Examples of the the word, supervision , in a Sentence Context

The word ( supervision ), is the 4028 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Captive insurance, and general corporate activities. " Regulation and, supervision ,of the financial services industry is the responsibility of the Cayman Islands
  2. Territories in Eastern Slavonic was completed in 1998 under UN, supervision , The majority of the Serbs who fled from the former Karina have not returned
  3. In defined internship program; develops design or technical solutions under, supervision ,of an architect. Architect's fees Architects' fee structures are typically
  4. Examples could be inefficient or inappropriate information systems, a lack of, supervision ,or training, and a lack of clarity in roles and responsibilities which can lead
  5. With the team Gabriel father and son, architects for King Louis XV, under the, supervision ,of two intendants (Governors),first Nicolas-François Dupe de Saint-Maur
  6. The Arizona Territory. Instruction was instituted on February 8,1886, under the, supervision ,of Principal Hiram Bradford Farmer. Land for the school was donated by Tempe
  7. Who lives in the fictional town of Highland, Texas. They have no apparent adult, supervision ,at home, are woefully under educated, dim-witted,barely literate and lack any
  8. Cantref (this has the same meaning as Cornish severing) both being under the, supervision ,of a Bishop. However, if this was so the status of keverangow before the time of
  9. Was the Fossa Carolina built at the end of the 8th Century under personal, supervision ,of Charlemagne. More lasting and of more economic impact were canals like the
  10. Published by the International Monetary Fund (IMF),in March 2005,assessing, supervision ,and regulation in the Cayman Islands' banking, insurance and securities
  11. Secret prewar settlements of expansion between them and under close Russian, supervision , the three Slavic allies (Bulgarian, Serbs and Montenegrins) had laid out
  12. St Athanasius seems to have been brought early in life under the immediate, supervision ,of the ecclesiastical authorities of his native city. A story has been
  13. Ohio Mural, constructing the" third castle" set under the director’s, supervision , created the" stones" of that castle by having photographs taken of actual
  14. Potassium supplementation should be used with caution and under medical, supervision ,owing to the hyperkalemic effect of ACE inhibitors. Examples ACE inhibitors can
  15. Bank at the end of 2004. The Bank used to be responsible for the regulation and, supervision ,of the banking and insurance industries, although this responsibility was
  16. By the High Representative have been criticized as undemocratic. International, supervision ,is to end when the country is deemed politically and democratically stable and
  17. Structural reform lagged and problems of payment arrears and a lack of banking, supervision ,continued. Due to the upcoming elections, the ruling HDZ government promised
  18. To happen. However, air show accidents are rare and where there is proper, supervision ,air shows have impressive safety records. Each year, organisations such as
  19. With a broken/bout should be done with due care and attention under the, supervision ,of a suitably accredited and experienced teacher. Swords may seem more dramatic
  20. Of the British Museum, the Italian librarian Anthony Palazzi. Under his, supervision , the British Museum Library (now the British Library) quintupled in size and
  21. Enter the premises without the express consent of the bank. The bank exercises, supervision ,and police power over its premises. The bank enjoys immunity from criminal and
  22. Her NLD party at the State House, however these meeting took place under close, supervision , 2010 release On the evening of 13 November 2010,Sung San Sub FYI was released
  23. Incorporating all the provisions and directives of the EU for the prudential, supervision ,of credit institutions. Cyprus has concluded treaties on double taxation with
  24. Regarding decisions of external relevance (i.e. banking and financial, supervision ,), which has been transferred to the Directorate (by majority vote). The
  25. But were generally living at home and needed considerable support and, supervision ,in daily living,46 % needed specialist residential provision from facilities
  26. To Jefferson Davis that his physical condition prevented him from offering full, supervision ,in the field, and said," I am so dull that in making use of the eyes of others
  27. Rhodesia to British colonial rule until elections could be held under British, supervision , The elections were held the following year and won by Robert Mugabe, who
  28. The right to control the admission of people from the Netherlands. There is the, supervision ,of the admission and expulsion of people from the Netherlands and the setting
  29. And placed the autonomous administration of the peasant communes under the, supervision ,of landed proprietors appointed by the government. These came to be known as
  30. To trigger manic episodes in people suffering from bipolar disorder. Close, supervision ,of those with substance abuse disorders is urged. Emotionally labile patients
  31. Status. The first dormitories built in the state were constructed under his, supervision , Of the 18 buildings constructed while Matthews was president, six are still
  32. To global standards in the transparency of financial policies and banking, supervision , the financial sector provides ample access to credit for entrepreneurs. The
  33. À la finance Decentralized). The microfinance sector is also subject to, supervision ,through the Central Bank as well as the responsible Ministry for Microfinance
  34. Army in World War II used his system to treat battle fatigue in Europe with the, supervision ,of Dr. Douglas M. Kelley, who also became the psychiatrist in charge of the
  35. Of laminitis in horses. Aspirin should only be used in animals under the direct, supervision ,of a veterinarian; in particular, cats lack the glucoside conjugates that aid
  36. Considered as the original pioneers among boy bands. Formed in 1965 under the, supervision ,of Don Kirchner, the group became dissatisfied with Kirshner's control and
  37. Work *Pine Cone (Faberge egg),a jewelled enameled Easter egg made under the, supervision ,of the Russian jeweler Peter Carl Faberge in 1900 *Southern cone music
  38. Of 1914,Schweitzer and his wife, Germans in a French colony, were put under, supervision ,at Nazarene (where work continued) by the French military. In 1917
  39. Congregations and associations after the war. They wanted to be free of white, supervision , In 1866 the Consolidated American Baptist Convention, formed from black
  40. The boundaries of the land are spelled out; the land is to be divided under the, supervision ,of Eleazar, Joshua,and twelve princes, one of each tribe. Composition
  41. Organisation. His education as a future Tsar was carried out under the, supervision ,of the liberal romantic poet and gifted translator Vasily Zhukov sky, grasping a
  42. Destroys worn pieces. The main function has thus become banking and financial, supervision , The objective is to ensure the stability and efficiency of the system and
  43. Never attempt to discontinue psychiatric medication without the knowledge and, supervision ,of a medical practitioner. Suicide Patients with depression are at greatest
  44. Now shared with Italy's Antitrust Authority. Other functions include, market, supervision , oversight of the payment system and provision of settlement services, State
  45. Of a single financial regulatory agency that provides more effective, supervision , The government has abolished exchange controls, and with the resulting
  46. Al Manner commissioned the construction of the city, and it was built under the, supervision ,of the Barmaids. Manner believed that Baghdad was the perfect city to be the
  47. Methods, since they can be more finely tuned and regionally varied. Banking, supervision ,and other activities In some countries a central bank through its subsidiaries
  48. Or granges. They were usually staffed by lay-brothers, sometimes under the, supervision ,of a single monk. Westminster Abbey is another example of a
  49. Exams are required prior to licensure. Professionals engaged in the design and, supervision ,of construction projects prior to the late nineteenth century were not
  50. 2008 new banking legislation transferred the responsibility for regulation and, supervision ,of the banking and insurance industries back to the Bank. In 2011 the interim

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