Examples of the the word, bulk , in a Sentence Context

The word ( bulk ), is the 4022 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Invaded it, establishing the Azerbaijan SSR on April 28, 1920. Although the, bulk ,of the newly formed Azerbaijani army was engaged in putting down an Armenian
  2. Built from mercantile hulls or, in the case of merchant aircraft carriers, were, bulk , cargo ships with a flight deck added on top. Light aircraft carriers were
  3. Into two conferences of three divisions each. All ten AFL teams made up the, bulk ,of the new American Football Conference. To avoid having an inequitable number
  4. 2007,A. DBO and G. Starting 2008 (pro-Altaic). E.g. next to criticizing a, bulk ,of erroneous and misinterpreted data, Vovin states that the authors of MEDAL
  5. A 501 (c) (3) and 501 (c) (4) entity, respectively. Positions While the, bulk ,of the ACLU's cases involve the First Amendment, Equal Protection, due process
  6. From Babylon, however yet another revolt broke out in Assyria, forcing the, bulk ,of his army to turn back, where they promptly joined the rebels in Nineveh;
  7. Pulpwood to the paper industry. Acacia gives high opacity and below average, bulk ,paper. This is suitable in lightweight offset papers used for bibles and
  8. Uncertain number of valid species, the best known of which is A. fragile. The, bulk ,of Allosaurus remains have come from North America's Morrison Formation, with
  9. That a socialist planned economy could never work in the long term for the vast, bulk ,of the economy and has very limited potential application. The debate raged in
  10. Cdot \math bf)~\bold symbol where \mu is the shear viscosity and \lambda is the, bulk ,viscosity. Therefore, the divergence of \bold symbol is given by: \begin
  11. Is applied directly only to a certain part of the mass while the driver and the, bulk ,of the car are passively dragged along. Gravity on the other hand accelerates
  12. Additionally, if we assume that there are no viscous forces in the medium (the, bulk ,and shear viscosity are zero),the momentum equation takes the form: \rho
  13. Most plentiful since it has the highest concentration in the atmosphere. The, bulk ,of argon applications arise simply because it is inert and relatively cheap.
  14. Service can be attributed to the Alaska bypass mail program which subsidizes, bulk ,mail delivery to Alaskan rural communities. The program requires 70 % of that
  15. A fair number of accounts, which come from Roman Egypt in 3rd century CE. The, bulk ,of the documents relate to the running of a large, private estate is named
  16. Lakshman Kadirgamar, is fatally shot by an LTTE sniper at his home. *2007 – The, bulk ,carrier M/V New Flame collides with the oil tanker Form Gertrude at the
  17. Passed, the houses kept several core traits. Most apparent is their sheer, bulk ,; complexes averaged more than 200 rooms each, and some enclosed up to 700 rooms
  18. Main use is as additives to animal feed. This is necessary, since many of the, bulk ,components of these feeds, such as soybeans, either have low levels or lack
  19. Were although they could be described and classified by their properties (in, bulk ,) in a periodic table. The true beginning of atomic physics is marked by the
  20. The Soviet passenger liner sinks in the Black Sea after colliding with the, bulk ,carrier Pyotr Vase, killing 423. *1987 – Thai Airways Flight 365 crashes into
  21. Large" Pass. Due to the availability of samples of the various small Pass,the, bulk ,of research on Pass has been of those of up to six rings. The biological
  22. Christians and had acted with the rebels. These elements, which formed the, bulk ,of the population, were not averse to supporting a strong ruler who would
  23. In the area once the grain trade had developed technologies to handle the, bulk ,export of grain, especially hopper cars and grain elevators. Oil and gas
  24. Affected all Test playing nations, but it weakened Australia especially as the, bulk ,of its players had signed up with Packer; the Australian Cricket Board (ACB)
  25. And cauterize it, so that its growth is arrested, and all its strength and, bulk ,are diverted to the right shoulder and right arm. " Amazons came to play a role
  26. April 1920). The Red Army invaded Azerbaijan on 28 April 1920. Although the, bulk ,of the newly formed Azerbaijani army was engaged in putting down an Armenian
  27. Undulating wastes and pasture-lands towards the Karakum Desert. Population The, bulk ,of the people are Uzbek and Turkmen with large concentrations of Tail and
  28. Also, a color handheld, in comparison to the Lynx it had a higher cost, smaller, bulk , and worse battery life. However, the Game Gear was backed up by significantly
  29. Also, to mark divisions between different print jobs from different users, bulk ,printers often used ASCII art to print large banners, making the division
  30. Cohesive fracture is obtained if a crack propagates in the, bulk ,polymer which constitutes the adhesive. In this case the surfaces of both
  31. The Pennsylvania Dutch, although descended from Germans, arrived earlier than the, bulk ,of German migrants and have distinct culinary traditions) *Greek Americans -
  32. The spent reactor fuel (e.g. MOX fuel) is dissolved in nitric acid, and the, bulk ,of uranium and plutonium is removed using a Pre-tape extraction (Plutonium –
  33. Dynamic of landaus. Possibly because of excessive tribute taxes" the, bulk ,of the country's population must have become Muslim ". However, other scholars
  34. The village of Utterly in Sweden. In 1945,B. B. Cunningham obtained the first, bulk ,chemical compound of a transplutonium element, namely americium hydroxide. Over
  35. Atoms, but the band structure is completely different, which results distinct, bulk ,properties. Other arsenic alloys include the II-IV semiconductor cadmium
  36. And 1924,approximately 1.75 million Jews immigrated to America's shores,the, bulk ,from Eastern Europe. Where before 1900,American Jews never amounted even to 1
  37. Mass density of the medium and \kappa is the bulk modulus of the medium. The, bulk ,modulus can be expressed in terms of the density and the speed of sound in the
  38. Kingship of the Buddha. In translating these monuments, historians learn the, bulk ,of what is assumed to have been true fact of the Mauryan Empire. It is
  39. Linked to the United States, with which American Samoa conducts the great, bulk ,of its foreign trade. Tuna fishing and processing plants are the backbone of
  40. Stratified, and social status was expressly displayed. Farmers made up the, bulk ,of the population, but agricultural produce was owned directly by the state
  41. Communities as well as to major Southeast and Alaska Peninsula communities. The, bulk ,of remaining commercial flight offerings come from small regional commuter
  42. On average receives roughly 430 mm (17 in. ) of precipitation per year,the, bulk ,of which is seen between October and April. Local architecture There are many
  43. Dense abyssal waters unwell to within a few hundred meters of the surface. The, bulk ,of the transport is carried in the middle two fronts. The total transport of
  44. S business secretary. There, a special vault was built to house the physical, bulk ,of nearly $230,000,000 worth of bonds. It was said that" ... Carnegie never
  45. Many rural residents come into these cities and purchase food and goods in, bulk ,from warehouse clubs like Costco and Sam's Club. Some have embraced the free
  46. To an origin from red algae rather than green. The Apicomplexa comprise the, bulk ,of what used to be called the Somoza, a group for parasitic protozoans
  47. Mathematicians seeking out more concrete areas and problems. ) EGA and SGA The, bulk ,of Grothendieck's published work is collected in the monumental, and yet
  48. Prediction stations and earthquake-resistant buildings that now constitute the, bulk ,of The Republican Center of Seismic Service. The Azerbaijan National Aerospace
  49. Club in Paris, Nobel signed his last will and testament and set aside the, bulk ,of his estate to establish the Nobel Prizes, to be awarded annually without
  50. Is the time, \rho_0 is the static mass density of the medium and \kappa is the, bulk ,modulus of the medium. The bulk modulus can be expressed in terms of the

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