Examples of the the word, shred , in a Sentence Context
The word ( shred ), is the 12165 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Years spent at Paris art schools made him partial to the French; there wasn’t a, shred ,of unbiased coverage of the war. Gibson drew the Kaiser as a bloody madman
- In a single line," Play it on your / Stradivari / He's not sorry / Not a, shred , " As a high-status, political symbol. In the second installment of the Final
- Former Police Federation chairman Jimmy Pratt said if the report" had one, shred ,of credible evidence then we could have expected charges against former police
- That the end of the Universe may occur as a" Big Rip ", which will, shred ,the physical structure of the Universe. http://arxiv.org/abs/astro-ph/0302506
- Winter nights in the Homburg Palace ", said Richard O'Connor. " There is not a, shred ,of evidence to support the rumors ", affirmed Jasper Ridley. " It was said that
- Tube fireworks that are ejected into the air spinning with such force that they, shred ,their outer coating, in doing so they whiz and hum. Whistle High
- All the healing items (Bleeder Bonus),or ending a level with only the last, shred ,of health (Skin Of Your Teeth Bonus; gives the player full health to start the
- Return to Forever in 1974,was one of the first guitarists to perform in a ", shred ," style, a technique later used in rock and heavy metal playing. Di Leola used
- Of hard rock Like other heavy metal songs of the 1980s,they often feature, shred ,guitar solos. Aesthetically glam metal draws heavily on the glam rock or
- Cockling when soaked) and its response to lifting paint (the paper should not, shred ,or tear) is best tested by making a painting on it. Stretching All cellulose
- Most talented rock guitarists of all time and is considered to be a pioneer of, shred ,guitar. Name" digitaldreamdoor. Nutsie. Com"/> name" muzzle.
- Album. The verse goes:" Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, and Slayer taught me how to, shred ,..." The Sum 41 song" Fat Lip" contains the line" Heavy metal and mullets
- Area for storage of the shred ded materials. These trucks have been designed to, shred ,up to of paper an hour. Mobile shred ding trucks can have a shred ded material
- In Cuba had become such that we could no longer stand quiet and retain one, shred ,of self-respect …. We drew the sword and waged the most righteous and
- As the responsible managers in this scandal as they had given the order to, shred ,relevant documents. Since the U. S. Securities and Exchange Commission does not
- Barney. His self-titled debut album was released in 1988,during the popular, shred ,era, and went on to become his highest-selling album; The following year, he
- And wild behavior. Musically, the style was distinguished by rapid-fire, shred ,guitar solos, anthemic choruses, and a relatively pop-oriented melodic approach
- Feeding off other fish and mammals. They rely on a row of sharp teeth to, shred ,their host. Fluids preventing clotting are injected into the host, causing the
- Square or circular pieces. *Cardboard shred ders are designed specifically to, shred ,corrugated material into either strips or a mesh pallet. *Disintegrates and
- 1990s 1980s heavy metal styles such as neoclassical metal and lengthy, virtuoso, shred , guitar solos had become unfashionable in the US. In 1993,Malmsteen's future
- Thus, Oberon appears in a 13th century French courtly fantasy that is based on a, shred ,of 9th century fact. He is given some Celtic trappings, such as a magical cup (
- Otherwise sensitive documents. Privacy experts often recommend that individuals, shred ,bills, tax documents, credit card and bank account statements, and other items
- Album. The verse goes:" Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, and Slayer taught me how to, shred ,..." Controversy Slayer has been accused of holding Nazi sympathies, due to
- Diligence standards which can result in data breaches include: * failure to, shred ,confidential information before throwing it into dumpsters * the theft of
- Displays over Mirabeau’s death have made the friends of liberty lose their last, shred ,of hope. We are on the brink of catastrophe and the only thing left for us to
- Invader ", which was in the style of Van Halen's" Eruption ". The, shred ,guitar craze of the late eighties led to more releases for Shrapnel. Moore also
- Sometimes sewed fishhooks or razor blades into the backs of their lapels to, shred ,the fingers of assailants; the same thing was done by Teddy Boys in the 1950s.
- A pause in the song. In some styles of metal, a bass break may consist of ", shred ,guitar"-style tapping on the bass. In a funk or funk rock band, a bass solo may
- Wear to the microwave oven. Many office paper shred ders are also designed to, shred ,CDs. CD-R discs can otherwise be made unreadable by making a visible scratch on
- Former Police Federation chairman Jimmy Pratt said if the report" had one, shred ,of credible evidence then we could have expected charges against former Police
- Religion known as On during the Tibetan Empire period, there is not a, shred ,of evidence to support the idea ... Although different in some respects from
- Pasta maker, was manufactured in 1935 in Germany. Supposedly he needed to, shred ,his anti-Nazi propaganda to avoid the inquiries of the authorities. Whinger
- Ring shaped tape head. Previous head designs were needle shaped and tended to, shred ,the tape. An important discovery made in this period was the technique of AC
- S biodiversity sorts into other trophic levels. Invertebrates that feed and, shred ,larger leaves, for example, create smaller bits for smaller organisms in the
- North told Congress that he used a Schneider Isthmus 007 S cross-cut model to, shred ,Iran-Contra documents, sales for that company increased nearly 20 percent in
- In 1987 and 1988 respectively. Recently, with a new wave of popularity in, shred ,guitar, the hitherto-unfashionable genre of" technical metal" has become
- Areas. Chain saws and large equipment can be used to thin out ladder fuels and, shred ,trees and vegetation to a mulch. Multiple fuel treatments are often needed to
- These large leaks lower the stress on the parachute, so it does not burst or, shred ,when it opens. Ribbon parachutes made of Kevlar are used on nuclear bombs such
- Be hung on pegs or clips. Chad are also the small strips, pieces of paper or, shred ,waste that remain of the documents fed through a paper shred der. Chad can also
- By competitors illegally. It is for this reason that trade secret owners, shred ,documents and do not simply recycle them. A successful plaintiff is entitled to
- Hedonism and wild behavior and musically were distinguished by rapid-fire, shred ,guitar solos, anthemic choruses, and a relatively melodic, pop-oriented
- Document oriented databases also prevent the user from having to ", shred ," objects into table rows. Many of these systems also support the Query query
- National Security Council member Oliver North and his secretary start to, shred ,documents implicating them in the sale of weapons to Iran and channeling the
- With the 24 frets, superior Edge terms, decent pickups and all around, shred ,machines. These are what really took Baez from" I-been-had" guitars to the
- Andersen CEO Joseph Bernardino states the document retention policy was" not to, shred ,documents, not to eliminate documents if you have a reasonable basis to
- In small quantities" in 1433 (from the Middle French retail," piece cut off, shred , scrap, paring "). Like the French, the word retail in both Dutch and German (
- Shredding services that costs hundreds of thousands of dollars and can, shred ,millions of documents an hour. Some shred ders used by a commercial shred ding
- To be worth the effort. One countermeasure is to burn or thoroughly crosscut, shred ,discarded printed plaintexts or storage media; NSA is infamous for its disposal
- Outsource their shred ding to shred ding services. These companies either, shred ,on-site, with mobile shred der trucks or have off-site shred ding facilities.
- To defend him. The assemblage is then rushed by the upper year students, who, shred , the gown of the person, while removing his or her defenders. Once a student has
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