Examples of the the word, shopping , in a Sentence Context

The word ( shopping ), is the 2304 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Streets is the narrow, medieval Kalverstraat in the heart of the city. Another, shopping ,area is the Negev States: nine narrow streets within the Grachtengordel, the
  2. Shopping streets are Union Street and George Street, now complemented by, shopping ,centers, notably the St Nicholas & On Accord and the Trinity Shopping Center.
  3. Diapers, doors of bathroom stalls, stickers on apples in supermarkets, shopping ,cart handles (grabertising),the opening section of streaming audio and video
  4. This process. The city ranks third in Scotland for shopping . The traditional, shopping ,streets are Union Street and George Street, now complemented by shopping
  5. Synopsis Act one A Doll's House opens as Nora Hélmer returns from Christmas, shopping , Her husband Torvald comes out of his study to banter with her. They discuss
  6. The headless bodies of 15 young men were found dumped near the Plaza Senders, shopping ,center. On August 20, 2011,Mexican authorities reported that five headless
  7. Referring to the personalities and attributes of the citizens. Solo is a, shopping ,district stretching down South Congress Avenue from Downtown. This area is home
  8. And the surrounding area. *The Herbstmarkt (autumn market),another Sunday, shopping ,day, is on the first weekend in October. *Since 1997,a series of cultural, art
  9. In St. John's and elsewhere, although many Antiguans prefer to make a special, shopping ,trip to St. Martin, North America, or San Juan in Puerto Rico. Family and
  10. The largest city festival of the Württemberg region, and is connected with a, shopping ,Sunday in accordance with the Ladenschlussgesetz code. The festival is also
  11. And in particular Maurice Hotel and Andre Hamburg. * Riyadh Eleventh (, shopping ,center and art gallery). * Ketchup Mosque (This mosque became the
  12. A huge mall, Real in Silent Center, offer North American and European style, shopping ,opportunities (these places can be reached through the Eskişehir Highway. )
  13. And new structures built on the square's south-eastern side. The Alexa, shopping ,mall, with approximately 180 stores opened nearby during 2007 and a large
  14. Hall of the incorporated trades (originating between 1398 and 1527),now a, shopping ,mall; the former office of the Northern Assurance Company, and the National
  15. That was originally the Expo Center built for Expo 86. * The dome over a, shopping ,center in downtown Ankara, Turkey,109.7-meter (360 ft) tall * The dome
  16. And fresh collection of spices, dried fruits, nuts,and other produce. Modern, shopping ,areas are mostly found in Kızılay, or on Tonal Him Avenue, including the
  17. Street in Midtown Atlanta (nicknamed" Midtown Mile" ) a street-level luxury, shopping ,destination to rival Beverly Hills' Rodeo Drive or Chicago's Magnificent Mile
  18. Offices and buildings and hotels intended for travelers in transit. A, shopping ,center and three high-rise office buildings rising with the top of the
  19. Paradise for both Athenians and tourists. Complete with fashion shops and, shopping ,centers promoting most international brands, it now finds itself in the top 5
  20. Was home to an Arnold Clark car dealer which closed down in 2010. The town's, shopping ,center is called the Arrington Mondale Center. A retail park near the town
  21. Are the most frequently used method of transport for commuting to work, school, shopping , and life in general. Bicycles are also celebrated through use of visual art.
  22. Is planned to include a shopping mall, Marriott hotel, a business district with, shopping ,center and the largest mosque in Algiers. New residential developments aim to
  23. Most international brands, it now finds itself in the top 5 most expensive, shopping ,streets in Europe, and the tenth most expensive retail street in the world.
  24. Painting galleries in France Parks and gardens Shopping Bordeaux has many, shopping ,options. In the heart of Bordeaux is Rue Sainte-Catherine. This pedestrian only
  25. Run in a straight line, but on occasion lose themselves in a maze of narrow, shopping ,streets. The town is skirted by the European route E19 (N-S) and the E40 (
  26. Large amounts of viewers, such as on mass transit vehicles and in stations, in, shopping , malls or office buildings, and in stadiums.; Mobile billboard advertising:
  27. Wood floor & Beds,Morrison's (former Net to) and Pound stretcher. The main, shopping ,street is called Broadway. Shell, Esso,Texaco (x2) and BP operate garages in
  28. Same name) is actually Soto-Kanda, a part of Chiyoda-ku. Akihabara is a major, shopping ,area for electronic, computer,anime, and take goods, including new and used
  29. The concentric canal system of Amsterdam. The Negev States differ from other, shopping ,districts with the presence of a large diversity of privately owned shops. The
  30. Which laid out future urban development in Canberra around a series of central, shopping ,and commercial area known as the 'town centers' linked by freeways, the layout
  31. Displays promoting a specific product, and advertisements in such places as, shopping ,carts and in-store video displays.; Coffee cup advertising: Coffee cup
  32. County, part of the New York metropolitan area, is home to the largest retail, shopping ,malls of any county in the nation, and home to four major malls. The town of
  33. With attractions including outdoor locales for skiing, hiking and camping, shopping ,locales such as West Edmonton Mall, Calgary Stampede, outdoor festivals
  34. Considered as part of the development contract, which is planned to include a, shopping ,mall, Marriott hotel, a business district with shopping center and the largest
  35. Partnership that links 17 merchants of the historic Corner Virginia-Highland, shopping ,and dining neighborhood retail district, through the Chicago Climate Exchange
  36. Allergy Foundation of America. Ditto Delivery Amway owns a patent on the online, shopping ,method of Ditto Delivery, which allows consumers to specify an automatic
  37. July/Aug),sightseeing, cave exploration, exotic drinks and fine clothes, shopping , Attractions, landmarks and points of interest Tourism accounts for almost one
  38. For its seafood restaurants and waterfront private homes. City Island's single, shopping ,street, City Island Avenue, is reminiscent of a small New England town. It is
  39. Held at the Seattle Center, involves performances, picnics,wine and, shopping , One-time celebrations * 1979: A concert with Jean-Michel Barre on the Place de
  40. Radio, cinema and television adverts, web banners, mobile telephone screens, shopping ,carts, web popups, skywriting,bus stop benches, human billboards, magazines
  41. Observance of Sunday as a day of worship or rest, and a restriction on Sunday, shopping , Most have been repealed, have been declared unconstitutional, or are simply
  42. Has the trappings of a more modern city: wide streets, hotels,theaters, shopping ,malls, and high-rises. Government offices and foreign embassies are also
  43. Of a campus in Side Abdallah, south-east from Algiers. This site will include, shopping ,centers, residential zones with high standard apartments and a golf course
  44. Porto de Aveiro (Have/Aveiro). Malls Aveiro and environs have several, shopping ,centers and malls. The most central one being Forum Aveiro with clothes stores
  45. A night in York, where,escorting Anne around in a wheelchair, they did some, shopping , and at Anne's request, visited York Minster. However, it was clear that Anne
  46. Currents. Shopping districts are popular in Barbados, with ample duty-free, shopping , There is also a festive night-life in mainly tourist areas such as the Saint
  47. An amphitheater that is used for concerts. *Alexandria Mall – the local, shopping ,mall located on Masonic Drive, established 1973
  48. Oranienburger strafe and surrounding areas are increasingly known for the, shopping ,and nightlife. The Straße DES 17. June, connecting the Brandenburg Gate and
  49. Heights, and Fordham (Board 5 & Board 7). Shopping districts Prominent, shopping ,areas in the Bronx include Fordham Road, Bay Plaza (in Co-op City),The Hub
  50. Been designed to accelerate this process. The city ranks third in Scotland for, shopping , The traditional shopping streets are Union Street and George Street, now

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