Examples of the the word, staple , in a Sentence Context

The word ( staple ), is the 8784 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The cuisine of Burkina Faso, typical of west African cuisine, is based around, staple ,foods of sorghum, millet,rice, maize,peanuts, potatoes,beans, yams and okra.
  2. A half-million seeds in three species of amaranth. Amaranth was one of the, staple ,foodstuffs of the Incas, and it is known as silica in the Andes today. It was
  3. Realm. The potato holds a very important role as an internally consumed, staple ,crop. Maize was also an important crop for these people. However, they were
  4. In the early Bronze Age. Ancient empires valued luxury goods in contrast to, staple ,foods, leading to famine. This may have arisen because money was concentrated
  5. Has changed dramatically over the centuries. Traditional Choral evensong is a, staple ,of most cathedrals. The style of psalm chanting harks back to the Church of
  6. Manufacturing and construction. Fiction Asteroids and the asteroid belt are a, staple ,of science fiction stories. Asteroids play several potential roles in science
  7. In a wide range of types and have no standard form. A slab of rock with an iron, staple ,in it to attach a chain to would serve the purpose, as would any dense object
  8. Get signatures worth $20,$60,or even $100 or more in their stores. Beyond the, staple ,billboards, large corporations like NIKE and Champion fought to make sure that
  9. Involving Calvin reluctantly joining recess baseball. It quickly became a, staple ,of the comic afterwards. The only hint at the true creation of the game
  10. Both with and without certificates of authenticity, these fragments are now a, staple ,on the online auction service eBay as well as German souvenir shops. Today, the
  11. Economy Agriculture is the leading occupation in the region. Rice is the, staple ,food crop. Other food crops are pulses, potato,maize, and oil seeds. Jute is
  12. Where nearly ninety per cent of the population depended on the potato as their, staple ,food. By 1848,Mayo was a county of total misery and despair, with any attempts
  13. Cash crops are indicated by the fact that the total production of cassava,the, staple ,food of most Central Africans, ranges between 200,000 and 300,000 tons a year
  14. Of leagues with smaller cities. Selling player contracts was rapidly becoming a, staple ,business of the independent leagues. During the rough and tumble years of the
  15. Rescues him from the dangers of the pickpocket group). Such coincidences are a, staple ,of eighteenth century picaresque novels such as Henry Fielding's Tom Jones
  16. Bush rat are also consumed. Name" Benin"/> name "/NP"> Tourism"/> The main, staple ,in northern Benin is Yams, also often served with stated sauces. Name "
  17. A female human-like robot would be a" synod ". Fiction Androids are a, staple ,of science fiction. Authors have used the term android in more diverse ways
  18. Production roles on western-hemisphere farms. The potato became an important, staple ,crop in Northern Europe. Since being introduced by Portuguese in the 16th
  19. Have replaced traditional African crops as the continent's most important, staple ,food crops. By the early 19th century, agricultural techniques, implements
  20. Was released by Advanced Chemistry in November 1992. The single became a, staple ,in the German hip hop scene. It made a strong statement about the status of
  21. Government policymakers for protective tariffs on the then-critical commercial, staple , They established a mortgage bank, the Banco Hipotecario Franco Argentina, and
  22. Current interpretive questions. " Nonetheless the study of alignments remains a, staple ,of archaeoastronomical research, especially in Europe. Brown archaeoastronomy
  23. Mango) is probably the best known of the Andhra Pradesh pickles. Rice is the, staple ,food and is used in a wide variety of ways. Typically, rice is either boiled
  24. Of her life. ) Miss Marple may thus be considered a female version of that, staple ,of British detective fiction, the gentleman detective. This education, history
  25. Cuisine. It helps to add an earthy and warming feeling to cooking, making it a, staple ,in certain stews and soups, as well as curries and chili. Nutritional value
  26. Of transport in many developing countries. Until recently, bicycles have been a, staple ,of everyday life throughout Asian countries. They are the most frequently used
  27. Egypt retains some striking similarities to the cuisine of the ancients. The, staple ,diet consisted of bread and beer, supplemented with vegetables such as onions
  28. Vision when he was working on Necromancer. The film's tone has since been the, staple ,of many cyberpunk movies, such as The Matrix (1999),which uses a wide
  29. And molecular biology of temperate grasses. Other commercially important, staple ,foods like wheat, maize,barley, rye,pearl millet and soybean are also having
  30. Cebu" ( named after an island in the Philippines),later became a, staple ,in the Quiet storm format. Three albums released in years 1975 and 1976 (
  31. Gold in 1997. The album included" Dirty Women ", which remains a live, staple , as well as Bill Ward's first lead vocal on the song" It's Alright ". Former
  32. That propelled" Amazing Grace" to spread across the U. S. and become a, staple ,of religious services in many denominations and regions were the Second Great
  33. Part of their breakfast, along with healthy portions of pork. Salted pork was a, staple ,of any meal, as it was used in the preparations of vegetables for flavor, in
  34. Venezuela, the United States and the Netherlands. Deficit spending has been a, staple ,in Aruba's history, and modestly high inflation has been present as well. As
  35. Problems to further development of the Chadian music industry. Millet is the, staple ,food throughout Chad. It is used to make balls of paste that are dipped in
  36. Nearly every family made bread for their own consumption, wheat was the main, staple ,of the average diet in Britain. Consequently, wheat was regarded as the "
  37. Gun ", the instrumental title track from the band's debut album, became a, staple ,at American sporting events, and is similarly featured in many films, including
  38. Living with problems of climate, soil erosion, and rudimentary technology. The, staple ,crops are pearl millet, sorghum,maize, and rice. The cash crops are cotton
  39. And French empires. The ports of the British West Indies were closed to all, staple ,products which were not carried in British ships. France and Spain established
  40. The Billboard Hot 100,and the video (directed by RIC Menelik) became an MTV, staple , Another chart hit from the album was No Sleep till Brooklyn, released in 1987.
  41. To increase power and are followed through with the hands to ensure accuracy. A, staple ,pass is the chest pass. The ball is passed directly from the passer's chest to
  42. Later as a commercial market. Several comic forms that had previously been a, staple ,of movie theaters transitioned to the television. Both the short subject and
  43. Protein diet, particularly beef. Grilled meat from the Amado (barbecue) is a, staple , with steak and beef ribs especially common. Chorizo (pork sausage),gorilla
  44. Dumpling made from grated sweet potatoes, flour and spices. One of the Antigua, staple ,foods, fungi (FOON-ji),is a cooked paste made of cornmeal and water. Media
  45. Lacks the weaker spring growth rings of the American oaks),have been a proven, staple , having a tighter grain than red oak wood. Another choice, hickory wood, seems
  46. The transcription of Malcolm Arnold's Four Scottish Dances, which has become a, staple ,of the concert band repertoire. The bassoon is also part of the standard wind
  47. Were experienced later in the 20th century when high-yield varieties of common, staple ,grains such as rice, wheat,and corn (maize) were introduced as a part of the
  48. Images (especially see Deuteronomy 4:16,23),yet the image of a monarch is a, staple ,of Hellenistic coins. In place of an image of himself, therefore,it is likely
  49. Cash crops are illustrated by the fact that the total production of cassava,the, staple ,food of most Central Africans, ranges between c. 200,000 and 300,000 tons a
  50. Nutrition Virtually all foods eaten come from plants, either directly from, staple ,foods and other fruit and vegetables, or indirectly through livestock or other

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