Examples of the the word, withdrawal , in a Sentence Context

The word ( withdrawal ), is the 4033 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Armies from the parts of Kashmir that were under their respective control—a, withdrawal ,that never did take place. In 1949,a cease-fire line separating the Indian-
  2. Armenia withdrew its contingent of 46 peacekeepers. This coincided with the, withdrawal ,of the Polish contingent in Iraq. Afghanistan Currently, Armenia deployed 40
  3. A bleeding wound ", Soviet General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev began a, withdrawal ,of Soviet troops from the nation. On February 15, 1989,in what was depicted as
  4. Act (§ 48 Wife http://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/vwvfg/__48.html) and, withdrawal ,of a lawful administration act (§ 49 Wife
  5. Self),and used it to mean morbid self-admiration, referring to" autistic, withdrawal ,of the patient to his fantasies, against which any influence from outside
  6. Impressive actions as Commander in Chief, Washington personally directed the, withdrawal ,of his entire remaining army and all their supplies across the East River in
  7. Is suddenly discontinued, it may produce both somatic and psychological, withdrawal ,symptoms, a phenomenon known as" SSRI discontinuation syndrome" ( Ta mam &
  8. Of the war, and does not narrate Achilles' death. It begins with Achilles ', withdrawal ,from battle after he is dishonored by Agamemnon, the commander of the Achaean
  9. Claims Seat is a defective drug in that it has a propensity to cause a, withdrawal ,reaction. Hugh James Solicitors confirm this news on their website On January
  10. If the drug dosage is ever lowered or stopped (tardive dysphonia). Temporary, withdrawal ,symptoms including insomnia, agitation,psychosis, and motor disorders may
  11. BMD). In 2002, it was renamed to Missile Defense Agency (MDA). US, withdrawal ,from Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty in 2002 On June 13, 2002,the United States
  12. Force lands in Beirut to oversee the Palestine Liberation Organization's, withdrawal ,from Lebanon. *1983 – Philippine opposition leader Benign Aquino, Jr. is
  13. Residence to be transferred from Milan to Ravenna, and necessitated the, withdrawal ,of Legion XX Valeria Victoria from Britain. Second invasion of Italy Alaric
  14. To Sudan. Gulf War and the start of U. S. enmity Following the Soviet Union's, withdrawal ,from Afghanistan in February 1989,bin Laden returned to Saudi Arabia. The
  15. As a physical withdrawal symptom, and may either gradually abate during the, withdrawal ,phase, or become persistent. Withdrawal-related psychosis from antipsychotics
  16. City, now vulnerable to French naval power. Washington shadowed Clinton on his, withdrawal ,and forced a strategic victory at the battle at Monmouth on June 28, 1778,the
  17. Land use::::; Irrigated land::; Total renewable water resources::; Freshwater, withdrawal ,(domestic/industrial/agricultural)::; Natural hazards: Azerbaijan is a member
  18. Then normal, or can’t get it out of your mind. " Behavioral effects may include, withdrawal ,from situations where unpleasant effects of anxiety have been experienced in
  19. And can be mistaken for a relapse of the underlying disorder. Conversely,the, withdrawal ,syndrome may also be a trigger for relapse. Better management of the withdrawal
  20. By the ones who set the ambush, and often plays into their hands. The value of, withdrawal ,is the preservation of the force to" live to fight another day ", when not
  21. There was no indictment out-standing. Refuge in Afghanistan After the Soviet, withdrawal , Afghanistan was effectively ungoverned for seven years and plagued by constant
  22. Uses include treatment for severe anxiety. There is a risk of a benzodiazepine, withdrawal ,and rebound syndrome after continuous usage for longer than two weeks, and
  23. Been proven by the experience of war – the only likely method of survival is, withdrawal ,from the killing zone" the way you came in ". All other routes out of the
  24. Presumably due to variations of potency and receptor activity). Such, withdrawal ,effects can include cholinergic rebound, an activation syndrome, and motor
  25. To discontinue antipsychotics. Tardive dyskinetic can emerge as a physical, withdrawal ,symptom, and may either gradually abate during the withdrawal phase, or become
  26. Throughout the 1980s before joining the mujahideen in 1992,after the Soviet, withdrawal , to assist in the capture of Kabul. He is a general and the Chief of Staff to
  27. The C. I. A. and Inter-Services Intelligence, or ISI. After the Soviet, withdrawal , the Western powers walked away from the region, leaving behind 40,000
  28. Km² (2003 est. ) Total renewable water resources: 10.5 m³ (1997) Freshwater, withdrawal ,(domestic/industrial/agricultural): total: 2.95 km³/yr (30%/4%/66 %) per
  29. Were the rulers of the various kingdoms which arose in England following the, withdrawal ,of the Romans in the fifth century. The most prominent kingdoms were Kent
  30. Evidence seems to show that many antidepressants can be withdrawn without major, withdrawal ,symptoms if discontinued within the first week of treatment. Mechanisms of
  31. Withdrawal syndrome may also be a trigger for relapse. Better management of the, withdrawal ,syndrome may improve the ability of individuals to discontinue antipsychotics.
  32. Cease to be" acting in the execution of their duty ". To make an effective, withdrawal ,of permission, clear words must be used. Merely directing offensive remarks at
  33. Over all Italy north of the Po River. After efforts to secure a peaceful, withdrawal ,failed, Claudius forced the Alemannic to battle at the Battle of Lake Belarus in
  34. To form. Stopping benzodiazepine treatment abruptly can cause unpleasant, withdrawal ,symptoms. An extract of the herb St John's Wort is commonly used as an
  35. China. * 1914 – World War I: the Battle of Mons; the British Army begins, withdrawal , *1921 – British airship R-38 experiences structural failure over Hull in
  36. With the personal losses that struck Salary in the same period led to his, withdrawal ,from operatic work. Related to this Model quotes the aged composer concerning
  37. Builds its final car ending 107 years of production. *2005 – Syria completes, withdrawal ,from Lebanon, ending 29 years of occupation. *2011 – Wedding of Prince William
  38. Paresthesia, anxiety,agitation, restlessness,and insomnia. The psychological, withdrawal ,symptoms can include psychosis, and can be mistaken for a relapse of the
  39. Atypical antipsychotics. * Sexual dysfunction, which may rarely continue after, withdrawal , similar to Post-SSRI sexual dysfunction (PSSD). * Dystonia, a neurological
  40. Anti-aircraft missiles. However, in 2005-2007,following an agreement on the, withdrawal ,of two Russian military bases from Georgia, a great deal of military hardware
  41. Division captured by Armenian armed formations in 1992 during the regiment's, withdrawal ,from Stepanakert) and the 49th arsenal was completed in 1992. Thus, by the end
  42. Council Resolutions (822,853,874,and 884) demands for" the immediate, withdrawal ,of all Armenian forces from all occupied territories of Azerbaijan. " In 1993
  43. Manufacturers of SSRI anti-depressants in cases covering suicidality, SSRI, withdrawal , and birth defects in neonates from nursing mothers on SSRIs. In one of the few
  44. The Hun kings withdrew into the interior of their empire. Following the Huns ', withdrawal ,from Byzantium (probably around 445),Bled died. Attila then took the throne
  45. Agents, so making a gradual change between antipsychotics minimizes these, withdrawal ,effects. The British National Formulary recommends a gradual withdrawal when
  46. Between various factions, and accompanying lawlessness following the Soviet, withdrawal , enabled the growing and well-disciplined Taliban to expand their control over
  47. Of a nuclear power plant in Surge, Japan. *1982 – Israel completes its, withdrawal ,from the Sinai Peninsula per the Camp David Accords. *1983 – American
  48. Side, since the legal requirement for the holding of a plebiscite was the, withdrawal ,of the Indian and Pakistani armies from the parts of Kashmir that were under
  49. In the United Kingdom, on behalf of several hundred people who allege, withdrawal ,reactions after use of the drug Seat, against GlaxoSmithKline plc, moved a
  50. They typically have similar side effects to the SSRIs, though there may be a, withdrawal ,syndrome on discontinuation that may necessitate dosage tapering. These include

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