Examples of the the word, likewise , in a Sentence Context

The word ( likewise ), is the 4016 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Consonant and vowel sounds, are known as mates elections. The letter Olaf, likewise , had some characteristics of a mater elections: in initial positions, it
  2. Of magnitude, namely,Length, Bredth and Depth: also every part of Body, is, likewise , Body ... and consequently every part of the Universe is Body, and that which is
  3. Refractive effect by several weaker than by one high-power lens. By one, and, likewise , by several, and even by an infinite number of thin lenses in contact, no more
  4. French poet Paul Verlaine's" Chanson d'autumn" (" Autumn Song" ) is, likewise ,characterized by strong, painful feelings of sorrow. Keats' To Autumn, written
  5. To approve the purchase in 1867 (it eventually happened in 1917). The Senate, likewise ,rejected Seward's arrangement with Britain to arbitrate the Alabama Claims.
  6. Familiar masculine may be used, the form is augmented and modified accordingly;, likewise ,for the familiar feminine. (Gijón bat Terri the," a man has come "; Gijón bat
  7. The interior; while the scarcity of mountain ranges in the more central parts, likewise ,tends to prevent condensation. In the intertropical zone of summer
  8. 1980 when the company closed its last Astoria cannery. The timber industry, likewise ,declined; Astoria Plywood Mill, the city's the largest employer, closed in 1989
  9. No Jinnah is imposed upon their women, children,ill persons or the blind, or, likewise , on the paraplegic, the very old, or on the unemployed poor, as is stated in
  10. In a year with the last digits being" 01" ( 1801,1901,2001); new millennia, likewise ,began in 1001 and 2001. A common misconception is that centuries and millennia
  11. The Achenes from beyond the Danube. Galician soldiers in imperial service, likewise ,deserted during Alexios' battles with the Normans. As soon as the Norman
  12. Of Java instead of Champ. Local, located between Champ and Sumatra, was, likewise , mis-placed far to the south of Java, by some geographers on or near an
  13. Birth to Mind (nous),the first in the series of primary powers enumerated, likewise ,by Grenades and Epiphanies; that the world, as well as the 365 heavens, was
  14. Although the traditional name still persists in that language as well);, likewise , the adjective" Belorussian" or" Belorussian" was replaced by" Belarusian
  15. Those of the United States have the paramount authority in American law;, likewise , those of the foreign land have paramount authority in their legal system. In
  16. Our neighbor as ourselves ". It is 'a restoration not only to the favor, but, likewise , to the image of God," our" being filled with the fullness of God ". Wesley
  17. Cover. Other longtime, rebooted Marvel Comics titles, including Fantastic Four, likewise ,were given the dual numbering around this time. In October 2000,John Romina
  18. Persons and things from the United States but may also refer to the Americas;, likewise , the German usages U. S. -Americanism and U. S. -Afrikaner observe said
  19. Year. The author of the appendix to Tertullian De Praescr. Her. (c. 4),who, likewise ,follows Hippolytus's Compendium, adds some further particulars; that 'Abraham
  20. Sive debit proportion, and clarity five splendor format. While Aristotle, likewise ,identifies the first two characteristics, St. Thomas conceives of the third as
  21. Day, in which case alcohol sales are permitted until 4 a. m. Alcohol sale was, likewise ,banned on Sundays until 12p. m., and on Dec. 25 from 12 a. m. until 12 p. m
  22. Then by changing the signs of ξ, η,x, y,the values ξ ', η ', x ', y ' must, likewise ,change their sign, but retain their arithmetical values; this means that the
  23. In the absence of neuroleptic medication. Efficacy of antipsychotics may, likewise ,be reduced over time, due to this development of drug tolerance. Withdrawal
  24. Mechanical calculator, Odhner arithmometer, had not replaced them in Russia and, likewise ,the mass production of Felix arithmometers since 1924 did not significantly
  25. They might, also,study politics... Business of various kinds, they might, likewise ,pursue. " For Wollstonecraft," the most perfect education" is" an exercise
  26. e.g. Irma! " Throw! " **second-person singular feminine past-tense -ti, and, likewise , ʾanti" you (fem. Sg. )" **sometimes, second-person masculine past-tense -ta
  27. Sometimes enduring, on crucial issues, there were no political parties and, likewise ,no government or opposition (as in the Westminster system). Voting was by
  28. As the Oregon Territory grew and became increasingly more settled, Astoria, likewise , grew as a port city at the mouth of the great river that provided the easiest
  29. To some of the delegates that he described Basel as a western Babylon. He, likewise ,supported the pope at Ferrara and Florence, and worked hard in the attempt to
  30. Thinkers. With the shift from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance, art, likewise , changed its focus, as much in its content as in its mode of expression. Modern
  31. Additionally, there are many non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that have, likewise ,played significant roles in the reconstruction. EU accession The accession of
  32. Style, still further abridging by omitting the diphthongs eye and OE, and, likewise , all lines and marks of punctuation. The ecclesiastical Abbreviations were
  33. He cannot work, and he is well off, he is not obligated to pay the Jinnah, and, likewise , if he is sick for half of the year or more. If he quits his work while having
  34. Which a stream poured down to Pisces Austrians. The name in the Hindu zodiac is, likewise ,rumba" water-pitcher ", showing that the zodiac reached India via Greek
  35. The conversion may be performed directly using thinly chloride.1 Alcohols may, likewise , be converted to alkyl bromides using hydrobromic acid or phosphorus bromide
  36. Body by Royal Charter in 1927. In Canada, advocates like Graham Spry were, likewise ,able to persuade the federal government to adopt a public funding model
  37. Him again. His brother Jack, two years his senior but 71 caps his junior, did, likewise , Despite popular opinion the substitution did not change the game as Franz
  38. Satanist Adrian Marco referred to in Ira Levin's Rosemary's Baby is, likewise ,a Crowley-like figure. Long after his death Crowley was still being used for
  39. Located halfway between New York City and Chicago, Illinois,the pizza made is, likewise ,about halfway between thin-crust New York-style pizza and deep-dish
  40. You (fem. Sg. )" **sometimes, second-person masculine past-tense -ta, and, likewise , ʾanta" you (masc. Sg. )" **final -an in certain short words,e.g. lays" is
  41. Refer to immersion. The lexicographical works of Mediates and Ball & Schneider, likewise ,say that in the second of these two cases, the verb baptize in means that
  42. The metaphysical poets represent a closely related movement; their poetry, likewise ,sought unusual metaphors, which they then examined in often extensive detail.
  43. Not from its composition but rather from its rapid motion. The moon and sun are, likewise ,considered to be flat and floating on streams of air, and when the sun sets it
  44. Frequently imposed their own nominees to further their own causes. The popes, likewise , sometimes sponsored rival imperial claimants (antikings) in Germany to
  45. To anatomy, which science was regarded by him as the secret of the art. He, likewise ,frequented places of public amusement, where he carefully studied the
  46. As parsley, cilantro/coriander, and dill. The plentiful seeds of the numbers, likewise , are sometimes used in cuisine, as with coriander, fennel,cumin, and caraway.
  47. The 1960s,the Art Direction, Cinematography,and Costume Design awards were, likewise ,split into two separate categories (black-and-white films and color films).
  48. S retreating and exposed army, while his counterpart General Don Carlos Bell, likewise ,refused orders to move the Army of the Ohio against rebel forces in eastern
  49. Did not sway the young prince's position. In the East, Emperor Theodosius I, likewise ,professed the Nicene creed; but there were many adherents of Arianism
  50. Thousands of the French Cuirassiers rode out to engage the German Cavalry who, likewise ,used helmets and armor. By that period, the shiny armor plate was covered in

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