Examples of the the word, citizens , in a Sentence Context

The word ( citizens ), is the 8269 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Which speaks to the group's hope of actually being recognized as German, citizens ,and not foreigners, despite their various other ethnic and cultural ties.
  2. States after the war for various reasons, many eventually becoming American, citizens , No reliable statistics exist for the number of casualties among other groups
  3. Province. Health care As with all Canadian provinces, Alberta provides for all, citizens ,and residents through a publicly funded health care system. Alberta became
  4. To avoid injustice or for economic stability, but rather to allow at least some, citizens ,the possibility to live a good life, and to perform beautiful acts:" The
  5. Scott v. Sandford; Chief Justice Roger B. Taney opined that blacks were not, citizens , and derived no rights from the Constitution. Lincoln denounced the decision
  6. St. Vincent and the Grenadines and Nigeria. An estimated 4,500 American, citizens ,also make their home in Antigua and Barbuda, making their numbers one of the
  7. Presidency, Congress and the Supreme Court, thus threatening the rights of the, citizens ,of the North. " Free soil" was a Northern demand
  8. Carry over when a citizen left that state? The Southern position was that, citizens ,of every state had the right to take their property anywhere in the U. S. and
  9. With the rest of the country broke down, and food and fuel became scarce. Many, citizens ,traveled to the countryside to forage. Dogs, cats,raw sugar beets, and Tulip
  10. At the end of the questionnaires, the results of the total 8,001 Afghan, citizens ,(6,467 respondents from The Asia Foundation survey; 1,534 respondents from the
  11. S population. Religions Angola is a majority Christian country, with 53 % of, citizens ,professing the religion. Most Angolan Christians are Roman Catholic,38 %, or
  12. Deaths per 1,000 citizens . The net migration rate is 2.14 migrants per 1,000, citizens , The fertility rate of Angola is 5.97 children born per woman as of 2011. The
  13. Broad outlines of government structure and delineates the rights and duties of, citizens , The legal system is based on Portuguese and customary law but is weak and
  14. As the native Algerian Jews (classified as Sephardi Jews),became full French, citizens , Formally Algeria as a French territory was a member of the European
  15. Most savage jokes are opportunists who prey on the gullibility of their fellow, citizens , including oracle-mongers, the exponents of new religious practices
  16. The festival holiday with other pursuits. (Those inhabitants who were not, citizens , such as slaves, were also excluded from the audience. ) The conservative views
  17. The Netherlands on 10 May 1940 and took control of the country. Some Amsterdam, citizens ,sheltered Jews, thereby exposing themselves and their families to the high risk
  18. The impact was greater on the African-American community, as almost all of its, citizens ,were disfranchised. From 1901 through the 1960s,the state did not redraw
  19. Prevalence rate of HIV/AIDS infection is 3.9 % as of 2003. There are 240,000, citizens , living with AIDS and 21,000 die annually. The risk of contracting disease is
  20. Greek term" origin ", a term which designate the act by which the wealthy, citizens ,of the Greek Polish financed the chorus of ancient Greek theater. - Jareena (
  21. Off from the outside world and was only accessible to temple officials. Common, citizens ,could worship private statues in their homes, and amulets offered protection
  22. Of God for the citizens ' sinful nature. His diatribe falls on the ears of many, citizens ,of the town, who turned to religion in droves and who would not have done so
  23. The bottom are from recent national opinion polls aimed at knowing how Afghan, citizens ,feel about the 2001–present US-led war, the current political situation, as
  24. To gradual extinction. To the South this strategy made Southerners second-class, citizens ,and trampled their Constitutional rights. The anti-slavery movement in the
  25. Disabilities, with an estimated one million handicapped people. About 80,000, citizens , have lost limbs, mainly as a result of landmines. Non-governmental charities
  26. The broad outlines of government structure and the rights and duties of, citizens , The legal system was based on Portuguese and customary law but was weak and
  27. Joy with which long parted lovers and family members greet each other. For some, citizens , exile was a feeling more difficult to pin down. They simply desired a reunion
  28. A 'satyr' play ahead of the comedy, and it is possible that many of the poorer, citizens ,(typically the main supporters of demagogues like Clean) occupied the
  29. Administrative bodies of the Turkish government. There are also many foreign, citizens ,working as diplomats or clerks in the embassies of their respective countries.
  30. State as unfortunate, and usually temporary," necessary evil" but argue that, citizens ,do not have a moral obligation to obey the state when its laws conflict with
  31. Of the king and his family were greater than the virtue of the rest of the, citizens ,put together. Tactfully, he included the young prince and his father in that
  32. Activities resulting from peace with Sparta, and a plea for leniency for, citizens ,suspected of complicity in an oligarchic revolt are other examples of a serious
  33. Facebook, unless otherwise indicated. Population There are 12,799,293 Angolan, citizens ,as of July 2009,which ranks 70th in the world. However, the results of the
  34. Name is immortally associated, is a part of its history. On the behalf of the, citizens ,of Canada, may I extend to you an expression of our combined gratitude and
  35. Cities of the Athenian League as slaves grinding at a mill. Some influential, citizens , notably Clean, reviled the play as slander against the Polish and possibly took
  36. Should capital punishment be legal? " For safeguarding the lives of, citizens ," he asserted," capital punishment is therefore absolutely necessary. "" The
  37. ARD. The 2010 Asia Foundation survey involved 6,467 randomly selected Afghan, citizens ,from across all of Afghanistan's 34 provinces. The margin of sampling error in
  38. In my own country” dealt with the widespread racism that non-white German, citizens ,faced. This change from simple imitation to political commentary was the start
  39. Three nationalist movements. The events prompted a mass exodus of Portuguese, citizens , creating up to 300 000 destitute Portuguese refugees—the tornados. The new
  40. From his own experience of isolation during the war in writing The Plague. The, citizens ,are slow to realize the magnitude of the danger because they do not believe in
  41. The Netherlands, together with the Netherlands, Curaçao,and Sint Maarten whose, citizens ,share a single nationality: Dutch citizen. Its capital is Oranjestad. Unlike
  42. Years. Its unemployment rate is 35 % and roughly the same percentage of its, citizens ,live below the poverty line. About 42 percent of the population live on less
  43. Implemented. In the following centuries, the land was used for parks, senior, citizens ,' homes, theaters,other public facilities, and waterways without much planning
  44. New York City in July 1863 involved Irish immigrants who had been signed up as, citizens ,to swell the machine vote, not realizing it made them liable for the draft.
  45. Growing by 2.184 % annually. There are 44.51 births and 24.81 deaths per 1,000, citizens , The net migration rate is 2.14 migrants per 1,000 citizens . The fertility rate
  46. Of Miss Marple is a gleeful gossip and not an especially nice woman. The, citizens ,of St. Mary Mead like her but are often tired by her nosy nature and how she
  47. To record victories in battle, royal decrees, and religious scenes. Common, citizens ,had access to pieces of funerary art, such as Shakti statues and books of the
  48. Duty and a public honor, but Aristophanes showed in The Knights that wealthy, citizens ,could regard civic responsibilities as punishment imposed on them by demagogues
  49. From the women they love. The theme is also present in the many other nameless, citizens ,who are separated from loved ones in other towns or from those who happened to
  50. His stature in the town by suggesting that the plague was an act of God for the, citizens ,' sinful nature. His diatribe falls on the ears of many citizens of the town

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