Examples of the the word, marketplace , in a Sentence Context

The word ( marketplace ), is the 4035 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. It was an economic backwater. Union gave Scotland access to England's global, marketplace , triggering an economic and cultural boom transforming Scotland into a modern
  2. In December 2001,Enron structured into seven distinct business units. Online, marketplace ,services *Clipper (transaction platform for pulp, paper,and wood products
  3. Makes a low-risk profit, while fulfilling a useful function in the ETF, marketplace ,by keeping ETF prices in line with their underlying value. * Some types of
  4. The notion of Thatcherism and" submitting to the dictates of the international, marketplace ," which" has no loyalty to this country ". According to the BNP 2010 Manifesto
  5. Was notable as a" plan B ", in case the X11+Motif combination failed in the, marketplace , However, it was highly proprietary: only Sun and Next supported it in addition
  6. Percent from 2006. However, patents on the first Monsanto products to enter the, marketplace ,will begin to expire in 2014,democratizing Monsanto products. In addition, a
  7. People are killed and some 200 wounded as a mortar shell slams into a downtown, marketplace ,in Sarajevo. *1997 – The so-called Big Three banks in Switzerland announce the
  8. Eye to what the family needs for food, and to make clothing, and not the world, marketplace , Development of agricultural techniques has steadily increased agricultural
  9. That by 2015,more than 40 per cent of new GM plants entering the global, marketplace ,will have been developed in Asia. In the corn market,Monsanto's triple-stack
  10. Basement storerooms. Khan al-Khalil Khan al-Khalil is an ancient bazaar, or, marketplace , It dates back to 1382,when Emir Sharks al-Khalil built a large
  11. Of a small village by modern standards. Its area was. It featured a wharf,a, marketplace ,and five streets, as well as a number of churches. The castle was completed in
  12. As the Bull and Finch, as well as a Cheers restaurant in the Faneuil Hall, marketplace , and Sam's Place, a spin-off sports bar concept also located at Faneuil Hall.
  13. Village of Henna, where his father was a cleric at the mosque in the central, marketplace ,section of the village. Hawaii belonged to a family that was part of the
  14. Markets ". * Catalyst for institutional transformation: the competitive modern, marketplace ,demands rapid change and innovation, for which she believes distance education
  15. By RAI International's removal of its programming from the Canadian, marketplace , a move intended to create a public outcry and a threat that Canadians would
  16. S advocacy came at a time when the public had become aroused to hazards in the, marketplace ,by muckraking journalists like Upton Sinclair, and became part of a general
  17. Like Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook are amplifying the voice of people in the, marketplace ,and are having profound and far-reaching effects on the ways in which people
  18. Intelligence analysis and competitor analysis to resolve questions in the, marketplace , Law enforcement intelligence applies a number of theories in crime analysis.
  19. That globalization creates negative externalities (pollution) or alters the, marketplace ,in such a fashion as to eliminate better options (for example, investment
  20. Disk drives. Smaller sizes than 3.5 inches have emerged as popular in the, marketplace ,and/or been decided by various industry groups. *8 inch: × × (× ×) In
  21. Once a week when farmers took their wares on market day into the local village, marketplace , Here food was sold to grocers for sale in their local shops for purchase by
  22. And the CDTV. C64 clones In the middle of 2004,after an absence from the, marketplace ,of more than 10 years, PC manufacturer Tulip Computers BV (owners of the
  23. Route, they could easily reach Muslim-controlled Tortola, which was the main, marketplace ,in Europe dealing with slaves. By the 13th century, the city was an important
  24. It to run native 16 bit applications as well as 32-bit applications. In the, marketplace , Windows 95 was an unqualified success, promoting a general upgrade to 32-bit
  25. By him" political entrepreneurs"—from those who compete in the, marketplace ,without special aid from government, whom he calls" market entrepreneurs. "
  26. The authors argue that in the increasingly complex and diverse food, marketplace , the FDA is not equipped to adequately regulate or inspect food. However, in an
  27. A Chicago-based brand revitalization company, re-introduced Cole co to the, marketplace , In late 2006,they introduced the Cole co Sonic, a handheld system containing
  28. Combined an outlined and a presentation program. It became" uncontested in the, marketplace ," and won the MacUser's Editor's Choice Award for" Best Product" in 1986.
  29. The ferry route across the strait. Before the Middle Ages Helping was just a, marketplace ,where people sold goods. About 1200 AD, the first church, Sct Olaf Church, was
  30. German regions. Mentioned for the first time in the 14th century as an annual, marketplace ,it is now more of an amusement park. The name of the festival derives from its
  31. Of X11+Motif and its lack of 3D capability, cemented its failure in the, marketplace , As of 2011,AIX runs on IBM Power, System p, System i, System p5,System i5
  32. Advantage. The theory of comparative advantage argues that in an unrestricted, marketplace ,(in equilibrium) each source of production will tend to specialize in that
  33. Or laser tracking, for example, a transparent or reflective surface. In the, marketplace ,Around 1981 Xerox included mice with its Xerox Star, based on the mouse used in
  34. Airport, tearing the roofs off houses as it plowed through a densely populated, marketplace ,near the runway. 2007 * August 1 train derailment kills 100,many riding on
  35. OECD wished to prevent low-tax regimes from having an advantage in the global, marketplace , The OECD threatened to place the Cayman Islands and other financial centers on
  36. Nature of the console. By the end of 1995,Sony and Sega had entered the, marketplace ,with competing consoles and Atari's sales declined rapidly. In their 1995
  37. Multi legged trades (e.g. basis block trades on LIFFE). Competition in the, marketplace ,can also create risks during arbitrage transactions. As an example, if one was
  38. Remove the fluid. After a day of treatment he died and was interred in the, marketplace , Works Diogenes states that Heraclitus' work was" a continuous treatise On
  39. Until a European company finally bought it in the Cannes Film Festival, marketplace ,in May 1982. It was finally given a US release in early 1983. The film was a
  40. Which regulates most derivatives, was quoted saying that the derivatives, marketplace ,as it functions now" adds up to higher costs to all Americans. " More
  41. Theories of individualism vs. collectivism; free will among participants in the, marketplace ,; the role of self-interest; invisible hand theories; the requirements of social
  42. Reason was given for the C65's cancellation, it would have competed in the, marketplace ,with Commodore's lower end Amiga and the CDTV. C64 clones In the middle of
  43. Which has been made possible by the large numbers of bookmakers in the, marketplace , creating occasional opportunities for arbitrage. Other types of betting One
  44. Days preceding the bloody conflict, a group of Algerian Rebels opened fire on a, marketplace ,in Oran killing numerous innocent civilians, mostly women. It is estimated that
  45. 200 extensions. Digital (PCM-based) PBX were just starting to come into the, marketplace ,with the ROLE/Northern Telecom SL1,and Plessy PDX, it was recognized that
  46. The original village site is in the heart of today's Harvard Square. The, marketplace ,where farmers brought in crops from surrounding towns to sell survives today as
  47. Entirely substitutes market activity, the economy is a Command economy. In the, marketplace , the price of a good or service helps communicate consumer demand to producers
  48. Products in Europe, but the brand name, Lumière, disappeared from the, marketplace ,following its merger with Milford. The Lumiere also developed other products
  49. They generally supported an activist government and state intervention in the, marketplace , and their policies were marked by noblesse oblige, a paternalistic
  50. Master, knowledge. *Place ( POU, where ) — examples: in a, marketplace , in the Lyceum *Time ( vote, when ) — examples: yesterday, last

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