Examples of the the word, tragedy , in a Sentence Context

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  1. And memorial services. It has become a song that inspires hope in the wake of, tragedy , becoming a sort of" spiritual national anthem" according to authors Mary
  2. The higher status of certain types, where the taxonomy implied a preference for, tragedy ,and the sublime to comedy and the Rococo. Croce suggested that“ expression ”
  3. Character, style,spectacle, and lyric poetry. The characters in a, tragedy ,are merely a means of driving the story; and the plot, not the characters, is
  4. To the success of a play in Old Comedy long after it had lost its relevance for, tragedy , Technically, the competition in the dramatic festivals was not between poets
  5. Camelot. To this day, Camelot is invoked to describe the idealism, romance,and, tragedy ,of the Kennedy years. Loewe retired to Palm Springs, California while Lerner
  6. Rise to greatness. " Kurosawa locates the unexpected benefits no less than the, tragedy ,of this historical moment. The upheaval forces samurai to channel the
  7. As a 'barbaric outrage '. He outlined his conception of the play as a" modern, tragedy ," in a note written in Rome on 19 October 1878. " A woman cannot be herself in
  8. Miller's introduction to his Collected Plays, his reflections on the theory of, tragedy , comments on the McCarthy Era, and pieces arguing for a publicly supported
  9. The HBO miniseries From the Earth to the Moon tells the story of the Apollo 1, tragedy , and its aftermath. It stars Mark Boston as Gus Frisson, Chris Isaac as Ed
  10. Of driving the story; and the plot, not the characters, is the chief focus of, tragedy , Tragedy is the imitation of action arousing pity and fear, and is meant to
  11. Him in his sleep and commanded him to turn his attention to the nascent art of, tragedy , In 510 BC, Cleomenes I (Aeschylus was 15 at the time) expelled the sons of
  12. Career appeared a certainty for Anne and her sisters. However, an impending, tragedy ,was to engulf the family. His sudden death came as a shock to the family. He
  13. Day (States of Florida and Georgia) *Day of Remembrance of the Chernobyl, tragedy ,(Belarus) *Alienate Legend Festival usually begins on this day. (Valledupar
  14. German in those days, I might never have commenced my experiments! " Family, tragedy ,In 1865,when the Bell family moved to London, Bell returned to Weston House as
  15. Camp lost his left leg in a trolley accident at the age of nine. This childhood, tragedy ,likely helped shape Camp’s cynical worldview, which,funny as it was, was
  16. From her 1938 book U. S. 1. The poem exposes and dwells on an industrial, tragedy ,in West Virginia, that led to hundreds of deaths among workers digging a tunnel
  17. Describes the banquet given to celebrate his obtaining a prize for his first, tragedy ,at the Denied in (416). He is also a prominent character in Aristophanes '
  18. Which, if either, is superior: epic or tragic mimesis. He suggests that because, tragedy ,possesses all the attributes of an epic, possibly possesses additional
  19. A murder committed sixteen years before by analyzing various accounts of the, tragedy , is a Rashomon-like performance that critic and mystery novelist Robert Barnard
  20. To the legend, predicted that Vršovci would be severely persecuted. After the, tragedy ,he could not stay in Bohemia and escaped from Prague, despite the Pope's call
  21. Only the portion that focuses on tragedy has survived. Aristotle taught that, tragedy ,is composed of six elements: plot-structure, character,style, spectacle,and
  22. And Euripides, died near the end of the Peloponnesian War and the art of, tragedy ,thereafter ceased to develop, yet comedy did continue to develop after the
  23. Of his divinity, buskin boots because he is interested in reviving the art of, tragedy , and a lion skin cape because, like Heracles, his mission leads him into Hades.
  24. Prize for the drama competition. *Self-mocking theater: Frequent parodying of, tragedy ,is an aspect of Old Comedy that modern audiences find difficult to understand.
  25. Anna reproached the mortally wounded Dido. Meanwhile, Juno,looking down on the, tragedy ,and moved by Dido's plight, sent Iris to make Dido's passage to Hades quicker
  26. V of G. B Marino's poem" Alone" the protagonist goes to theater to see a, tragedy ,representing Actaeon's myth. This episode is relevant because it is a
  27. Deflected bullets and saved lives, but others were poorly made and resulted in, tragedy ,for the soldiers. In any case the vests were abandoned by many soldiers due to
  28. She seems to have exercised over Philip II. She has been made the heroine of a, tragedy ,by François Poniard, Agnès de Méranie, and of an opera by Vincenzo Bellini, La
  29. Developed literary skills to write poetry in English. ' His Nemesis, a prose, tragedy ,in four acts about Beatrice Hence, partly inspired by Percy Bessie Shelley's
  30. Plays are named after the Chorus. In Aristophanes' time, the Chorus in, tragedy ,was relatively small (twelve members) and its role had been reduced to that
  31. Did (and still does). The inspiration for this innovation came from a family, tragedy , When news reached Kurosawa of his father's death in 1948,he wandered
  32. Included performances of both comedies and tragedies, and thus references to, tragedy ,were highly topical and immediately relevant to the original audience. The
  33. Distance, the sensitive spectator relishes the NASA, the aesthetic flavor of, tragedy , heroism or romance. The 9th - 10th century master of the religious system
  34. In September 1970,was, as Donald Richie put it, an " almost unmitigated, tragedy ," in Kurosawa's career. He had spent years of his life on a logistically
  35. With the Nissan Mary, a Japanese cargo ship, sinking it. *1989 – The April 9, tragedy , in Tbilisi, Georgian SSR an anti-Soviet peaceful demonstration and hunger
  36. In essence, the excesses of Scarface contrast with the more emotional, tragedy ,of Carlito's Way. Both films feature Al Pacino in what has become a fruitful
  37. The character of Amalasuntha. The life of Atalanta was made the subject of a, tragedy , the first play written by the young Golden and presented at Milan in (1733)
  38. Others being Sophocles and Euripides, and is often described as the father of, tragedy , His name derives from the Greek word Bishop (αἶσχος),meaning" shame ".
  39. Infantry Brigade with the temporary rank of brigadier, but that year also saw, tragedy ,for him; his wife was bitten by an insect while on holiday in Burnham-on-Sea.
  40. A few years of Salieri's death in 1825,Alexander Pushkin wrote his" little, tragedy ," Mozart and Salary (1831) as a dramatic study of the sin of envy. Russian
  41. Of Tears, the Cherokee sang Christian hymns as a way of coping with the ongoing, tragedy , and a version of the song by Samuel Worcester which had been translated into
  42. Kitchen. Capp's final years were marked by advancing illness and by family, tragedy , with the unexpected deaths of one of his two daughters and a beloved
  43. Two books – one on comedy and one on tragedy – only the portion that focuses on, tragedy ,has survived. Aristotle taught that tragedy is composed of six elements:
  44. Myth, Achilles has a relationship with his captive Crisis. Achilles in Greek, tragedy ,The Greek tragedian Aeschylus wrote a trilogy of plays about Achilles, given
  45. For instance, is a dramatic imitation of men worse than average; whereas, tragedy ,imitates men slightly better than average. Lastly, the forms differ in their
  46. Had been slain. Henceforth, this sea was known as the Aegean Sea. Sophocles ', tragedy ,Ages has been lost, but Ages features in Euripides' Medea. Legacy At
  47. Its" inconveniences. " Rhetoric and poetics Aristotle considered epic poetry, tragedy , comedy, dithyrambic poetry and music to be imitative, each varying in
  48. That Aristotle's Poetics comprised two books – one on comedy and one on, tragedy ,– only the portion that focuses on tragedy has survived. Aristotle taught that
  49. Prose Edda contain numerous references to the death of Bald as both a great, tragedy ,to the Æsir and a harbinger of Ragnarök. According to Gylfaginning, a book of
  50. Dialogue or heated argument (typically trochaic rhythm, the same as in early, tragedy ,); **long speeches declaimed by the Chorus in par abases (in either anapestic

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