Examples of the the word, colony , in a Sentence Context

The word ( colony ), is the 4029 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. From July 1926 to May 1927,he travelled through the French Equatorial Africa, colony ,with his lover Marc Alleged. He went successively to Middle Congo (now the
  2. To the Peloponnesian War; Pisthetairus in Birds sets off to establish his own, colony ,and becomes instead the ruler of the bird kingdom and a rival to the gods. *The
  3. A subject of the Crown, and acquired rights both within and beyond the, colony , and these latter rights could not be affected by the laws of that colony (
  4. Formed a unifying Continental Congress and a shadow government in each, colony , The American boycott of British tea led to the Boston Tea Party in 1773.
  5. Grew and prospered. Adelaide was established as the center of a planned, colony ,of free immigrants, promising civil liberties and freedom from religious
  6. In the ports of Luanda and Benguela. By this time, Angola,a Portuguese, colony , was in fact like a colony of Brazil, paradoxically another Portuguese colony .
  7. Documented in Babylon, Syria and Palestine, in Phoenician cities and the Tyrian, colony ,Carthage, and for Hellenic Aphrodite in Cyprus, the center of her cult, Cythera
  8. Hinterland did not occur until the beginning of the 20th century. In 1951,the, colony ,was designated as an overseas province, called Overseas Province of Angola.
  9. By Ananias of Orestes. In 334 BC, Alexander I, at the request of the Greek, colony ,of Tara's (in Magna Graecia),crossed over into Italy, to aid them in battle
  10. City of Sundial (near Kandahar in the south of the country) may have been a, colony ,of the nearby Indus Valley Civilization. The region was called Ariana. The
  11. 19th century South Australia was officially proclaimed as a new British, colony ,on 28 December 1836,near The Old Gum Tree in what is now the suburb of Level
  12. To the United States. The Russians never fully colonized Alaska, and the, colony ,was never very profitable. William H. Seward, the United States Secretary of
  13. 3rd century Roman rhetorician Abelian depicts him as leader of the Silesia, colony ,to Apollonian on the Black Sea coast, and hence some have inferred that he was a
  14. Peoples who were notable slave hunters. Trade was mostly with the Portuguese, colony ,of Brazil; Brazilian ships were the most numerous in the ports of Luanda and
  15. Colony, was in fact like a colony of Brazil, paradoxically another Portuguese, colony , A strong Brazilian influence was also exercised by the Jesuits in religion and
  16. And Catawba in 1681 failed. Portugal also expanded its territory behind the, colony ,of Benguela to some extent, but until the 19th century the inroads from Luanda
  17. Ambrosia, occasionally America (; modern Αμβρακία),was an ancient Corinthian, colony , situated about 7 miles from the Amerasian Gulf in Greece, on a bend of the
  18. Ceiling or Mutual becomes a state in India. *1937 – Aden becomes a British crown, colony , Bombing of Jaén, Spain by Nazi forces. *1939 – Generalissimo Francisco Franco
  19. Different ethnic groups plus Portuguese due to its being a former Portuguese, colony , The indigenous languages with the largest usage are Ubuntu, Kimbundu, and
  20. Of the hinterland began after the Berlin Conference in 1885 fixed the, colony ,'s borders, and British and Portuguese investment fostered mining, railways
  21. When the war began, the 13 colonies lacked a professional army or navy. Each, colony ,sponsored local militia. Militiamen were lightly armed, had little training
  22. In which humanity never developed but where a band of mutants is establishing a, colony ,; the story line appears to frame the author's anxieties regarding McCarthyism
  23. War I broke out in summer of 1914,Schweitzer and his wife, Germans in a French, colony , were put under supervision at Nazarene (where work continued) by the French
  24. On the Goose river, in what is now the Gabon, in Africa (then a French, colony ,). He refused to attend a committee to inquire into his doctrine, but met each
  25. Amoeba, while the other lives solitary until food runs out; in which a, colony ,of these functions as a unit. Myxomycotes use amoebic gametes, as well.
  26. Began to establish themselves in the interior. Angola as a Portuguese, colony ,was not established before the end of the 19th century, and " effective
  27. Francis Ca dell, an Adelaide resident. South Australia became a self-governing, colony ,in 1856 with the ratification of a new constitution by the British parliament.
  28. Of subjects (The Angelique (1801) 3 Ch Rob App 7). An alien, coming into a, colony ,also became, temporarily a subject of the Crown, and acquired rights both
  29. This title. Also that year, Claudius had founded a Roman colony and called the, colony ,Colonia Claudia Ara Agrippinensis or Agrippinensium, today known as Cologne
  30. Became the capital of Russian America and remained the capital after the, colony ,was transferred to the United States. The Russians never fully colonized Alaska
  31. Ceremonies, any agate of this color from Sicily, once an ancient Greek, colony , is called Greek agate. Another type of agate is Brazilian agate, which is
  32. This period, but at heavy cost: as a result of Gawler's public works the, colony ,was heavily in debt and relied on bail-outs from London to stay afloat. Gawker
  33. Oil jugs found in the burials of the First Dynasty pharaohs. An Egyptian, colony ,stationed in southern Canaan dates to slightly before the First Dynasty. Farmer
  34. Confederation in 1867,the word" Canadian" referred only to residents of the, colony ,of Canada, which consisted of the territory of modern Quebec and Ontario. The
  35. In Asia, but some others, Milatiai, appear to have been of Miles, a Greek, colony , which would not have been raided for slaves by Greeks. Chadwick suggests that
  36. Régime DES Grades Concessions),i.e. a regime according to which part of the, colony ,was conceded to French companies and where these companies could exploit all of
  37. The colony and these latter rights could not be affected by the laws of that, colony ,(Routledge v Low (1868) LR 3 HL 100; 37 LA Ch 454; 18 LT 874; 16 WR 1081,HL
  38. Today known as Cologne, after Agrippina who was born there. This, colony ,was the only Roman colony to be named after a Roman woman. In 51,she was given
  39. Penn receives the area that is now the state of Delaware, and adds it to his, colony ,of Pennsylvania. *1690 – Job Cannock of the East India Company establishes a
  40. E. Lee begins his final offensive. *1867 – Singapore becomes a British crown, colony , *1871 – The first stage of the Brill Tramway opened. *1873 – The British
  41. Cities like Sydney, Perth,Brisbane and Hobart. As it was believed that in a, colony ,of free settlers there would be little crime, no provision was made for a jail
  42. Livia) to receive this title. Also that year, Claudius had founded a Roman, colony ,and called the colony Colonia Claudia Ara Agrippinensis or Agrippinensium
  43. Fell silent, struggling to believe that England could possibly have lost to a, colony , When it finally sank in, the crowd swarmed onto the field, cheering loudly and
  44. Allowed to secede from Saint Kitts and Nevis and become a separate British, colony ,(now termed a British overseas territory). Politics Anguilla is an internally
  45. And Benguela. By this time, Angola,a Portuguese colony , was in fact like a, colony ,of Brazil, paradoxically another Portuguese colony . A strong Brazilian
  46. As Cologne, after Agrippina who was born there. This colony was the only Roman, colony ,to be named after a Roman woman. In 51,she was given a Carpenter which she
  47. During the 16th century by a series of treaties and wars forming the Portuguese, colony ,of Angola. Taking advantage of the Portuguese Restoration War, the Dutch
  48. Event is commemorated in South Australia as Proclamation Day. The site of the, colony ,'s capital was surveyed and laid out by Colonel William Light, the first
  49. Becomes the first black competitor in international tennis. *1952 – The penal, colony ,on Devil's Island is permanently closed. *1961 – Ida Riemann died attempting
  50. At least 49 states for the event. This business has been heavily impacted by, colony ,collapse disorder, causing nationwide shortages of honey bees and increasing

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