Examples of the the word, inspiration , in a Sentence Context

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  1. No APL computer system was available to use them. Iverson cited Falloff as the, inspiration ,for the idea of using an IBM Selectric type ball for the APL character set. The
  2. Dark subject, it is likely that Lovecraft's Shared provided the main, inspiration ,for Al-Jazair. The Merciful Fate albums Time and Into the Unknown reference
  3. Of Rodin's later sculptures. The Salon rejected the piece. Early figures: the, inspiration ,of Italy In Brussels, Rodin created his first full-scale work, The Age of
  4. Belong to some mystic dialect, or take their origin from some supposed divine, inspiration , ” Yet we may with better reason suppose that it came originally from a foreign
  5. Such as Martin Luther and John Calvin would look back to him as their, inspiration , Augustine was canonized by popular acclaim, and later recognized as a Doctor
  6. As modern aviation, electric lighting, radio,ocean liners and skyscrapers for, inspiration , Art-deco design influences were expressed in the crystalline and faceted forms
  7. Able to recreate the capabilities of the human mind, is both a challenge and an, inspiration ,for philosophy. Are there limits to how intelligent machines can be? Is there
  8. As a talented singer/songwriter of sch lager style songs. Fältskog's main, inspiration ,in her early years were singers such as Connie Francis. Along with her own
  9. Own writing career, and Kirby McCauley has cited Delete and Arkham House as an, inspiration ,for his own anthology, Dark Forces. Arkham House and Delete published Dark
  10. Human. Characters Pigs; Old Major: An aged prize Middle White boar provides the, inspiration ,that fuels the Rebellion in the book. He is an allegory of Karl Marx and Lenin
  11. Marooned on an uninhabited island. It is probable that his travels provided the, inspiration ,for Daniel Defoe's novel Robinson Crusoe. Early life The son of a shoemaker
  12. Would translate many of his works into English. In the 1920s,Gide became an, inspiration ,for writers such as Albert Camus and Jean-Paul Sartre. In 1923,he published a
  13. Innocuous euphemisms? " In" Howl" and in his other poetry, Ginsberg drew, inspiration ,from the epic, free verse style of the 19th century American poet Walt Whitman.
  14. Then deported on May 7,1965. Václav Havel points to Ginsberg as an important, inspiration ,in striving for freedom. Gay rights One contribution that is often considered
  15. Real, Canadian ice hockey player (d. 2004) *1920 – Christopher Robin Milne, inspiration ,for the Winnie-the-Pooh stories (d. 1996) *1924 – Jack Buck, American sports
  16. Παλλὰς Ἀθηνᾶ; Παλλὰς Ἀθήνη),is the goddess of wisdom, courage, inspiration , civilization, warfare,strength, strategy,female arts, crafts,justice and
  17. Of natural rights, and a system of laws chosen by the people. As an example or, inspiration ,After the Revolution, genuinely democratic politics became possible. The rights
  18. With the beat generation comes from mutual inspiration , much credit for style, inspiration , and content can be given to Ginsberg's friends. Ginsberg claimed throughout
  19. Any reworkings lacking in originality, given that one of the sources of, inspiration , his son, was growing older. His reception remained warmer in America than
  20. Absalom! Would God I had died for thee, O Absalom, my son, my son! "),is the, inspiration ,for the text of several pieces of choral music, usually entitled When David
  21. I am mistaken for Professor Einstein. " Einstein has been the subject of or, inspiration ,for many novels, films,plays, and works of music. He is a favorite model for
  22. Including a return to WOMAN) and announced a new album, Capture. Formation The, inspiration ,behind the project dates back to 1991,when Simon Emerson, a Grammy
  23. That are well-suited to the Alford. Brahms wrote to Clara Schumann that the, inspiration ,for the dramatic entry of the horn in the introduction to the last movement of
  24. Style and technique From the study of his idols and mentors and the, inspiration ,of his friends—not to mention his own experiments—Ginsberg developed an
  25. Hospitals. His experiences with his mother and her mental illness were a major, inspiration ,for his two major works," Howl" and his long autobiographical poem" Kaddish
  26. More or less extensively adapted, this choral tradition also became the direct, inspiration ,for robed choirs leading congregational worship in a wide range of Christian
  27. Movements such as surrealism and primitivism, which drew on ethnography for, inspiration , Marcel Grille and Michel Paris are examples of people who combined
  28. Seem to originate in this region. A lot of religious elements including the, inspiration ,oracular-cult were transmitted from the Hittites to the Greeks and then to the
  29. Then to contain superhuman conceptions. The Upanishads was a great source of, inspiration ,to Schopenhauer, and writing about them, he said: It is the most satisfying and
  30. Author C. S. Lewis, who also died on 22 November. This coincidence was the, inspiration ,for Peter Kreeft's book Between Heaven and Hell: A Dialog Somewhere Beyond
  31. Stealing Apollo's tripod that was strongly associated with his oracular, inspiration , Their two figures hold the center. In the pediment of the temple of Zeus in
  32. Reinforce the emotion, as Hollywood traditionally did (and still does). The, inspiration ,for this innovation came from a family tragedy. When news reached Kurosawa of
  33. Ushered in the" Golden Age" of science fiction. The story served as the, inspiration ,for a number of science fiction movies. In 1950, it was combined with" War of
  34. Mentions this anecdote (II,81),suggesting that it came from an" admirable, inspiration ,", as opposed to Cicero, who did not associate the prediction with divination.
  35. Also had an influence in cinema; in particular, he was a major influence and, inspiration ,to the work on the radical avant-garde underground film-maker Kenneth Anger
  36. Lilting lines, as well as its New World exuberance, all echo the continuity of, inspiration ,that he claimed. He studied poetry under William Carlos Williams, who was then
  37. To Ginsberg's friends. Ginsberg claimed throughout his life that his biggest, inspiration ,was Kerouac's concept of" spontaneous prose ". He believed literature should
  38. A Sinfonia in the first act of his contemporaneous opera" IL Faustino ". The, inspiration ,for the concertos was probably the countryside around Mantra. They were a
  39. Fritz Perls, who originated Gestalt Therapy, credited Alexander as an, inspiration ,for his psychological work. The Feldenkrais Method and the Mitzvah Technique
  40. Same name, and the novel After the Funeral. " Anna became Agatha's greatest, inspiration ,for country-house life, with all the servants and grandeur which have been
  41. 1444 – Robert Camping, Flemish painter (b. 1378) *1476 – Simone Vespucci, inspiration ,of Botticelli (b. 1453) *1478 – Giuliano di Piero de' Medici, ruler of
  42. Generally. " La Estela Moderna, and Ferrer's ideas generally, formed the, inspiration ,for a series of Modern Schools in the United States,Tolstoy's educational
  43. Himself never published his work in this area, the proposal became the, inspiration ,for work by other mathematicians and the source of the theory of design
  44. Of this book also appears in the four gospels and 1 Peter. The genuineness and, inspiration ,of Enoch were believed in by the writer of the Epistle of Barnabas, Irenaeus
  45. Recommend" three A's"—Aristotle, Aquinas,and Ayn Rand. She also found early, inspiration ,in Friedrich Nietzsche, and scholars have found indications of his influence in
  46. Of a divinity, as holy/pure, honey-smiling Sappho (for. 384),may owe its, inspiration ,to her performances at the festival. The Lesbian or Atomic school of poetry "
  47. Which modern historians refer to as the Proto-orthodox, the timeframe of true, inspiration ,was limited to the apostolic age, and universal acceptance by the church was
  48. And science as well as in religious matters. It was from here that Alcuin drew, inspiration ,for the school he would lead at the Frankish court. He revived the school with
  49. Infinity-stacks,'derivates ', cohomological formalism of to poses as an, inspiration ,for a new homo topic algebra #Tame topology. #Yoga of Anatolian geometry and
  50. Of the vitality of those associated with the beat generation comes from mutual, inspiration , much credit for style, inspiration ,and content can be given to Ginsberg's

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