Examples of the the word, generosity , in a Sentence Context
The word ( generosity ), is the 8267 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Small-town communities – in effect, both an advertisement for their personal, generosity ,and a part-purchase of their office. Bigger games were put on by senior
- Year. A group of the aristocrats of his court, scandalised by Andrew's, generosity ,towards his wife's relatives and followers, planned to offer the throne to his
- Publication of his works and from public performances, he also depended on the, generosity ,of patrons for income, for whom he gave private performances and copies of
- The island with a promise never to introduce taxes as compensation for their, generosity ,as one of the ships carried a member of the King's own family, his son Prince
- Institutiones in his deeds, and he declared that" Nothing can set bounds to, generosity ,of the Royal Majesty, and the best measure of grants, for a monarch, is
- And priests, liberality towards friends, humane treatment of servants, and, generosity , towards all. These principles suggest a general ethic of behavior to which no
- Dickens sought to construct Christmas as a family-centered festival of, generosity , in contrast to the community-based and church-centered observations, the
- Bodhisattvas practice all perfections (parasites),but especially emphasizing, generosity ,(Dana). #Stainless: In accomplishing the second Bhūmi, the Bodhisattva is
- Offer:" No one has yet realized the wealth of sympathy, the kindness and, generosity ,hidden in the soul of a child. The effort of every true education should be to
- Financial crisis emerged in AD 39. Caligula's political payments for support, generosity ,and extravagance had exhausted the state's treasury. Ancient historians state
- Years prior to the founding of the Red Cross, the Choctaw were noted for their, generosity ,in providing humanitarian relief for the people of Ireland. During the American
- Also common for people to volunteer to pay for regular toll calls either out of, generosity , or to build their status in the community. This ad-hoc system was particularly
- The only ones he accepts. (Acts 20:33-35; 2 Cor. 11:7-12; 2 These. 3:8). The, generosity ,of the Philippians comes out very conspicuously (Phil. 4:15). " This was a
- S wish to be seen as an able, ordinary soldier, despite his fame, and to his, generosity ,while in the service. He donated his Army pay to charity, purchased TV sets for
- Of unrighteous/unfair dealings with men),restoration (where sin abounds, generosity ,super abounds) omnipotence, omnisapience
- Carol. Dickens sought to construct Christmas as a family-centred festival of, generosity , in contrast to the community-based and church-centred observations, the
- Useful for research into those conditions. All US medical schools rely on the, generosity ,of" anatomical donors" for the teaching of anatomy. Typically, the remains are
- She would sit on the swing at her plantation home, and would speak about the, generosity ,of her Daddy. In later installments Tapp's character would hardly be seen at
- Rebellion by slashing Dim's hand and fighting with Georgie, then in a show of, generosity ,takes them to a bar, where Alex insists on following through on Georgie's idea
- Raised the see of York from its former rustic state ". He was known for his, generosity ,and for his diplomatic and administrative abilities. One modern historian feels
- To their landed estates in midwinter to keep up their old style Christmas, generosity , The Restoration of King Charles II in 1660 ended the ban, but many clergymen
- Exports to France. French officials presented the decision as an act of, generosity , René Eleven, the French minister of finance, was quoted as saying::" In a
- His stay, Hadrian was generous in providing funds for rebuilding. Thanks to his, generosity ,he was acclaimed as the chief restorer of the province as a whole. It is more
- And proclaimed his general support for religion. Washington was known for his, generosity , Highly gregarious, he attended many charity events and donated money to
- New Atlantis. Released in 1627,this was his creation of an ideal land where ", generosity ,and enlightenment, dignity and splendor, piety and public spirit" were the
- That it took years to overcome their bickering before appreciating Franklin's, generosity ,and integrity. A review of the handwritten correspondence from Franklin to
- Later bear his name (Yale University) was successful largely because of the, generosity ,of a man named Jeremiah Summer, but that the trustees of the school did not
- Plays might reflect the views of the wealthiest section of society, on whose, generosity ,comic dramatists depended on the success of their plays. When Aristophanes '
- Skáldaspillir (d. ca 990) compares the greed of king Harald Gravel to the, generosity ,of his predecessor Aaron the Good:: Barium, Ullr, of alley, : mukluks, á HAKKA:
- Were very loyal to him, however,and he reciprocated with equal loyalty and, generosity , Brahms had amassed a small fortune in the second half of his career, around
- Of al-furusiyya, a code of conduct that included values like courage and, generosity ,but also doctrine of cavalry tactics, horsemanship,archery and treatment of
- Been a stop off during his journey East. Crane had already benefited from his, generosity ,when he in 119 had provided funds for the rebuilding of public buildings
- Mathematicians. The institute was founded in 1998 through the vision and, generosity ,of Boston businessman Landon T. Clay and his wife, Lavinia D. Clay. Harvard
- Concerns of the plebs and lay people. He achieved this through various means of, generosity ,and a cutting back of lavish excess. In the year 29 BC, Augustus paid 400
- His interest in philosophy. Studying at Carthage At age 17,through the, generosity ,of fellow citizen Romanians, As a youth Augustine lived a hedonistic lifestyle
- As family gatherings, seasonal food and drink, dancing,games, and a festive, generosity ,of spirit. A prominent phrase from the tale, Merry Christmas, was popularized
- Other good things too many to catalog. " Money when used with sense leads to, generosity ,and charity, while money used in folly leads to a common expense for the whole
- Its founding in 2005,the collection has grown to thousands of books due to the, generosity ,of the campus community. The library has expanded to include caps and gowns
- Other only by short vowels are ambiguous in writing: term" worm ", karam ", generosity ,", kerem" cream ", and from" chrome" are all spelled" km" in Persian. The
- Unlike other major charitable organizations such as the Welcome Trust. The, generosity ,and extensive philanthropy of David Rockefeller has been credited as a major
- As family gatherings, seasonal food and drink, dancing,games, and a festive, generosity ,of spirit. A Christmas Carol rejuvenated his career as a renowned author. A
- Of Schmidt's principal musical friends were Jews, and they benefited from his, generosity , Schmidt's last work, the cantata" German Resurrection," was composed to a
- Fled the city, Albuquerque now invested in diplomatic efforts demonstrating, generosity ,to Southeast Asian merchants, like the Chinese, to encourage good relations
- Lawless frontier spirit in his composition ... he appeared to me to be a man of, generosity ,and honor. " Memorials Ethan Allen's final home, on the Onion River (now
- National importance of his work, treated him in this respect with more and more, generosity ,as he advanced in years. He continued his investigations to the last, but it
- The young goddess maintains her virtue, whilst ENI proceeds to get drunk. In, generosity ,he gives her all the gifts of his Me, the gifts of civilized life. Next morning
- Succeeded to the throne. Al-Muktafi became a favorite of the people for his, generosity , and for abolishing his father's secret prisons, the terror of Baghdad. During
- To all three communities in many other ways, great and small. As Stratton's, generosity ,became known, he was also approached by many people looking for money, and he
- Prisoner and conducted into the presence of Alp Asian, who treated him with, generosity , and, terms of peace having been agreed to, dismissed him, loaded with presents
- The French minister of finance, was quoted as saying::" In a show of her, generosity ,and selflessness, metropolitan France, wishing not to impose on her far-away
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