is near... God praise everybody who trained and helped me, namely ,the leader Sheikh Osama bin Laden. " According to FBI director Robert Mueller
  32. Schools nationwide celebrate this day with environment-related activities, namely ,tree planting. Cambodia National Tree Planting Day is on
  33. Finer and more sensitive examples than the crude Paris topology, namely ,the tale topology, and the two flat Grothendieck topologies: FFF and PQC;
  34. Pennsylvania Railroad Company, he remained closely connected to its management, namely ,Thomas A. Scott and J. Edgar Thomson. He used his connection to the two men to
  35. The potential house, while the form of the substance is the actual house, namely ,'covering for bodies and chattels' or any other differential (see also
  36. 2009) believes the most convincing proposal is by Save and Tosca (2003), namely , that Angola is an East Cushitic language with a Nilo-Saharan substratum. In
  37. Succeed him. There was dissension between the two original tribes of Medina, namely ,AWS and Khazar regarding who would become the ruler over the Muslims after
  38. There is an innate faculty of instincts which both beasts and humans share, namely , the ability to reason experimentally (through custom). Nevertheless, he
  39. Stems from what he believed to be his falsification of all other alternatives, namely ,that either a group of people can own another group of people, or the other
  40. Be elucidated in terms of his ontological analysis of the modalities of being;, namely ,impossibility, contingency,and necessity. Avicenna argued that the impossible
  41. We will use an informal approach. Any string s has at least one description, namely ,the program function GenerateFixedString () return s If a description of s’d
  42. Be termed The Holy Books of Thelma. He also wrote books on ceremonial magic, namely ,Magic (Book 4) (1912),The Vision and the Voice and 777 and other
  43. Received a prophecy that Lamina would be betrothed to one from another land —, namely , Aeneas. Latinos heeded the prophecy, and Turns consequently declared war on
  44. England's victory had come in a match in which the Ashes were still at stake, namely ,the First Test of the 1997 series. All others were consolation victories when
  45. Forces, and large internal markets or easy transportation to export markets, namely ,textiles, metallurgy,or transportation-related manufacturing (automotive
  46. Native gods of Assyria were resurrected. A number of neo-Agrarian states arose, namely ,Adjacent, Osroene and Hara. In 116 AD, under Trajan, it was taken over by Rome
  47. Crowley practiced the task of a Magister Temple in the AWAY as he conceived it, namely ,interpreting every phenomenon as a particular dealing of" God" with his soul.
  48. Reasons, a much smaller deployment using the same systems was proposed, namely ,Safeguard (described later). The problem of defense against MIRV's ABM systems
  49. Considered will to be only a subset of the" thing-in-itself" class, namely ,that which we can most directly experience. Schopenhauer's identification of
  50. Answer to Pilate's question," Quid est merits? " (What is truth? ), namely ," Est VIR quit adept" ( It is the man who is here). The origins of these are

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