Examples of the the word, closed , in a Sentence Context

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  1. That these stories also take place before Roger Across, and presumably Poirot, closed ,his agency once he had completed them. There is specific mention in" The
  2. And ran for almost three years. On Broadway it opened in April 1988,but, closed ,within two months due to bad reviews. In Stockholm, the composers staged Chess
  3. Of the British and French empires. The ports of the British West Indies were, closed ,to all staple products which were not carried in British ships. France and
  4. The same argument proves that no subfield of the real field is algebraically, closed ,; in particular, the field of rational numbers is not algebraically closed . Also
  5. Metric spaces, and its consequences, such as the open mapping theorem and the, closed ,graph theorem. **On every infinite-dimensional topological vector space there
  6. Is a product of first degree polynomials The field F is algebraically, closed ,if and only if every polynomial p (x) of degree n ≥ 1,with coefficients in F
  7. A number of these squats have become well known, such as OT301,Vrankrijk (, closed ,down by city government),and the Interpret, and several are now businesses
  8. The plane dropped slightly. " Mon stomach," thought Hercules Poirot, and, closed , his eyes determinedly. " He suffers from sea sickness, and in Death in the
  9. Functions of Egyptian kingship. Local administration became Roman in style and, closed ,to native Egyptians. In 391 the Christian Emperor Theodosius introduced
  10. The presence of certain" magic numbers" of neutrons or protons that represent, closed ,and filled quantum shells. These quantum shells correspond to a set of energy
  11. Radio services. Afghanistan National Television was launched in 1974 but was, closed ,in 1996 when the media was tightly controlled by the Taliban. Since 2002,press
  12. Then 1. The field has no proper finite extension The field F is algebraically, closed ,if and only if it has no finite algebraic extension because if, within the
  13. The other hand, that the property stated here holds for F if F is algebraically, closed ,follows from the previous property together with the fact that, for any field K
  14. Polynomial in FX has some root in F; in other words, F is algebraically, closed , On the other hand, that the property stated here holds for F if F is
  15. Closed; in particular, the field of rational numbers is not algebraically, closed , Also, no finite field F is algebraically closed , because if a1,a2,…, an are
  16. A theorem in complex analysis of meromorphic functions inside and on a, closed ,contour *Mathematical argument, a quantity that serves to relate functions and
  17. The field has no proper algebraic extension The field F is algebraically, closed ,if and only if it has no proper algebraic extension. If F has no proper
  18. S that makes it a group. (A cancellation binary operation is enough. ) **The, closed ,unit ball of the dual of a normed vector space over the reals has an extreme
  19. F, then every non-constant polynomial has a root in F, thus F is algebraically, closed , The field has no proper algebraic extension The field F is algebraically
  20. But he knew that Mach's idea would not work if space goes on forever. In a, closed ,universe, he believed that Mach's principle would hold. Mach's principle has
  21. Theorem of algebra states that the field of complex numbers is algebraically, closed , Another example of an algebraically closed field is the field of (complex)
  22. Standing with the feet together, regardless of whether the eyes are open or, closed , This is a negative Romberg's test, or more accurately, it denotes the
  23. Against Great Britain to little effect. When other New England states, closed ,their ports to British shipping, Connecticut hastened to profit by opening its
  24. The Union victory at the Second Battle of Fort Fisher in January 1865, closed , the last useful Southern port and virtually ended blockade running.
  25. K (x − a),for some k ∈ F \. On the other hand, if F is not algebraically, closed , then there is some non-constant polynomial p (x) in FX without roots in F.
  26. Christian Emperor Theodosius introduced legislation that banned pagan rites and, closed ,temples. Alexandria became the scene of great anti-pagan riots with public and
  27. One are irreducible” is trivially true for any field. If F is algebraically, closed ,and p (x) is an irreducible polynomial of FX, then it has some root a and
  28. Further than other India Aquinas, in that a single Asmara can represent a, closed ,syllable: Not only the vowel, but any final consonant is indicated by a
  29. Driving a car is discouraged. Parking fees are expensive, and many streets are, closed ,to cars or are one-way. The local government sponsors car sharing and carpooling
  30. Higher passes and by-roads can be treacherous even in summer. Many passes are, closed ,in winter. A multitude of airports around the Alps (and some within),as well
  31. Numbers is not algebraically closed . Also, no finite field F is algebraically, closed , because if a1,a2,…, an are the elements of F, then the polynomial (x − a1)
  32. Schools Transport * Chill railway station opened on 13 May 1895,but finally, closed ,on 1 October 1937. * The Great Western Greenway is a Greenway rail trail that
  33. Can be argued for or against.; Strong agnosticism (also called" hard," ", closed ," " strict," or" permanent agnosticism" ): The view that the question of
  34. Colonial authorities expelled a series of Protestant missionaries and, closed ,mission stations based on the belief that the missionaries were inciting
  35. In F. Examples As an example, the field of real numbers is not algebraically, closed , because the polynomial equation x2 + 1 = 0 has no solution in real numbers
  36. This expedient is used by ASCII and South Asian scripts of Unicode. ) Thus a, closed ,syllable such as KAL requires two Asmara to write. The Long script used for
  37. Irreducible polynomials are those of degree one The field F is algebraically, closed ,if and only if the only irreducible polynomials in the polynomial ring FX are
  38. Of the electromechanical relay (with its two" binary states" open and, closed ,):: It was only with the development, beginning in the 1930s,of
  39. Counterpoint,2009) In mathematics, a field F is said to be algebraically, closed ,if every polynomial with one variable of degree at least 1,with coefficients
  40. Of this symbol of freedom becomes more pronounced, as the beaches are, closed , as is the port. In summer, the inhabitants lose touch with the sea altogether:
  41. Arabic has two kinds of syllables: open syllables (CV) and (CVV)—and, closed ,syllables (CVC),(CVVC),and (CVCC). The syllable types with three more
  42. Tennis. *1952 – The penal colony on Devil's Island is permanently, closed , *1961 – Ida Riemann died attempting to cross the Berlin Wall. *1962 – An
  43. Of complex numbers is algebraically closed . Another example of an algebraically, closed ,field is the field of (complex) algebraic numbers. Equivalent properties
  44. Falls on the ultimate or penultimate syllable, which can be open (CV) or, closed ,(CVC). Writing Hieroglyphic writing dates to c. 3200 BC, and is composed of
  45. That he would use force to maintain possession of federal property. His speech, closed ,with a plea for restoration of the bonds of union.
  46. Argon is 25 % more dense than air and is considered highly dangerous in, closed ,areas. It is also difficult to detect because it is colorless, odorless,and
  47. Equivalent properties Given a field F, the assertion“ F is algebraically, closed ,” is equivalent to other assertions: The only irreducible polynomials are those
  48. The Muslims considered Aristotle to be a dogmatic philosopher, the author of a, closed ,system, and believed that Aristotle shared with Plato essential tenets of
  49. Of discovering something which might have made me turn from my course, I had, closed ,my eyes ... Because I failed at that time, I still feel, to this day
  50. Towns or from those who happened to be out of town when the gates of Oran were, closed , In another sense, the entire town feels in exile, since it is completely cut

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