Examples of the the word, discretion , in a Sentence Context

The word ( discretion ), is the 4081 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Also signed the Judiciary Act of 1925 into law, allowing the Supreme Court more, discretion ,over its workload. Retirement and death After his presidency, Coolidge retired
  2. The cavalry and had carte blanche from Wellington to commit these forces at his, discretion , Wellington stationed a further 17,000 troops at Halle, eight miles (11 km)
  3. Of the Churches ". If zeal for orthodoxy caused him to overstep the limits of, discretion , his real attitude towards Rome is sufficiently clear. He declares the pope to
  4. Full-time education. Six-year-olds can enroll at school at their parents ', discretion , The State provides education in its schools free of charge, except for higher
  5. Then a jury decided issues of fact, an appellate court will apply an abuse of, discretion ,standard of review. Under this standard, the appellate court gives deference to
  6. Left off. Once a decision is reached, the " substitute" shooter can, at the, discretion ,of the Bowman, continue to roll the dice for a new" come out" as would have
  7. To take evasive action against torpedoes were amended. Commanders were given, discretion ,that if their part of the fleet was not under immediate attack, they should
  8. Concerning corporate law which generally (but not always) grant broad, discretion ,to corporate boards of directors and officers. In addition, the Delaware
  9. Based on a first-past-the-post within that CLP or union, or changed at the, discretion ,of delegates (similar to primary elections in the United States). They were
  10. Contain content that may affect an individual directly or indirectly. Viewer, discretion ,is advised. Australia Cable television began in the early 1990s in Australia.
  11. Which they naturally opposed. As William says," he was a man of wisdom and, discretion , fully competent to hold the reins of government in the kingdom. " He is
  12. Be impossible to specify, as in a great many instances it depended upon the, discretion ,of the censors and the view they took of a case; and sometimes even one set of
  13. In which review in most cases is available only if the Court exercises its, discretion ,and grants a writ of certiorari. In contrast, appeal as of rights to the
  14. S death. Until that point, use of the HANS device was optional, at the, discretion ,of the drivers or teams. Earnhardt had refused to wear the device, arguing it
  15. The appellate tribunal, while most issues of equity are reviewed for" abuse of, discretion ," that is, with great deference to the tribunal below). * the remedies
  16. Also be considered for prosecution as fraud and/or perjury would then be at the, discretion ,of the judge and/or U. S. Trustee. In individual countries Australia The
  17. That the Minister should have the option to omit part of the set liturgy at his, discretion ,; fourthly, that short Collects should be replaced by longer prayers and
  18. Parliament ceased having the ability to change local legislation at its own, discretion , British law and various legal statutes within British law at this time, and
  19. The Church exhorts civil authorities to seek peace, not war, and to exercise, discretion ,and mercy in imposing punishment on criminals, it may still be permissible to
  20. Are many types of standard of review for appeals, such as de Nova and abuse of, discretion , An appellate court is a court that hears cases on appeal from another court.
  21. Congregations are a network with each congregation participating at its own, discretion ,in various means of service and fellowship with other congregations (see
  22. Daily routine of a Benedictine house that the Rule of St Benedict leaves to the, discretion ,of the superior, are set out in its customary. In the Roman Catholic Church
  23. Urania, with a foot resting on a tortoise, was read later than emblematic of, discretion ,in conjugal love; the image is credited to Phidias, in a chryselephantine
  24. And he wants to take advantage of a plea offer that has been made. Court has, discretion ,whether to accept this type of plea. " The U. S. Attorneys' Manual
  25. Free throw, which is attempted from a line from the basket. The referee may use, discretion ,in calling fouls (for example, by considering whether an unfair advantage was
  26. Either or both of the lower court and the appellate court may have the, discretion ,to grant or refuse the appellant's demand to appeal the lower court's
  27. Of state law, leaving education of students about these concepts a matter of, discretion ,at the local level. Rationale Support Historically, the use of CE in Jewish
  28. City. In 1957 with the creation of two new Communities with their own Councils, discretion ,on location was given to the current President. In practice this was to be in
  29. Restricted, but which they might at the same time employ according to their, discretion , They had to see that the temples and all other public buildings were in a good
  30. An automatic feature, Microsoft added an API routine that can be called at the, discretion ,of the programmer. This allows for better performance (because it is not used
  31. Purpose" duty as separate from the" good faith" duty however. " Unfettered, discretion ," Directors cannot, without the consent of the company, fetter their discretion
  32. Can be a rhythmic rest, or an extended silence, to be broken at the player's, discretion , If the player concentrates on hearing the ma between each hit, in addition to
  33. Standing or roll call vote. The Moderator may call for a roll call vote at his, discretion , All Town officers are required to attend Town Meeting and multiple member
  34. Both. This result gives individual synagogues, rabbis,and rabbinical schools, discretion ,to adopt either approach. Individual rabbis continue to be free to avail
  35. The highest state court, generally known as the Supreme Court, exercises, discretion , over whether it will review the case. On direct appeal, a prisoner challenges
  36. Further board approval. The company remains bound, but the directors retain the, discretion ,to vote against taking the future actions (although that may involve a breach
  37. Excessive late betting will generally garner a warning as it slows play. At the, discretion ,of the Bowman or a" pit boss ", dealers can disallow a bet made after the dice
  38. Centuries. These communities use extemporaneous forms of administration at the, discretion ,of the minister, who need not be a pastor. There is minimal ceremony attached
  39. Of the evidence, and reverses its decision only if it were a clear abuse of, discretion , This is usually defined as a decision outside the bounds of reasonableness. On
  40. Formulations and degrees of restrictiveness. In most European countries, more, discretion , rests with the prescribing doctor, while the regulations chiefly assure that
  41. Qualifications and voting From 1947 through 1956,each BBW AA voter used, discretion ,as to who qualified as a rookie. In 1957,the term was first defined as someone
  42. The benefit of tournament directors. In addition, some details are left to the, discretion ,of the national bridge organization (for tournaments under their aegis) and
  43. Immediately their Brigadier de Nouville capitulated with me to be prisoner at, discretion ,and lay down their arms. " Threatened by Allied guns, other units followed
  44. And lighting play an important role in scenes. Directors often have the, discretion ,of determining viewing angles for scenes, particularly regarding backgrounds.
  45. Was tenuous, effectively leaving the decision of firing the missiles at the, discretion ,of the captains of those submarines. In addition, following the dissolution of
  46. By law or regulation, which establishes certain rule variations allowed at the, discretion ,of the casino. The rules of any particular game are generally posted on or near
  47. What evidence to admit into the record or reject. At worst, abusing judicial, discretion ,would actually pave the way to a biased decision rendering obsolete the
  48. The Legislative Assembly has 18 elected members. Elections are held at the, discretion ,of the Governor at least every 4 years. Members of the Legislative Assembly may
  49. Our family that each Imam chooses his successor at his absolute and unfettered, discretion ,from amongst any of his descendants, whether they be sons or remote male issue
  50. Discretion" Directors cannot, without the consent of the company, fetter their, discretion ,in relation to the exercise of their powers, and cannot bind themselves to vote

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