Examples of the the word, clearing , in a Sentence Context

The word ( clearing ), is the 8921 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. System infrastructure. These efforts included the establishment of a code-line, clearing ,system for the exchange of checks and electronic funds as well as a Real Time
  2. Monetary and Economic Union (UEMOA). The payment and settlement system and, clearing ,mechanisms were reformed in 2004 through the BCEAO and offer RTGS and SWIFT
  3. Of myeloid leukemia and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma,anti-CD47 were effective in, clearing ,cancer cells while normal cells were unaffected. Interactions Calreticulin has
  4. Readers with its images of poverty and crime and was responsible for the, clearing ,of the actual London slum,Jacob's Island, that was the basis of the story. In
  5. In the Amazon proceeded at alarming rates in the 1970s and 1980s. Most of the, clearing ,resulted from the activities of ranchers, including large corporate operations
  6. The meaning may have been" careers of the thicket" which may refer to, clearing ,of land for cultivation The agrarian Mississippian culture covered most of the
  7. Circe is described as living in a mansion that stands in the middle of a, clearing ,in a dense wood. Around the house prowled strangely docile lions and wolves
  8. Landscape with the Woodcutter in 1522. The drawing opens at ground level on a, clearing ,surrounding an enormous tree that is placed in the center, dominating the
  9. Interactions between vegetation and climate, he warned that the extensive, clearing ,of rainforest for coffee cultivation in Ceylon (Sri Lanka) and India would
  10. Rather than a solid phase made by a packed bed. This allows omission of initial, clearing ,steps such as centrifugation and filtration, for culture broths or slurries of
  11. To deploy resources in order to achieve an objective, for example for mine, clearing ,or to combat the spread of small arms. Common strategies defined an objective
  12. Roll numbers: Because most building societies were not direct members of the UK, clearing ,system, it was common for them to use a roll number to identify accounts rather
  13. By a frown, by the movement of the eyes, by laughing, by yawning, or by the, clearing ,of the throat, or by recollection, or by trembling. In contrast to the
  14. Vehicle Leopard 2 T-55/54 * T-54 Dozen - T-54 fitted with bulldozer blades for, clearing ,soil, obstacles and snow. * ALT-55 - Bulldozer version of the T-55 with large
  15. Burned through these forests at intervals of anywhere between 4 and 36 years, clearing ,out the understory and creating a more ecologically balanced system. However
  16. Region. During the Neolithic era, from about 4,500 to 2,300 BC, people began, clearing ,trees and farming the land. It was also in this era that the production of
  17. Order. Three years later, he was sent to found a new abbey at an isolated, clearing ,in a glen known as the Val d'Absinthe, about 15 km southeast of Bar-sur-Aube.
  18. At times might seem a small army trailing every leader; another was to begin, clearing ,large areas whenever a leader was present, to the point where entire sections
  19. But by 1990 less than 10 % of the original forest cover remained as a result of, clearing ,for farming, ranching,and charcoal making. Anthropic activity had altered 79.7
  20. Such as the heavy plow and the three-field system were not as effective in, clearing ,new fields for harvest as they were in the Mediterranean because the north had
  21. For completing a round quickly. The maximum 50,000-point bonus is awarded for, clearing ,a round in 5 seconds or less; this bonus then drops to zero over the next
  22. Name, Ur-Zababa, Sargon thus became a gardener, responsible for the task of, clearing ,out irrigation canals. This gave him access to a disciplined corps of workers
  23. Like profit maximizing banks, set mortgage rates with reference to market, clearing ,levels. Thus, according to the Bank of England's Box all and Gallagher (1997)
  24. Of the vehicle. *M60 Panther - M60 modified into a remotely controlled mine, clearing ,tank. The turret is removed with the turret ring sealed, and the front of the
  25. Climate of Costa Rica). Environment: Deforestation, largely a result of the, clearing ,of land for cattle ranching; soil erosion; coastal marine pollution; fisheries
  26. Productivity has been generally disappointing. High initial fertility after, clearing ,and burning usually is depleted rapidly, and acidity and aluminum content are
  27. Used. The US Army and US Air Force resurrected the huge weapons as a means of, clearing ,landing zones for helicopters and in early 1969 the 463rd commenced Commando
  28. Dying. Bubbles will fire automatically if the player remains idle. After, clearing ,the arena, the next round begins with a new pattern of bubbles to clear.
  29. Caatinga ecosystem of the Northeast was losing its natural vegetation through, clearing ,and that the zone was therefore running the risk of becoming even more arid, as
  30. That each year,0.6 % of Belize's forest cover is lost, translating to the, clearing ,of an average of each year. The http://www.usaid.gov USAID-supported
  31. Of a check, however,must be printed using MICR toner or ink. Banks and other, clearing ,houses employ automation equipment that relies on the magnetic flux from these
  32. Have tended to obtain sort-code and account number allocations within the, clearing ,system, and hence the use of roll numbers has diminished. Nationwide is the
  33. For Araucanía pine in Paraná. The inverse situation existed with regard to, clearing ,for wood in the Amazon rain forest, of which about 15 % had been cleared by
  34. The accident, the Air Force took the B-2 fleet off operational status until, clearing ,the fleet for flight status 53 days later on 15 April 2008. The cause of the
  35. He used to live. His farm has been destroyed and his godparents killed. After, clearing ,out an abandoned mine, the player finds a scrap of parchment that reveals the
  36. Sell them. With co-Personal Computer Systems Division General Manager Paul Dali, clearing ,the way, Fradin gathered a core team of 12 and the input from 60 others who
  37. Ecosystems. For example, on Saint Lucia, harvesting mangrove for timber and, clearing ,for fishing drove the mangrove forests to low levels, resulting in a loss of
  38. Automobile wheel manufacturer * Yankees Betalingssentral, a Norwegian bank, clearing ,company * British Blind Sport, a British sporting charity for people who are
  39. Still has the largest portion (66 %) of its territory covered by forests, but, clearing , and burning in the Amazon proceeded at alarming rates in the 1970s and 1980s.
  40. Such as the aforementioned decreased level of investment in large-scale, clearing ,in the Amazon. That pressure could increase if economic growth accelerates
  41. Of A. F. P. (Armed Forces of the Philippines) soldiers as they conducted a, clearing ,operation in the mountains of Tipo-Tipo, Basilan. 23 A. F. P. soldiers were
  42. This month huhtikuu, or 'Burn wood Month ', when the wood for beat and burn, clearing ,of farmland was felled. The" Days of April" ( journeys d'April) is a name
  43. Defendants had previously been required to do. These measures had the effect of, clearing ,out the docket. The minimum age for jurors was also raised to 25 in order to
  44. Would not apply to him until the end of his second term in office, thereby, clearing , the way for his candidacy in the 2005 election. On November 13 Compare was
  45. Create extremely high amounts of acid rain and fog with acidity 2 of pH, clearing ,an area of any vegetation and frequently causing irritation to the eyes and
  46. Hid in fortified caves, and the U. S. forces often lost many men before, clearing ,the Japanese out from each cave or other hiding place. The Japanese would send
  47. From HM Treasury. Infrastructure and services run by the council include:, clearing ,snow in winter, city wardens, maintaining parks, refuse collection, sewage
  48. Fires, as mentioned above, may occur in old pasture rather than signifying new, clearing , Public policies intended to promote sustainable management of timber
  49. Gathering of resources, detailed planning, the training of troops—especially in, clearing ,minefields and fighting at night—and in the use of 252 of the latest
  50. Graphics support was clearly a higher priority. Microsoft's CLS command (for, clearing ,the screen) was renamed HOME in Apple soft. * There was a well-documented bug

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