Examples of the the word, contributor , in a Sentence Context

The word ( contributor ), is the 4027 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. During this time he was also the publisher and editor of, and a major, contributor ,to, the journals Household Words (1850–1859) and All the Year Round (
  2. GDP growth rate for 2011 is expected at 3.7 %. Large oil reserves are a major, contributor ,to the economy. The national currency, the Azerbaijani Manet, was stable in
  3. And culture Political causes In the 1990s,the Amway organization was a major, contributor ,to the Republican Party (GOP) and to the election campaigns of various GOP
  4. England, where he became exceedingly popular both as a lecturer and as a, contributor ,to Punch. In the spring of the following year,Ward's health gave way and he
  5. Avesta) loanwords in Brahma support this hypothesis. The main Iranian, contributor ,to Brahma vocabulary, Balochi, is a western Iranian language like Kurdish, and
  6. Was born in Waterford, Maine. He began life as a compositor and occasional, contributor ,to the daily and weekly journals. In 1858,he published in The Plain Dealer (
  7. He made a clean break with it in Detour de L'U. R. S. S. in 1936. He was also a, contributor ,to The God That Failed. ... and after his visit to the Soviet Union: The 1940s
  8. On judicial opinion is a strength of common law systems, and is a significant, contributor ,to the robust commercial systems in the United Kingdom and United States.
  9. Mainly in Afghanistan. Iraq War In 2003,the United Kingdom was a major, contributor ,to the United States-led invasion of Iraq. There was major disagreement amongst
  10. Fuels),industrial processes (among which cement production is a dominant, contributor ,), transportation fuels (generally fossil fuels),and agricultural
  11. Edward Gibbon, in his Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire and by the anonymous, contributor ,of notes assembled from the papers of Nicolas Free, published in 1753,who
  12. As a move that made the NFL more" popular and was ". The single greatest, contributor ,to the NFL's prosperity ..." in the NFL's first eighty-four years. Its
  13. A project is hosted at Apache it has to be licensed to the ASF with a grant or, contributor ,agreement. In this way, the ASF gains the necessary intellectual property
  14. Agriculture, particularly coffee and bananas, continues to be an important, contributor ,to Costa Rica's export income. Costa Rica is located on the Central American
  15. Was laid off from FSF and his responsibility was transitioned to another early, contributor , Chest Rama. Features The Bash command syntax is a superset of the Bourne shell
  16. Richest country to trade with ". West Bengal The service sector is the largest, contributor ,to the gross domestic product of West Bengal, contributing 51 % of the state
  17. Actively involved in running his many businesses, Carnegie had become a regular, contributor ,to numerous magazines, most notably the Nineteenth Century, under the
  18. And global warming according to the IPCC and the EPA. Coal is the largest, contributor ,to the human-made increase of CO2 in the air Economic aspects Coal liquefaction
  19. Drafts of each particular scene. This method was adopted" so that each, contributor ,might function as a kind of foil, checking the dominance of any one person’s
  20. Audi's operating profit of €1.17-billion ($1.85-billion) made it the biggest, contributor ,to parent Volkswagen Group's nine-month operating profit of €1.5-billion
  21. S. Dollars on one occasion. Passage says that it is" not right to call Lamp a, contributor ,to WikiLeaks ", and questions the electronic record associated with the
  22. Early industrial revolution between 1828–48. The Blackstone Valley was a major, contributor ,of the American Industrial Revolution where Samuel Slater built his first mill.
  23. To indicate the probable nature of alumina. " But the same year, an anonymous, contributor ,to the Quarterly Review, a British political-literary journal, in a review of
  24. Nearby Cripple Creek and Victor area, and was perhaps the most generous early, contributor ,to those communities and to Colorado Springs. After he made his fortune he
  25. 1967) is an Australian computer programmer best known as the author of and, contributor ,to the Samba file server, and co-inventor of the rsync algorithm. He is known
  26. And co-hosted the station's Open Line call-in program. Costs was a prominent, contributor ,to the ABA book Loose Balls: The Short, Wild Life of the American Basketball
  27. Powered by Rolls-Royce or IAE alliance engines, of which Rolls-Royce is a major, contributor , The remaining 23 % of the fleet is equally divided between General Electric
  28. Are managed by the Bangladesh Export Processing Zone Authority. One significant, contributor ,to the development of the economy has been the widespread propagation of
  29. The expelled Jews fled to Poland. In medieval and Renaissance Europe, a major, contributor ,to the deepening of antisemitic sentiment and legal action among the Christian
  30. Your energyand inspires your hopes. Writings Carnegie was a frequent, contributor ,to periodicals on labor issues. In addition to Triumphant Democracy (1886)
  31. And is shown to inhibit the re-uptake of 5-HT3 specifically as an important, contributor ,to the effects of cocaine. The overabundance of 5-HT3 receptors in cocaine
  32. The Tom and Terri Pickard Science Fiction literary salon, and was a frequent, contributor ,to literary discussions with the regular membership including Larry Given
  33. It is a national strategy to make tourism a major, if not the single largest, contributor ,to the Azerbaijani economy. These activities are regulated by the Ministry of
  34. Consists of a broad spectrum of original video packages, news articles, and, contributor , blogs on topics including breaking news, politics,health, business
  35. Mouth of the Cuyahoga it turns sharply northeast. This feature is the principal, contributor ,to the lake effect snow that is typical in Cleveland (especially on the city
  36. Of the leading British humor magazine Punch, where Milne was to become a, contributor ,and later an assistant editor. Milne joined the British Army in World War I and
  37. S largest industry is petroleum, and its petroleum exports make it a large, contributor ,to the Azerbaijan's balance of payments. The existence of petroleum has been
  38. Center and adjacent Museum of London, though tourism is not at present a major, contributor ,to the City's economy or character. The City has many pubs, bars and
  39. Programmer may apply to a range of program quality, from hacker to open source, contributor ,to professional. And a single programmer could do most or all of the computer
  40. c. 870 BC),son of Abram, King of Judah * ASA Doppler (born 1974),Mozilla, contributor ,and blogger *ASA Kosher (born 1940),Israeli philosopher and linguist Places
  41. And foreign peacekeeping. The United States has been the largest single foreign, contributor ,to the development of the BDF, and a large segment of its officer corps has
  42. Sign with MLB Network in February 2009. MLB Network Costs agreed to become a, contributor ,to MLB Network. At the channel's launch on January 1,2009,he hosted the
  43. Instead of the value used in governmental regulations. The largest natural, contributor ,to public radiation dose is radon, a naturally occurring, radioactive gas found
  44. Addition to paying this tax at the time" most likely to be convenient for the, contributor ,to pay it ". Additionally, Smith outlined the proper expenses of the government
  45. High walls of the museum. Jones was a historical authority as well as a major, contributor ,to the development of animation throughout the 20th century. He received an
  46. Their own private key last (otherwise there would be no way for the last, contributor ,to communicate the final key to its recipient, as that last contributor would
  47. Of plagiarism by Newton. He is now regarded as an independent inventor of and, contributor ,to calculus. His contribution was to provide a clear set of rules for
  48. An increase in the money supply. Mises include bank credit as a significant, contributor ,to inflation; the value of bank credit generated by private financial
  49. Cameraman Val Quench (July 2000,Solo, for 4 days); Philippine Daily Inquirer, contributor ,and Net 25 television reporter Allyn de la Cruz (January 2002,Zambian, for
  50. Pace and many believe that income from this tourism may soon become the major, contributor ,to the nation's GDP. Traditional agriculture, particularly coffee and bananas

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