Examples of the the word, soya , in a Sentence Context

The word ( soya ), is the 8782 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. As a by-product. The by-product is a high-protein animal feed, competitive with, soya , The feed is mostly employed for cattle feeding, but also for pigs and chickens
  2. A bleak period of present privation and threatening disaster — the period of, soya , beans and Basic English — and in consequence the book is infused with a kind of
  3. Being replaced by a combination of alternative crops such potatoes, onions and, soya , beans. Orange Walk is also important for its production of dairy products
  4. With scallion and garlic sauce, or just boiled in water served with sweet, soya , sauce with chili and spring onions as a dipping sauce. * Tripe soup Sherbet
  5. Ω-3 and ω-6 fatty acids are fish and shellfish, flaxseed (linseed),hemp oil, soya , oil,canola (rapeseed) oil, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, leafy
  6. Made from human feces. The" burger" consisted of synthesized protein with, soya , and steak sauce for taste preservation. Mitsuki claimed the taste was similar
  7. Coequalizers, terminal objects, or initial objects. The soybean (U. S.) or, soya , bean (UK) (Glycine max) is a species of legume native to East Asia, widely
  8. And Stilton. * In Asia Aspergillus prize is added to a pulp of soaked, soya , beans to make soy sauce. * Finally, some members of the Ascomycota are eaten
  9. When comes to sauces, China is home to soy sauce, which is made from fermented, soya , beans and wheat. Oyster sauce, transparent rice vinegar, Chinkiang black rice
  10. Export potential as feed for cattle. Therefore, Argentine farmers relied on GM, soya , as their only produce. In 2004,there were questions being raised about the
  11. Derived from the Japanese pronunciation of, the Japanese word for soda sauce; ", soya ," comes from the Dutch adaptation of the same word. Classification The genus
  12. Colby; next door at the A6/A14 junction in Burton Latimer is Alpo UK who make, soya , milk products. Long Clawson Dairy are the largest producers of Stilton cheese
  13. Soy" is derived from the Japanese pronunciation of, the Japanese word for, soya , sauce;" soda" comes from the Dutch adaptation of the same word.
  14. Milk or water. If the medication is mixed with formulas containing iron or, soya , products,larger doses may be required, as these substances may alter the
  15. The beans can be processed in a variety of ways. Common forms of soy (or, soya , ) include soy meal, soy flour, soy milk, tofu,textured vegetable protein (TVP
  16. Tofu (AAU HU or AAU ft or tau HU),soda sauce (NOC thong, literally:, soya , water ), soya milk (NOC AAU in the North or SUA AAU Nash in the South),and
  17. File: Wild-asparagus88. JPG|Wild asparagus sautéed with garlic, naam play and, soya , sauce File: Asparagus officials dewdrop. JPG|Asparagus officials with
  18. The actual benefits, scientists claimed that the consequences of growing RR, soya , in Argentina included a massive exodus of small farmers from the countryside
  19. Hũ or AAU ft or tau HU),soda sauce (NOC thong, literally: soda water),soda, milk (NOC AAU in the North or SUA AAU Nash in the South),and AAU HU NOC
  20. The HCM City Institute of Hygiene and Public Health found 33 of 41 sample of, soya , sauce with high rates of 3-MCPD,including six samples with 11,000 to 18,000
  21. Because they could no longer make a living (as they could not afford GM, soya , ) or were driven off their land. Monsanto reasoned that the soil degradation
  22. Is carried out in beef cattle, swine,forage and the effects of fertilizer on, soya , beans and corn. Demographics As of the census of 2000,there were 178 people
  23. Was buying agricultural produce. The Amanda managed to supply enough maize, soya , beans,sesame, sorghum and groundnuts to feed the whole population of southern
  24. Have not been established in any natural plant food, including sea vegetables, soya , fermented products, and algae. Although plant-derived foods do not naturally
  25. Of several varieties of soybean paste as seasonings. Japanese foods made from, soya , include miss (味噌),NATO (納豆),Kinko (黄粉) and edamame (枝豆). In Korean
  26. Duck eggs, pickled vegetables, and thousand-year eggs; or sweetened or savory, soya , milk served with grilled flat, round buns or youth (油條). * Southeastern
  27. Crispy pork skin, small pieces of lemon, shallot,and ginger, fresh capsicum, soya , bean sauce, and sesame cracker or leaves of Chapel (Piper sarmentosum Rob)
  28. Walk across it; this was called" walking on custard. " Soy sauce (also called, soya , sauce ) is a condiment produced by fermenting soybeans with Aspergillus prize
  29. Round buns (Shaw (grilled) Bing (biscuit) ', with Donna or dousing (, soya , milk ) or Chinese tea (served hot and plain, without lemon or milk). *
  30. Such as tobacco or coffee. The previously large exports of tobacco, cotton,soda, and horticultural produce have consequently reduced dramatically and the income
  31. Under the skin, of an animal. Examples of edible plant fats include peanut, soya , bean,sunflower, sesame,coconut and olive oils, and cocoa butter. Vegetable
  32. This is not marinated prior to grilling. On serving, it is accompanied by sweet, soya , sauce (medium sweetness, slightly thinned with boiled water),sliced fresh
  33. Fun' 腸粉),fried noodles (sautéed noodles with bean sprouts, spring onions, soya , sauce and sometimes some shredded pork, or even ham, etc.),jabbing (thin
  34. Their natural flavor to the product and no attempt is made to imitate meat. The, soya , sausage was invented 1916 in Germany. First known as" Older Wurst" ( =
  35. Comprising * Milk (hot, cold,possibly cultured),milk analogue or hot, soya , bean milk in Vietnam and China, * Hot caffeinated and decaffeinated beverages (
  36. Rotate it with corn or other food crops. However, due to the growing demand of, soya , farmers in Argentina did not rotate crops and grew only soda, resulting in
  37. In Hindi or 'SOA' not related to Soy, in Punjabi. In Telugu, it is called, soya , and Sakura (for herb greens). It is also called 'sausage soppy' ( ಸಪ್ಸಿಗೆ
  38. From scratch. These may be made from tofu, seitan, nuts,pulses, mycoprotein, soya , protein,vegetables or any combination of similar ingredients that will hold
  39. Growing demand of soda, farmers in Argentina did not rotate crops and grew only, soya , resulting in damage to the soil. Criticism In Germany In 2004,Monsanto filed
  40. non-protein nitrogen) in the lowest wilting level. Improved fermentability of, soya , meal nitrogen in the lumen has also been reported by F. Mathieu and J. P.
  41. Products: coffee, bananas,sugarcane, cotton,rice, corn,tobacco, sesame,soda, beans; beef, veal,pork, poultry,dairy products; shrimp, lobsters Exports -
  42. Vegetarian version (occasionally named" Shepherdess Pie" ) can be made using, soya , or other meat substitutes (like tofu or Quoin),or legumes such as lentils or
  43. Sprouts, called kongnamul (dishes),tofu (AAU HU or AAU ft or tau HU),soda, sauce (NOC thong, literally: soda water),soda milk (NOC AAU in the North
  44. Identified that three of the seven volunteers had transgenes from GM, soya , transferred into the bacteria living in their gut before the start of the
  45. To rotate crops in order to allow the soil to recover. Farmers should grow GM, soya , and then rotate it with corn or other food crops. However, due to the growing
  46. Including wheat, maize,millet, and sorghum. Cash crops like cotton, peanut,soda, bean and sesame are also produced. Kailua, with a history of over 100 years
  47. Greatest success stories has been genetically modified soybean (Roundup Ready, soya , ) grown and sold in Argentina, South Africa, and across the USA. There are
  48. Organic cocoa, and organic cane syrup). This beverage can also be made with, soya , milk. Supplement Some nutritionists have criticized chocolate milk for its high
  49. South Africa, and across the USA. There are claims that its use increased, soya , production by 75 % and increased yields by 173 % over five years until 2002
  50. Good profitability to farmers. This was good news for the farmers who saw GM, soya , as a cash crop which had a good export potential as feed for cattle. Therefore

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