Examples of the the word, pave , in a Sentence Context

The word ( pave ), is the 8786 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Joseph Kennedy supported McCarthy as a national Catholic politician who might, pave ,the way for a younger Kennedy's presidential candidacy. Unlike many Democrats
  2. Century BC, widespread social unrest led to the reforms of Solon. These would, pave ,the way for the eventual introduction of democracy by Cleisthenes in 508 BC.
  3. 1930,the city spent little on improvements after annexation. The city did not, pave ,Trolley way (Pacific Avenue) until 1954 when county and state funds became
  4. North-east of the town),which" petrified" clay, allowing it to be used to, pave ,Harwich's streets and build its walls. The locals also claimed that" the same
  5. Owners, demanding they admit black players to major league baseball, helping to, pave ,the way for Jackie Robinson to break the" color bar" in baseball two years
  6. You intellectuals: freedom that will corrupt our youth, freedom that will, pave ,the way for the oppressor, freedom that will drag our nation to the bottom. In
  7. Attesting Ruhi's increasing rebelliousness, efforts exerted my eldest sister, pave ,way fourth alliance members family Sigrid Ali involving marriage his
  8. A government of" national union" that would end the reigning corruption and, pave ,the way for a new Panama. A week and a half later, on October 11, 1968,the
  9. To be Uma Thurman's stunt double in Tarantino's Kill Bill. By helping to, pave ,the way for female action heroes in television and film," Lena" also
  10. Of ragtime music. And as a pioneer composer and performer, he helped, pave ,the way for young black artists to reach American audiences of both races.
  11. Food chain. In human culture Architecture *Cyan colored tiles are often used to, pave ,swimming pools to make the water within them seem more intensely colored, and
  12. He also empowered them to present his resignation to the Papacy. This would, pave ,the way for the end of the Western Schism. The legates were received by Emperor
  13. The increase may reflect some newly built roads. President Tribe has vowed to, pave ,more than 2,500 kilometers of roads during his administration, and about 5,000
  14. And in Europe. The bombers are a self funded none for profit team helping, pave ,the way for UK Roller Derby across the country. Famous citizens * Kelly Adams –
  15. Of tourism will boost economic prospects, and test drilling for oil may, pave ,the way development of the energy sector. GDP: purchasing power parity $48.3
  16. Was a source of a requirement to co-operate for mutual gain. Whilst this helped, pave ,the way for political change in that country, in terms of workplace relations
  17. Into the record or reject. At worst, abusing judicial discretion would actually, pave ,the way to a biased decision rendering obsolete the judicial process in
  18. Had significant influence on public opinion, and the intense debate helped to, pave ,the way for the acceptance of the more scientifically sophisticated Origin by
  19. England to Frobisher Bay, Canada,eventually to mine fool's gold, used to, pave ,streets in London. July–December * August 4 – Battle of Al Keys all Kefir: The
  20. Remained home to Congress until July 1790,when the Residence Act was passed to, pave ,the way for a permanent capital. The decision to locate the capital was
  21. Nazi Piraeus — literally meaning, the birth of the month of Thai will, pave ,way for new opportunities — is often quoted with reference to this festival.
  22. Several jazz components. This return to three-piece instrumentation helped, pave ,the way for future albums in the mid-90s,which would adopt a more
  23. Research – whether to launch or test out new theories, to innovate or to, pave ,the way for discoveries across a wide range of disciplines – became part of the
  24. Of NGOs that have campaigned against landmines, is to pass the Bill, and to, pave ,the way towards a global ban on landmines. The United Nations appealed to the
  25. Neville, died,and rumors spread across the country that she was murdered to, pave ,the way for Richard to marry his niece, Elizabeth. The gossip alienated Richard
  26. Visited Annette and Caroline in Calais. The purpose of the visit was to, pave ,the way for his forthcoming marriage to Mary Hutchinson, and a mutually
  27. The Johannesburg City Council began to provide more streetlights and to, pave ,roads. Private initiatives to tap Oceans' combined spending power of R4.3
  28. Fewer voids or greater bitumen content than the" asphalt concrete" used to, pave ,roads. Another description has it that the term derives from the Arcadian term
  29. Two agreements on cooperation in the fields of culture and sports, which will, pave ,the way for greater people-to-people exchanges between the two countries. The
  30. Of their baby, Liam had a one-night stand with Carla, a story which helped, pave ,the way for his departure. Much of the decade was spent on the family dramas of
  31. May opt to pass a resolution for a vacancy of a legislative seat that will, pave ,way for a special election. The winner of the special election will serve the
  32. Practical security, a major concern about these new attacks is that they might, pave ,the way to more efficient ones. Whether this is the case is yet to be seen, but
  33. Marry AAI Bahamas, a daimyo in northern OMI Province. This would later help, pave ,the way to Kyoto. In 1568,Ashikaga Dashiki went to Gift to ask Nonage to
  34. Heavy crude oil, while asphalt is used for the oil refinery product used to, pave ,roads and manufacture roof shingles and various waterproofing products. Diluted
  35. Frequent acts was The Supreme, who appeared 17 times on the show, helping to, pave ,the way for other Motown acts to appear on the show such as The Temptations
  36. In the willingness of Roman troops to wage war against one another that was to, pave ,the way for the wars which ultimately overthrew the republic, and caused the
  37. Infrastructure and institutional reforms. These projects are intended to, pave ,the way toward economic growth, job creation, higher incomes and better living
  38. The New Testament promoted by humanists Lorenzo Valley and Erasmus, would help, pave ,the way for the Protestant Reformation. Artists such as Ajaccio strove to
  39. To the current flow. A quantum spin Hall state is a theoretical phase that may, pave ,the way for the development of electronic devices that dissipate less energy
  40. Change. Mark Legal, an early member of Gay Liberation, has continued to, pave ,the road of gay equality. Many who? Refer to Mark Legal as the dean of American
  41. For literature). Minimal genomes for minimal multicellular organisms may, pave ,the way to understand such complex processes in vivo. Events *1512 – The
  42. Escaped death. In 2006,the last Hindu temple in Lahore was destroyed to, pave ,the way for construction of a multi-storied commercial building. The temple was
  43. Enhancements represented by the 80286 and many of its successors would, pave ,the way for the x86 and the IBM PC architecture to extend from low performance
  44. Day. * July 9 – The National Assembly of Senegal passes a law that will, pave ,way for a multi-party system (albeit highly restricted). * July 12 – São Tomé
  45. Placed within the concrete. Overall, there is enough concrete in the dam to, pave ,a two-lane highway from San Francisco to New York. Concrete cores were removed
  46. An infusion of Asian music into the emerging genre and would eventually, pave ,the way for Japan's domination in the development of music technology several
  47. England to Frobisher Bay, Canada,eventually to mine fool's gold, used to, pave ,streets in London. * 1578 – King Henry III lays the first stone of the Point
  48. And Sublime. The Toasters played in a 2 Tone-influenced style and helped, pave ,the way for the third wave ska movement. In 1981,The Toasters' frontman
  49. Four on the UK charts. It would prove to be his only hit single, but it helped, pave ,the way for a consistent stream of album sales in Britain. After nearly a
  50. Were disappointed in their belief that the Allied victory in Morocco would, pave ,the way for independence. In January 1944,the Still (Independence) Party

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