Examples of the the word, unanimous , in a Sentence Context

The word ( unanimous ), is the 8783 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Additional rights to those protected by the convention. The former require, unanimous ,ratification before coming into force, while the latter are optional protocols
  2. Near arcade-quality ports, industry magazines like Electronic Games were, unanimous ,in their enthusiasm over the console. Some of the more popular games include
  3. And was enshrined in St. Mark’s, Venice,Italy. Composition Scholars are not, unanimous ,about the authenticity of the pastoral epistles. While these epistles are
  4. 13 unanimous CY Young winners in National League history. There have been eight, unanimous ,American League selections, with Roger Clemens, Pedro Martinez, and Johan
  5. It means that all are right, not in their dogmatic exclusivity, but in their, unanimous ,inner signification, which coincides with pure metaphysics, or in other terms
  6. Majority is required (§ 15 IV 1 Average). Decisions by a Chamber need to be, unanimous , A Chamber is not authorized to overrule a standing precedent of the Senate to
  7. This positive appreciation of his legacy, even in Ukraine it is far from being, unanimous , He is mostly criticized for his union with Russia, which in the view of some
  8. Celebrating his 40th year in music. His sudden death caused an almost, unanimous ,shock in Turkey with millions of people mourning and tens of thousands of
  9. Critics of the 18th century — Richard Foulard and the Prince de Line — were, unanimous ,in thinking Abelian greatly inferior to Adrian, but Abelian exercised a great
  10. In any case, other Greco-Roman writers of the 1st century AD are, unanimous ,that the Pasternak were, in their own time, Germanic in language and culture.
  11. Frame-narrator (1.1–11; 12.9–14) and Omelet (1.12–12.8). Scholars are not, unanimous ,about whether this indicates two authors. Some have noticed the conflicting
  12. After a year as a freelance musician, he was recalled by the Rosedale with a, unanimous ,vote in 1711; clearly during his year's absence the board realized the
  13. Despite noting: The decision to recommend scheduling of MDMA was not, unanimous ,: Environmental concerns Demand for parole, a substance used in the manufacture
  14. Was elected president for the term from 1990-1994. The elections were marked by, unanimous ,condemnation of José Barney, with all candidates trying to keep distance from
  15. The Roman use of Clique are as follows::" They the Romans have produced the, unanimous ,evidence of the Latin Fathers, and also of Cyril of Alexandria, from the study
  16. While in the process of running for re-election. Bhutto's assassination drew, unanimous ,condemnation from the international community. In Guinea-Bissau, President João
  17. Or the composition of the Supreme Court, the amendment must be adopted by, unanimous ,consent of all the provinces in accordance with section 41. *However, in the
  18. CY Young Award winner to have won the MVP, doing so in 1992. There have been 13, unanimous , Cy Young winners in National League history. There have been eight unanimous
  19. Higher score at the end of the fight is ruled the winner. With three judges, unanimous ,and split decisions are possible, as are draws. A boxer may win the bout before
  20. From the neighborhood and sworn to tell the truth, who were bound to give a, unanimous ,verdict, about matters" which they had personally seen or heard, binding on
  21. The Crown proceeded to appeal all the way to the Supreme Court of Canada. In a, unanimous ,6-0 decision, the Lord's Day Act was ruled an infringement of the freedom of
  22. The larger Spanish American independence movement, and it was far from having, unanimous ,support among Chileans, who became divided between independents and
  23. Committee, chaired by Balfour, drew up the document preparatory to its, unanimous ,approval by the imperial premiers on November 15, 1926. It was first proposed
  24. Garnered widespread approval and in April the French National Assembly gave, unanimous ,support and, in June 1987,after a public inquiry, the Senate gave unanimous
  25. Force of the Réunion plume. However, opinion in the geologic community is not, unanimous ,that this feature is actually an impact crater. " Don't ask,don't tell" (
  26. Hitting .326 with 44 home runs and 121 RBI's. He finished one vote short of a, unanimous ,MVP selection, as a Minnesota sportswriter placed Twins center fielder César
  27. Nevada; Leonard retains his WBC world Super Middleweight title by a 12 round, unanimous ,decision. *1993 – The Long Island Rail Road massacre: Passenger Colin Ferguson
  28. Recognized that majority decisions are not binding on the minority, even when, unanimous , However, anarcho-communist Murray Book chin criticized individualist anarchists
  29. And at the same time decreed in regard to the Passover that there must be one, unanimous ,concord on the celebration of God's holy and supremely excellent day. For it
  30. That the community had always been Sunni. This group was outcast by the, unanimous ,vote of all the Thomas assembled in Bombay. In 1866,these dissenters filed a
  31. Commons on June 14, 1928. In response to this rejection, the bishops issued a, unanimous ,statement, asserting the Church's right to order its forms of worship, and in
  32. And suspended antitrust laws. The IRA was found to be unconstitutional by, unanimous ,decision of the U. S. Supreme Court on May 27, 1935. Roosevelt opposed the
  33. Unanimous support and, in June 1987,after a public inquiry, the Senate gave, unanimous ,support. In Britain, select committees examined the proposal, making history by
  34. And Willie Stairwell received an equal amount of points. There have been 17, unanimous , winners,meaning they received all the first-place votes. Ty Cobb and Nap
  35. They included a full range of social and economic classes, but were, unanimous ,regarding the need to defend the rights of Americans and uphold the principles
  36. Of most decisions, including modifications to the Articles, required, unanimous , approval of all thirteen state legislatures. Congress was denied any powers of
  37. A vote every year on whether to keep a teacher. The vote on Vivaldi was seldom, unanimous , and went 7 to 6 against him in 1709. After a year as a freelance musician, he
  38. Canadian constitution that would modify the role of the monarchy would require, unanimous ,consent of the provinces. The German Basic Law provides that no amendment is
  39. Alameda city council with local support sent a, unanimous ,letter of support to hold AC 34 in San Francisco Bay Area. Wine and spirits
  40. Whose conservative supporters had allied with Dudley's followers to create a, unanimous ,Council, which they, and observers such as the Holy Roman Emperor, Charles V's
  41. Must be taken at Sunday services; some congregations require that this vote be, unanimous , The Lutheran process, though rarely used, has created unusual situations in
  42. To be" the finest two-decked ship in the world ", Both parliaments gave, unanimous ,votes of thanks, each captain who served in the battle was presented with a
  43. When he would not, the Synod of Alexandria met in an emergency session and a, unanimous ,agreement was reached. Pope Cyril I of Alexandria, supported by the entire See
  44. Clan. Decision-making occurred through lengthy discussion and decisions were, unanimous , with topics discussed being introduced by a single tribe. Booker concludes
  45. Waterloo only peaked at number 145 on the Billboard 200 chart, but received, unanimous ,high praise from the US critics: Los Angeles Times called it" a compelling and
  46. Also provide that certain constitutional amendments cannot occur without the, unanimous ,consent of all states or of a particular state. The US Constitution provides
  47. The award. In 1963,Sandy Koufax became the first pitcher to win the award in a, unanimous ,vote; two years later he became the first multiple winner. In 1974,Mike
  48. Acting as prosecutor, the jury found the conspirators guilty, but it was not a, unanimous ,verdict. Sentenced to death for treason, all the accused were executed as soon
  49. Dick Latch" resented the media attention that SHL had generated ". With the, unanimous ,support of the board, Leitsch contacted" Frank Hogan, the Manhattan District
  50. As an integral part of the text. All of these protocols have required the, unanimous ,ratification of all the member states of the Council of Europe to enter into

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