Examples of the the word, strictly , in a Sentence Context

The word ( strictly ), is the 4123 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Three further stages of super sensory knowledge, which do not necessarily follow, strictly ,sequentially in any single individual's spiritual progress. * By focusing on
  2. anymore preferred candidate. This definition allows a sincere vote to treat, strictly ,preferred candidates the same, ensuring that every voter has at least one
  3. Prefix n- (for normal) where a non-linear isomer exists. Although this is not, strictly ,necessary, the usage is still common in cases where there is an important
  4. Had a finite life. With safety critical systems, the software is very, strictly ,tested. Collision-avoidance systems To supplement air traffic control, most
  5. The generalized continuum hypothesis both imply the axiom of choice, but are, strictly ,stronger than it. In class theories such as Von Neumann–Bernays–Gödel set
  6. By warriors (Kshatriya's),but opposes it in the case of hermits who must be, strictly ,non-violent. This view has, for the most part, been changed, and now almost all
  7. For example, the randomization-based analysis results in a small but (, strictly ,) negative correlation between the observations. In the randomization-based
  8. Redistributed grain and goods. Much of the economy was centrally organized and, strictly ,controlled. Although the ancient Egyptians did not use coinage until the Late
  9. In numbers since the latter half of the 19th century, and 'ordering' is now, strictly ,regulated in order to preserve stocks. The gathering of orders is now
  10. Moving away from the foreign policy of Justinian, and believed in dealing more, strictly ,with bordering states and peoples. Attempts to mollify Justin II with tributes
  11. International juridical organization. The Archbishop of Canterbury's role is, strictly ,symbolic and unifying and the Communion's three international bodies are
  12. Macro processing from assembly and execution. Macro parameter substitution is, strictly ,by name: at macro processing time, the value of a parameter is textually
  13. Bend ", but in different senses. In other words, the similarity of the names is, strictly ,coincidental and does not reflect any ethnic unity beyond Germanic. The Sue vi
  14. Desperate measures are taken. Homes are quarantined, corpses and burials are, strictly ,supervised. A supply of plague serum finally arrives, but there is only enough
  15. Far as the sixteenth century, when Jacob Böhm used alchemical terminology in, strictly ,mystical writings. Another example can be found in the work of Heinrich
  16. A star's velocity varies during the year as Earth revolves around the Sun (or, strictly ,speaking, the Carpenter of the solar system),and this in turn causes the
  17. The axioms notions communes but in later manuscripts this usage was not always, strictly ,kept. Historical development Early Greeks The logico-deductive method whereby
  18. Be supplied to relevant authorities The production of modern pharmaceuticals is, strictly ,regulated to ensure that medicines contain a standardized quantity of active
  19. On case studies, interviews and field reports, while parapsychology relates to, strictly ,laboratory research. *The second type is based on a form of faith, usually
  20. Arabic speakers. " Literary Arabic" and" Standard Arabic" () are less, strictly ,defined terms that may refer to Modern Standard Arabic or Classical Arabic.
  21. Over processing details. ** cryptographic algorithms that must always take, strictly ,the same time to execute, preventing timing attacks. * complete control over
  22. Use the El Social criteria during the diagnostic process, although, strictly , speaking this is functionality creep, and some have questioned the
  23. Is used by itself, without any vocal accompaniment, and is limited to a very, strictly ,defined set of sounds and specific places in the synagogue service. Muslim Many
  24. Catch up (" to reach and overtake" ): Transitive or intransitive in BRE, strictly ,intransitive in AME (to catch SB up/to catch up with SB). A transitive form
  25. But today it has only a small fraction of that number. It was not a language, strictly ,for deaf people but an integral part of the language along with spoken
  26. These encoding are sometimes referred to as ASCII, true ASCII is defined, strictly ,only by ANSI standard. ASCII was incorporated into the Unicode character set as
  27. Institution supported by taxpayers. In England and Wales the term, strictly ,refers to an ill-defined group of prestigious private independent schools
  28. Louder sound. It is often referred to simply as an acoustic guitar, although, strictly , speaking the nylon-strung classical guitar is acoustic as well. The most common
  29. Taken using breath-hold techniques or shore picking; scuba diving for abalone is, strictly ,prohibited. Taking of abalone is not permitted south of the mouth of the San
  30. Cater a banquet). * claim: Sometimes intransitive in BRE (used with for), strictly , transitive in AME. * meet: AME uses intransitively meet followed by with to
  31. By carelessness is like injury caused by deliberate action. Eating honey is, strictly ,outlawed, as it would amount to violence against the bees. Some Jains abstain
  32. Small shrines, called Nairobi, are found in Greek religion, but their use was, strictly ,religious. Aedicula exist today in Roman cemeteries as a part of funeral
  33. And the large town of Ketchikan. The road systems leading from these cities are, strictly ,local; no roads connect these communities to each other or any other
  34. ZF, but also independent of ZFC. However, ZF plus GCH implies AC, making GCH a, strictly ,stronger claim than AC, even though they are both independent of ZF. Stronger
  35. Their current practical limitations while the monks have to observe them very, strictly , With consistent practice, it will be possible to overcome the limitations
  36. König's theorem: Colloquially, the sum of a sequence of cardinals is, strictly ,less than the product of a sequence of larger cardinals. (The reason for the
  37. Limit is 10 Paul per diver with a minimum shell length of 125 mm. The limit is, strictly ,enforced by roving Ministry of Fisheries officers with the backing of the New
  38. Essential comprehensiveness of the tradition. Some Low Church Anglicans take a, strictly ,memorials (Zwinglian) view of the sacrament. In other words, they see Holy
  39. Not have the least element: if x is in (0,1),then so is x/2,and x/2 is always, strictly ,smaller than x. So this attempt also fails. Additionally, consider for instance
  40. Definition that, other things being equal, a rational person is better off with, strictly ,more options, anti-globalization advocates would likely either reject the
  41. Theorists go to great pains to show that their results hold for all, strictly ,monotonic transformations of utility, and so are true for purely ordinal
  42. He considered his crowning achievement, the publication of The Book of Thoth,", strictly ,limited to 200 numbered and signed copies bound in Morocco leather and printed
  43. Be performed until the results were needed and then only those calculations, strictly ,required. An obvious (and easy to implement) lazy evaluation is the J-vector:
  44. Some black scholars have argued that the term" African-American" should refer, strictly ,to the descendants of West or Central African slaves and free people of color
  45. Jain movement in the 6th or 5th century BCE, ahimsa was already an established, strictly ,observed rule. Marsha, the earliest Jain Tirthankara, whom modern Western
  46. On AD/CE year numbering, but follows normal decimal integer numbering more, strictly , Thus, it has a year 0,the years before that are designated with negative
  47. Of total and background absorption, and correction for the latter, are, strictly , simultaneous (in contrast to LS AAS),even the fastest changes of background
  48. In the Porto Communion of Churches, the Church of Denmark has bishops, but, strictly , speaking they were not in the historic apostolic succession prior to their
  49. Under the control of a prefect appointed by the Emperor, quelled rebellions, strictly ,enforced the collection of heavy taxes, and prevented attacks by bandits, which
  50. Not distinguish the international left-wing anti-globalization position from a, strictly ,nationalist anti-globalization position. Many nationalist movements, such as

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