Examples of the the word, persuade , in a Sentence Context

The word ( persuade ), is the 4019 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Try to persuade people to change their behavior directly, rather than to, persuade ,governments to change laws. The cooperative movement seeks to build new
  2. And Hitler signed an order to that effect. Using this order, Speer worked to, persuade ,generals and Emulates to evade the Nero Decree and avoid needless sacrifice
  3. Church with world headquarters in Silver Spring, Maryland,was able to, persuade ,the media to not use its name in conjunction with the Branch Dravidians because
  4. Court, Jerónimo Grimaldi, in a letter to Arthur Lee who was in Madrid trying to, persuade ,the Spanish government to declare an open alliance. Grimaldi told Lee that "
  5. To James Haggard about her husband's affair. This information is used to, persuade ,Rear den to sign the Gift Certificate (which delivers all the property rights
  6. Shall we hunt the red fox-cub from his lairs? " Death Alexander attempted to, persuade ,Even, the son of Duncan, Lord of Argyle, to sever his allegiance to Aaron IV
  7. Had stated while Agrippina lived, he showed her clemency. Tiberius was able to, persuade ,the Roman Senate to decree Agrippina’s birthday as a day of ill omen. In March
  8. Of Labor's election commitments would have to be deferred. Hawks managed to, persuade ,the Labor caucus to divide the ministry into two tiers, with only the most
  9. His wife who is in Paris, and he uses all his ingenuity and resourcefulness to, persuade ,the city bureaucracy to allow him to leave. When this fails, he contacts
  10. No practical influence: they did not affect the career of Clean, they failed to, persuade ,the Athenians to pursue an honorable peace with Sparta, and it is not clear
  11. That demolished it to its foundations, that nothing was left that could ever, persuade ,visitors that it had once been a place of habitation. " When the Roman Emperor
  12. Back as Pad Leader for his Apollo flight, that he got his boss Duke Slayton to, persuade ,North American management to hire Went away from McDonnell, and Shirr
  13. Thousands of strikers walked over the hills from one town to another to, persuade ,people to join the strike in civil disturbances that lasted about a week. The
  14. And through whom they derive their authority over their followers. The need to, persuade ,his nobles to undertake work for the 'common good' led Alfred and his court
  15. Of liberalization known as the Prague Spring. In response, after failing to, persuade ,the Czechoslovak leaders to change course, five other Eastern Bloc members of
  16. In their maneuver and attacks, and most importantly, he not only managed to, persuade ,large contingents of registered Cossacks to switch to his side, but also got
  17. True. Because the man's heart was pure, he did not die. Lo came to Beijing to, persuade ,Jen not to go through with her arranged marriage. However, when Jen refuses to
  18. Owner Art Model quickly offered to include his team in the AFC. He helped, persuade ,the Pittsburgh Steelers (the Browns' arch rivals) and Baltimore Colts (who
  19. Minute. It was Kurosawa who, with his mentor Yamamoto, had intervened to, persuade ,Too to sign Minute, during an audition in which the young man greatly
  20. Paid non-personal communication from an identified sponsor using mass media to, persuade ,influence an audience. (Wells, Burnett,& Moriarty 1998) #The element of the
  21. Commitment or outpatient commitment. This may involve various methods to, persuade ,a person to take the medication, or actual physical force. Administration may
  22. Street marches, strikes,sit-ins, and hunger strikes. Some activists try to, persuade ,people to change their behavior directly, rather than to persuade governments
  23. The Slovakian rabbi Weissmann in May 1944,there was a growing campaign to, persuade ,the Allies to bomb Auschwitz or the railway lines leading to it. At one point
  24. To cooperate. Instead, Alcestis took his place, but Heracles managed to ", persuade ," Thanos, the god of death, to return her to the world of the living. Niobe
  25. Promoted to field marshal by way of compensation. Montgomery was able to, persuade ,Eisenhower to adopt his strategy of a single thrust to the Ruhr with Operation
  26. It’s too peaceful for him. His three friends, in close harmony, try to, persuade ,him to stay. Eventually their threats drive Jim, his anger vented, back to the
  27. But giving him a promotion. Nora explains that she has done her best to, persuade ,her husband, but he refuses to change his mind. Krogstad informs Nora that he
  28. A number of them as examples, on his way to Susan. After three days, unable to, persuade ,his men to back down, he began to give select Persians command posts in the
  29. For future content. In philosophy and logic, an argument is an attempt to, persuade ,someone of something, or give evidence or reasons for accepting a particular
  30. So it was thus hard for Thunberg to study the flora. He did, however,manage to, persuade ,some translators to bring him different plants, and he also found plants
  31. With an all-big-gun armament. If Sushi influenced his thinking, it was to, persuade ,him of the need to standardize on guns. It was to prove this revolutionary
  32. Investigations. Advertising is a form of communication used to, persuade ,an audience (viewers, readers or listeners) to take some action with respect
  33. One in Kuala Lumpur and one in Singapore. Parkinson actively attempted to, persuade ,the authorities to avoid dividing the university, but to maintain it to serve
  34. Kelly May takes a job as a secretary at the Commerce Bank after Jed and Granny, persuade ,her that it would be a good way to" meet a husband. ": In the 1981 TV movie of
  35. Afterwards became the emperors Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Versus. His efforts to, persuade ,the Senate to grant these honors is the most likely reason given for his title
  36. Into new U. S. territory. At the beginning of the war, he also sought to, persuade ,the states to accept compensated emancipation in return for their prohibition
  37. Along with encouraging letters and gifts for the churches, although attempts to, persuade ,the native Celtic bishops to submit to Augustine's authority failed. Roman
  38. Decides to quit and join Galt's strike moments before Deign arrives to try to, persuade ,him otherwise. *Quentin Daniels is an enterprising engineer hired by Deign
  39. Restrictions on the Batista administration and sent an envoy which attempted to, persuade ,Batista to leave the country voluntarily. Among the opponents of Batista there
  40. Charter in 1927. In Canada, advocates like Graham Spry were likewise able to, persuade ,the federal government to adopt a public funding model, creating the Canadian
  41. Refused to listen to doctors, indeed he detested them, because they wanted to, persuade ,him to stop eating roast meat, as was his wont, and to be content with boiled
  42. Of France through the Moselle valley – to complete the work of Blenheim and, persuade ,King Louis XIV to make peace, but the plan had been thwarted by both friend and
  43. Him to indulge his new passion for collecting insects. Wallace was able to, persuade ,his brother John to join him in starting another architecture and civil
  44. Fared better than its competitors. Eventually, however,Cayuse managed to, persuade ,Kalashnikov. The new rifle was produced for a second round of firing tests and
  45. Results was indeed poor compared to later observations, but was sufficient to, persuade ,contemporary astronomers. The rejection of the results from the Brazil
  46. Bam Bigelow. In the meantime," The Million Dollar Man" Ted Disease failed to, persuade ,Hogan to sell him the WWF World Championship. After failing to defeat Hogan in
  47. The mysterious death of Thomas Harper Since. Charlie allegedly tried to, persuade ,her to leave Hearst and remain with him, but she refused and stayed by Hearst
  48. The company offered Apple I owners discounts and trade-ins for Apple II's to, persuade ,them to return their computers, contributing to their scarcity. As of 2008,an
  49. Stationed in Campania. Arriving in Rome on 6 May 44 BC, Octavian failed to, persuade ,Antony to relinquish Caesar's money to him. However, during the summer he
  50. Of the Achaeans (Iliad V.830–834,XXI.410–414),but Aphrodite was able to, persuade ,Ares to side with the Trojans. During the war, Diomedes fought with Hector and

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