Examples of the the word, reception , in a Sentence Context

The word ( reception ), is the 4125 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Literature is my mistress. " Chekhov renounced the theater after the disastrous, reception ,of The Seagull in 1896; but the play was revived to acclaim in 1898 by
  2. Which would be at least twice the video bandwidth if pure AM was used. Signal, reception ,is invariably done via a superheterodyne receiver: the first stage is a tuner
  3. In architecture. His reputation grew in the USA following the critical, reception ,of his design for the Finnish Pavilion at the 1939 New York World's Fair
  4. Be the most memorable of their career. Upon their arrival in Melbourne, a civic, reception ,was held at the Melbourne Town Hall and ABBA appeared on the balcony to greet
  5. And proved to be a major commercial failure in addition to its poor critical, reception , Bachchan was slated to play a supporting role in his first international film
  6. As a rule, were laymen, nor at the outset was the abbot any exception. For the, reception ,of the sacraments, and for other religious offices, the abbot and his monks
  7. United Kingdom, but,following British colonialism, the resultant doctrine of, reception , and independence, also to those of the other Commonwealth realms, whether by
  8. S open embrace of market culture. This symposium set the tone for Warhol's, reception , Throughout the decade it became more and more clear that there had been a
  9. Its conjugate base, which is the acid with a hydrogen ion removed, and the, reception ,of a proton by a base produces its conjugate acid, which is the base with a
  10. With whether formal justice will be done unresolved. Critical, reception ,Agatha Christie was revered as a master of suspense, plotting,and
  11. We can dig that! On January 17, 1967 Allen Ginsberg helped plan and organize a, reception ,for Bhaktivedanta Swami at the San Francisco Airport, where fifty to a hundred
  12. The residence of the British high commissioner, Sir Herbert Samuel. During one, reception ,given to him, the building was" stormed by throngs who wanted to hear him ".
  13. Published anonymously in London in 1739–40. Hume was disappointed with the, reception ,of the Treatise, which " fell stillborn from the press," as he put it, and so
  14. The earliest depictions of Christ would also be beardless and haloed. Modern, reception ,Apollo has often featured in postclassical art and literature. Percy Bessie
  15. Prizes, among them the Israel Prize for Jewish studies in 1988. However not all, reception ,of Steinmetz' studies have been wholly positive. In the relatively calm
  16. In Japan on August 2,1975,and did well at the box office. While critical, reception ,in Japan was muted, the film was better reviewed abroad, winning the Moscow
  17. License, business cards, and cash. Most also protected the LCD screen. Market, reception ,The original Apple Messaged and Messaged 100 were limited by the very short
  18. Were punished for their acts of injustice, and we have a graphic account of the, reception ,given by the Aeginetans to the captain of Natalia, who came to hold and inquiry
  19. The earliest works of alternate history published in large quantities for the, reception ,of a popular audience may be the French Louis Geoffroy's History de la
  20. Or publicity reasons; U. S. President William McKinley did this at the public, reception ,where he was assassinated. United States Secret Service protective agents
  21. Benefits obtained through the passion of Christ, the breaking of the bread, and, reception , of the body and blood of Christ as instituted at the Last Supper. While many
  22. USS Hornet, they were flown to Pago Pago International Airport in Fauna for a, reception , before being flown on a C-141 cargo plane to Honolulu. Stunts and mementos
  23. Help from the Frankish kings and bishops, Gregory helped to assure a friendly, reception ,for Augustine in Kent, as Æthelbert was unlikely to mistreat a mission who
  24. Of computation. In his memoirs Turing wrote that he was disappointed about the, reception ,of this 1936 paper and that only two people had reacted – these being Heinrich
  25. Four. They also performed solo numbers from respective albums, but the lukewarm, reception ,convinced the foursome to shelve plans for working together for the time being
  26. Levi Sheol and former Finance Minister Pin has Tapir. Awards and critical, reception ,Rabbi Steinmetz has received many awards and prizes, among them the Israel
  27. 1799) has found a wider audience in modern times than its original, reception ,promised. His last opera was a German language sing spiel Die Never, ( " The
  28. In France, the book brought about the final split with Sartre. The dour, reception ,depressed him, and he began to translate plays. Camus's first significant
  29. Buildings devoted to hospitality are divided into three groups,--one for the, reception ,of distinguished guests, another for monks visiting the monastery, a third for
  30. Office success. The 25-minute opening sequence, depicting a corporate wedding, reception ,interrupted by reporters and police (who arrest an executive for corruption)
  31. Picture lost money and caused the Club of the Four Knights to dissolve. Initial, reception ,abroad was somewhat more favorable, but Dodesukaden has since been typically
  32. The study of acoustics revolves around the generation, propagation and, reception ,of mechanical waves and vibrations.:: The steps shown in the above diagram can
  33. Subsequently flown to Pago Pago International Airport in Fauna for a greeting, reception , before being flown on a C-141 cargo plane to Honolulu. Hardware disposition
  34. And enthusiasm for Rodin's art, Henley was most responsible for Rodin's, reception ,in Britain. (Rodin later returned the favor by sculpting a, in whom he found
  35. He also declared that 'other times' would judge the audience according to its, reception ,of his plays. He sometimes boasts of his originality as a dramatist yet his
  36. To complete, and Dreams premiered at Cannes in May 1990 to a polite but muted, reception , similar to the reaction the picture would generate elsewhere in the world.
  37. Given that one of the sources of inspiration, his son, was growing older. His, reception ,remained warmer in America than Britain, and he continued to publish novels and
  38. Also called receptive aphasia, are impairments related mostly to the input or, reception ,of language, with difficulties either in auditory verbal comprehension or in
  39. 30 years old and she was 29. Her brother conducted the ceremony and a modest, reception ,followed at her father's house. Around this time, Alcott also first expressed
  40. Of Unction is similar to that of the Roman Catholic Church. However,the, reception ,of the Mystery is not limited to those who are enduring physical illness. The
  41. Others favor the Byzantine text as transmitting the true Word of God from its, reception , An early theory, suggested by Swiss theologian Jean Leclerc in the 17th
  42. The gala event, which was held at Loew's Grand Theatre, now demolished. The, reception ,was held at the Georgian Terrace Hotel, which still exists. During World War II
  43. Orleans, the crew was flown to Pago Pago International Airport in Fauna for a, reception ,before being flown on a C-141 cargo plane to Honolulu. Mission insignia The
  44. Even the book review by the editors has more significance than the readership’s, reception , Good relationships between authors and editors are largely found to be the
  45. Release of the iPhone 4,it was realized by consumers that the new iPhone had, reception ,issues. This is due to the stainless steel band around the edge of the device
  46. In Clouds that his audience would be judged by other times according to its, reception ,of his plays. Clouds was awarded third (i.e. last) place after its original
  47. It was built, and the first to employ pre-stressed concrete. It has a grand, reception ,area and is surrounded by Japanese-style gardens; and it has had many famous
  48. 1975,was different. They played to full houses everywhere and finally got the, reception ,they had aimed for. Live performances continued during the summer of 1975 when
  49. Needed it for urgent foreign policy reasons no later than his next New Year's, reception ,for diplomats on January 10, 1939. This was a huge undertaking, especially
  50. Sharply critical of most other philosophers and philosophical traditions. The, reception ,for Rand's fiction from literary critics was largely negative, and most

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