Examples of the the word, ecosystem , in a Sentence Context

The word ( ecosystem ), is the 4087 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Fifth season (original air date: May 5,1999),Earth's first self-contained, ecosystem ,known as" The Millennium Gate" is referenced and described as one kilometer
  2. Appropriate selection and proportions of different species providing different, ecosystem ,functions. The co-cultured species are typically more than just biofilters;
  3. Through his French" Passion 2001" expedition, explaining the evolution of the, ecosystem , and releasing several papers, a video film, and a website. In 2003
  4. It focuses on trade at the species level and does not address habitat loss, ecosystem ,approaches to conservation, or poverty; it seeks to prevent unsustainable use
  5. AMD Live! PC as well as connected digital TVs, together with a scheme for an, ecosystem ,of certified peripherals for the ease of customers to identify peripherals for
  6. Of erosion and sediment deposition. The rapid evolution of a terrestrial, ecosystem ,containing copious animals opened the way for the first vertebrates to seek out
  7. For 1970,1975,1980,and 1985. Each of the five major regions has a distinct, ecosystem , Administrative boundaries do not necessarily coincide with ecological
  8. And other forms of relevant activities. The necessity to promote a healthier, ecosystem ,for the people through the rehabilitation and regreening of the environment was
  9. Synergistic benefits, which could potentially lead to significant shifts in the, ecosystem , Some traditional poly culture systems may, in fact, incorporate a greater
  10. Prism in which the protagonist Evan Orwell is trapped on a planet whose entire, ecosystem ,is mostly silicon-based. Perhaps the most extreme example in science fiction is
  11. Variety of third-party peripheral vendors had also entered the computer product, ecosystem , Many PDP-11-like machines were also introduced by competitors. The PDP-11
  12. Facility (GEF) funds-although this is difficult given the Gets more, ecosystem ,approach-or other more regular funds. Development of a funding mechanism
  13. Coast and its adjacent areas on and offshore is an important part of a local, ecosystem ,as the mixture of fresh water and salt water in estuaries provides many
  14. Kind of abiotic and biotic factors spread over a large area creating a typical, ecosystem ,over that area. Such major ecosystem s are termed as biomes. Biomes are defined
  15. This in turn changes erosion rates and the availability of water for either, ecosystem ,functions or human services. The forest may have little impact on flooding in
  16. Of North Seawater into the Baltic. Such inflows, important to the Baltic, ecosystem ,because of the oxygen they transport into the Baltic deeps, used to happen on
  17. See Vladimir I. Vernadsky),preceding the 1935 introduction of the term ", ecosystem ," by Sir Arthur Tinsley (see ecology history). Vernadsky defined ecology as
  18. One example of a situation where abiotic stress plays a constructive role in an, ecosystem ,is in natural wildfires. While they can be a human safety hazard, it is
  19. Production other than natural capital. * Natural capital, the resources of an, ecosystem ,that yields a flow of goods and services into the future * Physical capital
  20. Effects of abiotic stress, as a natural part of every, ecosystem , will affect organisms in a variety of ways. Although these effects may be
  21. Support flight; these ground-bound birds evolved to take advantage of an island, ecosystem ,with no predators. The traditional image of the dodo is of a fat, clumsy bird
  22. That humans indirectly caused the extinction of diprotodonts, by destroying the, ecosystem ,on which they depended. In particular, early Aborigines are thought to have
  23. For benefits of abiotic stress, is that one phenomenon may not affect an entire, ecosystem ,in the same way. While a flood will kill most plants living low on the ground
  24. Black Sea coast. Ecology The Black Sea supports an active and dynamic marine, ecosystem , dominated by species suited to the brackish, nutrient-rich,conditions. As
  25. Wetlands in Botswana, the largest inland delta in the world and is a crucial, ecosystem ,to the survival of many animals. Reintroduction of indigenous vegetation will
  26. Chaparral most vulnerable to fire in the late summer and fall. The chaparral, ecosystem ,as a whole is adapted to be able to recover from infrequent wildfires (fires
  27. Video, photos,and a written diary (see links below). In 2005,Clipperton's, ecosystem ,was extensively studied for four months by a scientific mission organized by
  28. Sonic anemometers are widely used to measure gas emissions and, ecosystem ,fluxes using eddy covariance method when used with fast-response infrared gas
  29. And climax vegetation (quasi-equilibrium state of the local ecosystem ). An, ecosystem ,has many biotopes and a biome is a major habitat type. A major habitat type
  30. To understand the relationships between these measurements and properties of, ecosystem ,energetics because such discoveries would enable the prediction of rates of
  31. Are more or less likely to survive. " Nature" in this sense refers to an, ecosystem , that is, a system in which organisms interact with every other element
  32. Succession and climax vegetation (quasi-equilibrium state of the local, ecosystem ,). An ecosystem has many biotopes and a biome is a major habitat type. A major
  33. Biomes Humans have fundamentally altered global patterns of biodiversity and, ecosystem ,processes. As a result, vegetation forms predicted by conventional biome
  34. That do not recover quickly. This destruction alters the functioning of the, ecosystem ,and can permanently alter species composition and biodiversity. By catch, the
  35. Oxygen, and the recycling of many organic wastes. The land-based, ecosystem ,depends upon topsoil and fresh water, and the oceanic ecosystem depends upon
  36. In the river. This type of ecological succession from a freshwater to marine, ecosystem ,is typical of river estuaries. River estuaries form important staging points
  37. Pattern. The installation of dams dramatically altered the landscape and, ecosystem ,of the river. At one time, the Columbia was one of the top salmon-producing
  38. By humans vary from 39 to 50 %. Land degradation, the long-term decline in, ecosystem ,function and productivity, is estimated to be occurring on 24 % of land
  39. And efforts are being made for their eradication. The drastically different, ecosystem ,has led to substantial environmental damage, as the ponds created by the
  40. Were doing just the opposite. The beaver works as a keystone species in an, ecosystem ,by creating wetlands that are used by many other species. Next to humans, no
  41. The land-based ecosystem depends upon topsoil and fresh water, and the oceanic, ecosystem ,depends upon dissolved nutrients washed down from the land.
  42. Large, sharp teeth. It may have been at the top of the food chain in its local, ecosystem , Although relatively large for a theropod, Albertosaurus was much smaller than
  43. The coastline. Conservation efforts since the 1980s have partially restored the, ecosystem , Types of coast According to one principle of classification, an emergent
  44. Basin and have committed to work together to enhance and accomplish critical, ecosystem ,restoration efforts. A number of cleanup efforts are currently underway
  45. Into desert. In the early 1990s,it became evident that the semiarid casting, ecosystem ,of the Northeast was losing its natural vegetation through clearing and that
  46. With small valleys whose natural vegetation is high altitude rainforest. The, ecosystem ,covers and area of approximately 1.9 million hectares extending from Chiapas
  47. From conventional support networks, and must avoid damage to the surrounding, ecosystem ,due to an international treaty. The base generates electricity with its own
  48. New organisms can begin to grow and thrive. Even though it is healthy for an, ecosystem , a wildfire can still be considered an abiotic stressor, because it puts an
  49. Apatosaurus was the second most common sauropod in the Morrison Formation, ecosystem , after Camarasaurus. It may have been a more solitary animal than other
  50. And regulation efforts have led to a partial recovery of the Black Sea, ecosystem ,during the 1990s,and an EU monitoring exercise,'EROS21 ', revealed decreased

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