Examples of the the word, scripture , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Order, and by common consent in the church. " (). This applies to adding new, scripture , President of the Church Harold B. Lee taught" The only one authorized to
  2. Of scripture : the literal and the spiritual. The literal sense of understanding, scripture ,is the meaning conveyed by the words of Scripture. The spiritual sense is
  3. McCulloch describes the new act of worship as," a morning marathon of prayer, scripture ,reading, and praise, consisting of martins, litany,and ante-communion
  4. About the Book of Mormon:" The proper use of The Book of Mormon as sacred, scripture ,has been under wide discussion in the 1970s and beyond, in part because of
  5. Laying on of hands is repeatedly used to give a commission to some person in, scripture , however; for example, it was done to St. Paul before his missions work; St.
  6. In divine inspiration The Christian Bible contains paragraphs indicating all, scripture ,to be inspired by God, such as" All scripture is given by inspiration of God
  7. Determine for themselves the truthfulness of doctrine. Adding to the canon of, scripture ,The Doctrine and Covenants teaches that" all things must be done in order, and
  8. Catholic theology holds: * the injunction that all other senses of sacred, scripture ,are based on the literal * that the historicity of the Gospels must be
  9. To Hooker. Rather Hooker's description is a hierarchy of authority, with, scripture , as foundational, and reason and tradition as vitally important, but secondary
  10. Powerfully than any other formula. The analogy of the" three-legged stool" of, scripture , reason, and tradition is often incorrectly attributed to Hooker. Rather Hooker
  11. Judges and 1 Samuel. It is a rather short book, in both Jewish and Christian, scripture , consisting of only four chapters. Title The full title in Hebrew is named
  12. To the Children of Israel according to the Torah. The Qur'an mentions the holy, scripture ,as a light and guidance for those who would accept the Message. God says in the
  13. Apocalypses. Based on prophecies, these apocalyptic books were not considered, scripture ,by all, but rather part of a literary form that flourished from 200 BC to AD
  14. Are directed to daily offer devotional prayer and to meditate and study sacred, scripture , There is no set form for devotions and meditations, though the devotional
  15. Preferably as the matrix for a sermon to proclaim the message of, scripture ,anew week by week. ". Many ordinary churchgoers—that is, those who could afford
  16. Sanskrit: yuganaddha; Chinese: 通達) comes from the Avataṃsaka Supra, a Mahayana, scripture , and its associated schools. It holds that all phenomena (Sanskrit: dharma)
  17. Paragraphs indicating all scripture to be inspired by God, such as" All, scripture ,is given by inspiration of God ...." ( from Paul's letter to Timothy) Some
  18. Debate over the origins of life in non-religious terms and without appeals to, scripture , and to bring the debate before the public. One of its principal claims is that
  19. Of human reason to know God. The Council of the Vatican, relying on biblical, scripture , declares that" God, the beginning and end of all, can,by the natural light
  20. Musical instruments in praise. Contrary to their teaching, the Old Testament, scripture ,shows that God specifically asked for instruments rather than merely tolerating
  21. In any setting in the 1st century and a half of the churches (including, scripture ,). Toward the end of the 2nd century, however,Christians began condemning the
  22. Other significant differences relate to the church's acceptance of additional, scripture , doctrine, and practices beyond what is found in the Catholic, Protestant or
  23. To the death penalty. However, as is often the case with the interpretation of, scripture , there is dispute on this matter. Historically, most states where the official
  24. As a" type" ( sign) of baptism. * the moral sense, which understands the, scripture ,to contain some ethical teaching. * the anagogical sense, which applies to
  25. Movement, the denominations of which typically regard the text not only as, scripture ,but also as a historical record of God's dealings with the ancient inhabitants
  26. Members officially regard the Book of Mormon as the" most correct" book of, scripture , in that" a man would get nearer to God by abiding by its precepts, than any
  27. The historicity of the Gospels must be absolutely and constantly held * that, scripture ,must be read within the" living Tradition of the whole Church" and * that "
  28. As a single book with the title" Ezra ", was accepted into the canon of, scripture ,around the middle of the 2nd century BCE, when it was translated into Greek.
  29. Baptism must occur after the age of accountability, defined in Latter-day Saint, scripture ,as eight years old. Latter-day Saint theology also teaches baptism for the dead
  30. As bishops are elected from and by the order of the. " It also uses sacred, scripture ,in support of this practice, namely,1 Timothy 4:12,which states: Methodism
  31. If based on the literal meaning. Catholic theology distinguishes two senses of, scripture ,: the literal and the spiritual. The literal sense of understanding scripture is
  32. Sibelius. Basil of Caesar accused him of abandoning the literal sense of the, scripture , and taking up wholly with the allegorical sense. His views were condemned in a
  33. Of human society. Interracial marriage is also highly praised throughout Bahá'í, scripture , The importance of self-exertion and service to humanity in one's spiritual
  34. Smith. These groups all have in common the acceptance of the Book of Mormon as, scripture , It is this acceptance which distinguishes the churches of the Latter Day Saint
  35. Of the Church speak as" moved upon by the Holy Ghost ", ... shall be, scripture , shall be the will of the Lord, shall be the mind of the Lord, shall be the
  36. Conclusions which contradict a literalist creationist interpretation of, scripture , creationists often reject the conclusions of the research or its underlying
  37. All Christians recognize the New Testament (as stated below) as canonical, scripture , These books can be grouped into: The Gospels Pauline Epistles General Epistles
  38. In Islam that actively promotes evolutionary theory. Ahmad is interpret, scripture ,from the Quran to support the concept of macroevolution and give precedence to
  39. By the Third Lambert Conference of 1888. The four points (the sufficiency of, scripture , the historic creeds, the two Dominican sacraments, and the historic episcopate
  40. Of doctrine, and also framing the regular reading and proclamation of, scripture , Sykes nevertheless agrees with those heirs of Maurice who emphasize the
  41. A guide which provides a set order for church services, containing set prayers, scripture ,readings, and hymns or sung Psalms. History Early Church and Histological
  42. Of Latter-day Saints or LDS Church (a Restorationist faith) which claims new, scripture ,on par with the Bible and a restored apostolic order by angelic ordination; and
  43. Uyghur among others. * Punjabi (Gurkha): ਅੱਲਾਹ Allah (archaic ਅਲਹੁ in Sikh, scripture ,) Typography The word is always written without an to spell the vowel. This is
  44. Indicating the worldwide community of Christians, each church interpreting, scripture ,differently, as many Protestants maintain. All Christians who have a genuine
  45. Record. " He stated that" while the Church affirms the Book of Mormon as, scripture , and makes it available for study and use in various languages, we do not
  46. Praise to the unaccompanied chant of the early church is not commanded in, scripture , and that the churches in any age are free to offer their songs with or without
  47. Jesus, can be put on. 3. As St. Cyril again asserts above, as Adam and Eve in, scripture ,and tradition were naked, innocent and unashamed in the Garden of Eden
  48. In the 5th century),Palestinian Tarim (Jewish Aramaic versions of, scripture ,), and midrashim (biblical commentaries and teaching). The standard vowel
  49. Different denominations have different beliefs about what constitutes canonical, scripture , there are several versions of the apocrypha. During 16th-century controversies
  50. Churches include soul competency (liberty),salvation through faith alone, scripture ,alone as the rule of faith and practice, and the autonomy of the local

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