Examples of the the word, resurrection , in a Sentence Context

The word ( resurrection ), is the 8270 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Holy Catholic Church, : the communion of saints, : the forgiveness of sins, : the, resurrection ,of the body, : and the life everlasting.: Amen. Presbyterian Church The
  2. Is a described visit of Jesus to a group of early inhabitants shortly after his, resurrection , Many of the book's narrators described other visions of Jesus, including one
  3. Come out, the faithful to the resurrection of life, and the unfaithful to the, resurrection ,of judgment. According to the Gospel of Matthew, at the death of Jesus tombs
  4. The story of Lazarus and the rich man, which shows people in Hades awaiting the, resurrection ,either in comfort or torment. The author of the Book of Revelation writes about
  5. Of the Nicene Creed in current use include the phrase:" We look for the, resurrection ,of the dead, and the life of the world to come ". Christian eschatology is
  6. Four compartments for four types of the dead: the faithful saints who await, resurrection ,in Paradise, the merely virtuous who await their reward, the wicked who await
  7. Catholic Church, : :the communion of saints, : :the forgiveness of sins, : :the, resurrection ,of the body, : :and the life everlasting. Amen. Liturgical use in Western
  8. An account of a visit by Jesus from heaven to the Americas sometime after his, resurrection ,and ascension. The text says that during this American visit, he repeated much
  9. Tribes of Israel throughout the world were to be visited by Jesus after his, resurrection , Other distinctive religious teachings On most religious issues, Book of Mormon
  10. Church, the communion of saints, :10. The forgiveness of sins, :11. The, resurrection ,of the body, :12. And life everlasting.: Amen. The English text used in the
  11. Of being a revolutionary," ringleader of the sect of the Nazarene's ", teaching, resurrection , of the dead, and thus imprisoned in Caesar (). Paul asserts his right, as a
  12. In the Holy Trinity, the incarnation, the nativity, the passion of Christ,the, resurrection , the atonement, the judgement of the living. Articles of Chalcedony The articles
  13. As a place where the righteous dead, awaiting in the bosom of Abraham their, resurrection , rejoice at their future prospect, while the unrighteous are tormented at the
  14. And Paradise are temporary according to Latter-day Saint beliefs. After the, resurrection , spirits are assigned" permanently" to three degrees of heavenly
  15. Birth; miracles; atonement for sins through the death, burial,and bodily, resurrection ,of Jesus; the Trinity; the need for salvation (through belief in Jesus Christ
  16. Through initiatory experiences whereby the reality of Christ's death and, resurrection ,are experienced; Steiner believed this is the path people will increasingly
  17. Of Christ, overcoming pride and the natural man, retaining conversion,the, resurrection ,of all men, and judgment day. Later, their teachings about faith and worship in
  18. The holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins,the, resurrection ,of the body, and the life everlasting? Following each question, the candidate
  19. Holy Catholic Church, : the communion of saints, : the forgiveness of sins, : the, resurrection ,of the body, : and the life everlasting. Amen. The United Methodist Hymnal also
  20. World to Come" ) in spiritual terms, relegating the prophesied physical, resurrection ,to the status of a future miracle, unrelated to the afterlife or the Messianic
  21. Of the book is an appearance of Jesus Christ to the Americas shortly after his, resurrection , The Book of Mormon is the earliest of the unique writings of the Latter Day
  22. Anastasios () is derived from the Greek ἀνάστασις (Anastasia) meaning ", resurrection ,". Its female form is Anastasia. Proper name Byzantine emperors *Anastasios I (
  23. The book of 2 Maccabees gives a clear account of the dead awaiting a future, resurrection ,and judgment, plus prayers and offerings for the dead to remove the burden of
  24. Several times in life),Jesus said that marriage will be irrelevant after the, resurrection ,as the resurrected will be (at least in this respect) like the angels in
  25. Purity and endurance of the soul, and as funerary symbolism signifying, resurrection ,and immortality. The tree gains its importance from the description of the
  26. The Book of Revelation. In Scripture When questioned by the Sadducee's about the, resurrection ,of the dead (in a context relating to who ones spouse would be if one had been
  27. Contained 300 concertos,19 operas and over 100 vocal-instrumental works. The, resurrection ,of Vivaldi's unpublished works in the 20th century is mostly due to the
  28. The redemption,i.e. transformation and purification, of the body in the, resurrection , Some authors perceive Augustine's doctrine as directed against human
  29. Death, an intermediate state, Heaven,Hell, the Second Coming of Christ,the, resurrection ,of the dead, a rapture, a tribulation, the Millennium, end of the world, the
  30. Rome (CHS. 9–28). This chaotic structure emphasizes the centrality of the, resurrection ,and ascension to Luke's message, while emphasizing the universal nature of the
  31. Son of God, and all who were in the tombs would come out, the faithful to the, resurrection ,of life, and the unfaithful to the resurrection of judgment. According to the
  32. As being another example of the mainstream Christian belief in a general, resurrection ,(both for those in heaven and for those in hell). Several other works by
  33. As a communal offering of prayer and praise in which the life, death and, resurrection ,of Jesus Christ are proclaimed through prayer, reading of the Bible, singing
  34. The holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins,the, resurrection ,of the body, and life everlasting? To each question, the catechumen, or,in the
  35. Person continuing after death. Peter van Unwaged, in his argument regarding, resurrection , notes that the materialist must have some sort of physical continuity. John
  36. Beyond and through the opening of a dark grotto. The date of completion on the, resurrection ,panel is 1518. Adorer often distorts perspective to subtle effect. His donor
  37. Holy Catholic Church, : the communion of saints, : the forgiveness of sins, : the, resurrection ,of the body, : and life everlasting. Amen. Church of England In the Church of
  38. In the Original PlayStation game Nightmare Creatures as a powerful demonic, resurrection ,of himself. Crowley has been an influence for a string of popular musicians
  39. Redemption of human sexuality will be, however,fully accomplished only in the, resurrection ,of the body. The sin of Adam is inherited by all human beings. Already in his
  40. Subjects, as on Adam (Talk., Gen. 47),on Enoch (Gen. R. 25),and on the, resurrection ,(Shaw. 152b),are less clear and direct (see Backer, Ag. Pal. Armor. ii.97
  41. This logo had been in use from 1992 to 2002,but after the financial crisis and, resurrection ,of the club the new one couldn't use the same logo. Florence's commune instead
  42. Unable to influence mankind. After the 1000 years are ended, and the second, resurrection ,has taken place, Satan is released and allowed to tempt the perfect human race
  43. Armageddon, are given no hope of an afterlife. After Armageddon there will be a, resurrection ,in the flesh of" both righteous and unrighteous" dead (but not the" wicked
  44. That God works through everything is already in Heaven and this is the only, resurrection , There is no other life; man's fulfillment is in this life alone. Due to
  45. It for my burial" ( I'd., v. 12),linking the unction with Christ's death and, resurrection , In some dioceses of the Russian Orthodox Church it is customary for the bishop
  46. Of Jesus, the laws of justice and mercy, the need for repentance, and the, resurrection ,and judgment of all people. A Period of War Chapters 43 to 62 record the
  47. Christian church, ::: the communion of saints, : :the forgiveness of sins, : :the, resurrection ,of the body, : :and the life everlasting. Amen. The Evangelical Lutheran Church
  48. The Reform Judaism movement, they have returned the traditional prayer for the, resurrection ,of the dead. Abrahamic reincarnation While ancient Greek philosophers like
  49. To the Gospel of Matthew, at the death of Jesus tombs were opened, and at his, resurrection ,many saints who had died emerged from their tombs and went into" the holy city
  50. Was reportedly astonished to find Amalia questioning, during an illness,the, resurrection ,of the body. He especially enjoyed reading and being read to, spending long

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