Examples of the the word, wealthy , in a Sentence Context

The word ( wealthy ), is the 4084 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Lion" ( 1939) Poirot himself refers to a Belgian case of his in which" a, wealthy ,soap manufacturer … poisoned his wife in order to be free to marry his
  2. On September 22, 1834,Alcott opened a school of about 30 students, mostly from, wealthy ,families. It was named the Temple School because classes were held at the
  3. Essential to a play's success, and it was recruited and funded by a chorus,a, wealthy ,citizen appointed to the task by one of the arc hons. A chorus could regard
  4. From the Greek term" origin ", a term which designate the act by which the, wealthy ,citizens of the Greek Polish financed the chorus of ancient Greek theater. -
  5. To gain his estate. After being widowed a second time, Agrippina was left very, wealthy , Later that year at the Secular Games, at the performance of the Troy Pageant
  6. Of Octavia Minor and Mark Antony. According to Suetonius, Domitius was a, wealthy ,man with a despicable and dishonest character, who,according to Suetonius, was
  7. He became a stepfather to Nero. Crispus was a prominent, influential,witty, wealthy ,and powerful man, who served twice as consul. He was the adopted grandson and
  8. When he was accused of using magic to gain the attentions (and fortune) of a, wealthy ,widow. He declaimed and then distributed a witty tour de force in his own
  9. For the married couple, Roser Region and Père Mila. Rose Region was the, wealthy ,widow of Joseph Guardiola, an Indian, a term applied locally to the Catalans
  10. An important role in the next developments. George's father, Thomas Sanders,a, wealthy ,businessman, offered Bell a place to stay at nearby Salem with Georgie's
  11. It appears to him like they are just bossing people around. *Betty Pope is a, wealthy ,socialite who is having a meaningless sexual affair with James Haggard. She is
  12. Abraham Fox man describes six facets of the financial canards: #All Jews are, wealthy ,#Jews are stingy and greedy #Powerful Jews control business world #Jewish
  13. Bohemian street people, distinguished intellectuals, Hollywood celebrities and, wealthy ,patrons. Warhol has been the subject of numerous retrospective exhibitions
  14. Element in Crowley's writings. " He also calls Crowley" a spoiled scion of a, wealthy ,Victorian family who embodied many of the worst John Bull racial and social
  15. Initially goes to have an abortion but decides to bear the child and allow a, wealthy ,couple to adopt it. Other films Dirty Dancing (1987) and If These Walls Could
  16. Sending multiple tones on a telegraph wire using a multi-reed device, the two, wealthy ,patrons began to financially support Bell's experiments. Patent matters would
  17. There have been attempts by artists to create art that can not be bought by the, wealthy ,as a status object. One of the prime original motivators of much of the art of
  18. A civic duty and a public honor, but Aristophanes showed in The Knights that, wealthy ,citizens could regard civic responsibilities as punishment imposed on them by
  19. Been her ability to turn upside down traditional hierarchies and recast the, wealthy , the talented, and the powerful as the oppressed ", Academic reaction During
  20. Then susceptible to abscesses (though caries were rare). The diets of the, wealthy ,were rich in sugars, which promoted periodontal disease. Despite the flattering
  21. Prince. According to the Talmud (Avowal Sarah 10a-b),Rabbi Judah was very, wealthy ,and greatly revered in Rome. He had a close friendship with" Antoninus "
  22. Around Aarhus indicates the city had some significance around year 1000 as only, wealthy ,nobles traditionally used them. The center of Aarhus was once a pagan burial
  23. Article was the subject of much discussion. Carnegie argued that the life of a, wealthy ,industrialist should comprise two parts. The first part was the gathering and
  24. Of Heinrich Flores Schopenhauer and Johanna Schopenhauer, both descendants of, wealthy ,German Patrician families. When the Kingdom of Prussia acquired the
  25. As a child to live with her own mother's sister, who was the second wife of a, wealthy ,American. Eventually Margaret married her stepfather's son from his first
  26. The total. Slaves sold to lower South states were owned by a smaller number of, wealthy ,slave owners as the price of slaves increased. Even
  27. See photograph),the gymnasium and a set of well-preserved frescoes from a, wealthy ,villa are the only artifacts from this period that remain visible. Though
  28. The switches, forcing Deign to find an alternative source. *Midas Mulligan is a, wealthy ,banker who mysteriously disappeared in protest after he was given a court order
  29. With children, and wrestling is also documented in a tomb at Ben Hasan. The, wealthy ,members of ancient Egyptian society enjoyed hunting and boating as well. The
  30. Favor principally upon his fellow Lithuanians, the most notable of whom was the, wealthy ,Lithuanian magnate Michael Link, who justified his master's confidence by
  31. A now lost pendant of Moses (both from Mold) by the Nobel Colonia family, wealthy ,Catholic art patrons living in Rome (Getty Museum Archives). Events *46 BC –
  32. Benefit the largest number of people, thus breaking the often-abused power of, wealthy ,landowners in English society. In 1881,Wallace was elected as the first
  33. From Garrison as a nonresistant. Attendance at Alcott's school was falling. A, wealthy ,Quaker named Reuben Haines proposed he and educator William Russell start a new
  34. To be a slave. Although metrics had no direct political influence many were, wealthy ,business owners who could, and sometimes did, influence policy by not allowing
  35. Living in Osaka. Akira was the eighth and youngest child of the moderately, wealthy ,family, with two of his siblings already grown up at the time of his birth and
  36. Tobacco, and of other crimes, and was guillotined. Early life Born to a, wealthy ,family in Paris, Antoine Laurent Lavoisier inherited a large fortune at the age
  37. Such vast collections of art are the preserve of the rich, of governments and, wealthy ,organizations. Fine and expensive goods have been popular markers of status in
  38. In historical racing, this branch of auto sport tends to be contested by, wealthy ,car owners and is thus more amateur and less competitive in its approach. Other
  39. Alex insists on following through on Georgie's idea to burgle the home of a, wealthy ,old woman. The break-in starts as farce and ends in tragic pathos, as Alex's
  40. Remorseful enough to attempt suicide yet fearful of being arrested, becomes, wealthy , as a major smuggler. Meanwhile, Dr. Room, a vacationer Jean Narrow, and a
  41. Of The Theory of Moral Sentiments, Smith became so popular that many, wealthy ,students left their schools in other countries to enroll at Glasgow to learn
  42. He never earned money by force or fraud, and never apologized for becoming, wealthy ,and successful. He was one of the most hated men of his time. Deign is often
  43. That supported efficiency in administration and operation; on the other, wealthy ,philanthropists favored buildings that reinforced the paternalistic metaphor
  44. On a visit to London, England. Early years Speer was born in Mannheim, into a, wealthy ,middle class family. He was the second of three sons of Albert and Loose Speer.
  45. Was entering the new Eon of Horus in the early twentieth century. Born into a, wealthy ,upper class family, as a young man he became an influential member of the
  46. That Armenian victory was largely due to military help from Russia and the, wealthy ,Armenian diaspora. Armenians partially deny the allegation, claiming that
  47. Rococo Key dates: 1700s Throughout the 18th century in France, a new, wealthy ,and influential middle-class was beginning to rise, even though the royalty and
  48. Army. In 333 BC he married the widow of his patron Dramas, a distinguished and, wealthy ,citizen. He was twice banished for attempting to overthrow the oligarchical
  49. André Boulanger is that an increasing ‘ willingness’ on the part of the, wealthy ,upper classes in the late Roman period to spend money on local gentrification
  50. Was over. In 1840,Lincoln became engaged to Mary Todd, who was from a, wealthy ,slave-holding family in Lexington, Kentucky. They met in Springfield, Illinois

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