Examples of the the word, harm , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Act 1998.; Racially or religiously aggravated assault occasioning actual bodily, harm ,: This offense is created by section 29 (1) (b) of the Crime and Disorder
  2. Actual bodily harm : The offense of assault occasioning actual bodily, harm ,is created by section 47 of the Offenses against the Person Act 1861.; Assault
  3. Advertising of alcohol has been recommended as additional ways of reducing the, harm ,of alcohol dependence and abuse. Credible, evidence based educational campaigns
  4. Is the destructive impulse within every person, the will and the capacity to do, harm , and it is everyone's duty to be on guard against this tendency within
  5. A summary offense, under section 43 * Assault occasioning actual bodily, harm ,: under section 47 The Criminal Justice (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (
  6. Cases of harm against police officers or other public servants, or for bodily, harm ,stemming from the reckless operation of a motor vehicle. The latter is often
  7. Against him, Ajatasattu is still his nephew. He released Ajatasattu and did not, harm ,him. Upon his return, the Buddha says, among other things, that Sendai is" a
  8. Fear of drowning. The horsemen besought the escapees to return, and that no, harm ,would come to them. 17th century historian Ahmed Mohammed Al-Jazari poignantly
  9. Or attempts, with force or violence, to strike, beat,wound, or do bodily, harm ,to, another. Republic of Ireland Section 2 of the Non-Fatal Offenses Against
  10. National Security if it would result in" direct, immediate,and irreparable ", harm ,to the nation. *Reproductive rights, including access to contraception and
  11. Person with a deadly weapon. Aggravated assault can also be charged in cases of, harm ,against police officers or other public servants, or for bodily harm stemming
  12. Device in its cargo manifest; assuming it contains information that could, harm ,it, the Blight destroys the ship. The second ship is allowed to escape
  13. Enjoy the afterlife, all these elements had to be sustained and protected from, harm , On March 30, 2010,a spokesman for the Egyptian Culture Ministry claimed it
  14. 270 of the Code. * Sexual assault with a weapon or threats or causing bodily, harm ,: Section 272 of the Code. * Aggravated sexual assault: See aggravated sexual
  15. Assault with a weapon: Section 267 (a) of the Code. * Assault causing bodily, harm ,: See assault causing bodily harm . * Assaulting a peace officer, etc.: Section
  16. I may make in prayer. ' He replied: 'Say: Oh Allah! I have done my soul a great, harm ,and no one can forgive sins except You; so grant me forgiveness with Your
  17. a) of the Code. * Assault causing bodily harm : See assault causing bodily, harm , * Assaulting a peace officer, etc.: Section 270 of the Code. * Sexual assault
  18. Such a furor in Australia that diplomats had to intervene to prevent serious, harm ,to Anglo-Australian relations, and the MCC eventually changed the Laws of
  19. Of their senses ", they cannot think rationally. In fact, not only do they do, harm ,to themselves, but they also do harm to all civilization: these are not women
  20. Rationally. In fact, not only do they do harm to themselves, but they also do, harm ,to all civilization: these are not women who can refine civilization – these
  21. Often intangible, factors such as intense sunlight or wind that may cause, harm ,to the plants and animals in the area affected. Abiotic stress is essentially
  22. With government sponsorship or endorsement. *Drug policy reform to reduce, harm ,and promote sustainable health and well-being by bringing about a just
  23. Ashoka helped to construct Sancho and Maharishi Temple. Ashoka never tried to, harm ,or to destroy non-Buddhist religions, and indeed gave donations to
  24. Governments and parliaments have formed alcohol policies in order to reduce the, harm ,of alcoholism. Targeting adolescents and young adults is regarded as an
  25. And" It's a beautiful day. " At his sentencing, Lamo expressed remorse for, harm ,he had caused through his intrusions, with the court record quoting him as
  26. Of assault, and section 3 of that Act creates the offense of assault causing, harm , South Africa South African law does not draw the distinction between assault
  27. Law also recognizes the crime of assault with intent to cause grievous bodily, harm , where grievous bodily harm is defined as" harm which in itself is such as
  28. Persons Act 1978 (c.17) makes provision for assault occasioning actual bodily, harm ,or causing injury on" protected persons" ( including Heads of State).;
  29. Abortion when it is performed to save the life of the pregnant woman; prevent, harm ,to the woman's physical or mental health; terminate a pregnancy where
  30. Has been committed. Aggravated assaults; Assault occasioning actual bodily, harm ,: The offense of assault occasioning actual bodily harm is created by section 47
  31. Who holds God and man in one thought at one time, at all times, who suffers, harm ,done to others, whose greatest passion is compassion, whose greatest strength
  32. Respect all religions. According to Ashoka, to harm another's religion is a, harm ,to one's own religion. Ashoka asserted his people to live with D harm macharana.
  33. Physical contact which amount to normal social behavior known as de minimis, harm , Assault can also be considered in cases involving the spitting on, or unwanted
  34. Of conservation and is considered an agrarian scholar. Leopold believed that, harm ,was frequently done to natural systems out of a sense of ownership and this
  35. Upon your heels? And whoever turns back upon his heels, he will by no means do, harm ,to Allah in the least and Allah will reward the grateful. " (3.144) 'Umar
  36. Difficult – a drug that harm s an apicomplexan parasite is also likely to, harm ,its human host. Currently, there are no effective vaccines available for most
  37. Was the only substance (radioactive pieces of his home planet) which could, harm ,Superman, a clear reference to Intel, which dominated in the market at the time
  38. The Church against the Synagogue's attempts to influence Roman policy to its, harm , must be clear to all familiar with the strength of Judaism in Asia (cf. Rev
  39. Philosophy of extending love and compassion especially to those who seek to, harm ,others. Aikido demonstrates this philosophy in its emphasis on mastering
  40. Allies against the Empire of Japan and the Germans (and doing almost as much, harm ,as good in spite of its advanced weapons). Similarly, Robert Charles Wilson's
  41. Has been charged on an indictment with assault occasioning actual bodily, harm ,(ABH),or racially/religiously aggravated assault, then a jury in the Crown
  42. In the minority of cases where there is severe distress or risk of physical, harm ,to others. Some doubts have been raised about the long-term effectiveness of
  43. Recommended his people study and respect all religions. According to Ashoka, to, harm ,another's religion is a harm to one's own religion. Ashoka asserted his
  44. With Barbary pirates who continually attacked coastal cities and caused much, harm ,to trade. This act cost the region dearly; with so many skilled artisans and
  45. Of the profession of psychiatry, that large quantities of evidence about the, harm ,caused by psychotropic drugs including anti-depressants is overlooked and
  46. And section 1 (2) (b) makes provision for assault occasioning actual bodily, harm , on UN staff. Abolished offense:; Assault on customs and excise officers, etc.:
  47. Adolescents and young adults is regarded as an important step to reduce the, harm ,of alcohol abuse. Increasing the age at which licit drugs of abuse such as
  48. Of assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm , where grievous bodily, harm ,is defined as" harm which in itself is such as seriously to interfere with
  49. To cause grievous bodily harm , where grievous bodily harm is defined as ", harm ,which in itself is such as seriously to interfere with health. " The common law
  50. In advance, for example on a parade route),and putting themselves in, harm ,'s way—both by simple presence, showing that physical force is available to

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