Examples of the the word, marked , in a Sentence Context

The word ( marked ), is the 7617 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The risk represented by Kurosawa's costly production methods. Red Beard also, marked ,the midway point, chronologically,in the artist's career. During his previous
  2. The later establishment of the United Kingdom of the Netherlands in 1815, marked , a turning point. The end of the 19th century is sometimes called Amsterdam's
  3. Or all cases) is marked with a hyphen; for example, Proto-Altaic disappears (, marked ," 0" ) or becomes at the beginning of a Turkic word and becomes elsewhere in a
  4. To have never existed, rewriting that portion of their pasts. This story arc, marked ,the end of Straczynski's six-and-a-half years as writer (from 2001 to 2007)
  5. Pay for the war used up all its credit and created the financial disasters that, marked ,the 1780s. Historians link those disasters to the coming of the French
  6. They had their first views of the Earth as they moved away from it. This, marked ,the first time humans could view the whole Earth at once. Lunar trajectory Jim
  7. Under the control of a satrapy. A few successful revolts against the Persians, marked ,the 5th century BC, but Egypt was never able to permanently overthrow the
  8. A scientist and refused to have a telephone in his study. Many other inventions, marked ,Bell's later life, including groundbreaking work in optical telecommunications
  9. Languages include: * A two-gender system in the singular, with the feminine, marked ,by the /t/ sound * A set of emphatic consonants, variously realized as
  10. And nearly landlocked bays. Most of the shores are densely wooded and are, marked ,by numerous small towns and villages. The Dardanelles Strait, which links the
  11. In a word (beginning, interior,or end),the special case (or all cases) is, marked ,with a hyphen; for example, Proto-Altaic disappears ( marked " 0" ) or becomes
  12. Was to be Rand's last work of fiction; a turning point in her life, it, marked , the end of Rand's career as a novelist and the beginning of her role as a
  13. Prior knowledge of their pronunciation. His school record was undistinguished, marked ,by absenteeism and lackluster grades. His main interest remained in the
  14. Answer i.e., OUTPUT is to be given in symbolic form by such a configuration of, marked ,boxes ....:" A set of directions applicable to a general problem sets up a
  15. के KE, को KO. The Morey a consonant letter represents, either with or without a, marked ,vowel, is called an Asmara. In many of the Brahmin scripts, a syllable
  16. Largest racial/ethnic group. Their entry into the local social structure was, marked ,by a profound, or Alan and became Negroes or Blacks. In the 20th century, the
  17. Attested in Old Turkic, Classical Mongolian, Middle Korean, or Old Japanese are, marked ,with asterisks. Selected cognates Personal pronouns The table below is taken (
  18. Have feminine marking and vice versa. Verbs in Literary Arabic are, marked ,for person (first, second,or third),gender, and number. They are conjugated
  19. Such propaganda to legitimize her claim to the throne. Her successful reign was, marked ,by trading expeditions to Punt, an elegant mortuary temple, a colossal pair of
  20. Or with a special vowel-canceling mark. *In the Ethiopia family, vowels are, marked ,by modifying the shapes of the consonants, and one of these pulls double duty
  21. Sympathizer John Wilkes Booth at Ford's Theatre in Washington’D. C. His death, marked ,the first assassination of a U. S. president. Lincoln has been consistently
  22. Then renamed as Greenery Day after Hirohito's death in 1989. It is usually, marked ,as the first day of" Golden Week ", a week-long holiday period. *Koninginnedag
  23. In 2010),usually held in Santa Monica the Saturday before the Oscars, marked ,the first time it was moved to a Friday and a change of venue to L. A. Live
  24. V8 engine. The V6s were replaced by new 2.4L and 2.8L 30V V6s in 1998,with, marked ,improvement in power, torque and smoothness. Further engines were added along
  25. Valuable one of the series. The 150th anniversary of Bell's birth in 1997 was, marked ,by a special issue of commemorative £1 banknotes from the Royal Bank of
  26. And eight shorter grooves having either one or no beads in each. The groove, marked ,I indicate units, X tens, and so on up to millions. The beads in the shorter
  27. Macedonia, Montenegro,and Greece. Aviation The civil air transport in Albania, marked ,its beginnings in November 1924,when the Republic of Albania signed a
  28. Is also referred to as nu nation or tannin). Adjectives in Literary Arabic are, marked ,for case, number,gender and state, as for nouns. However, the plural of all
  29. To be feminine singular. Furthermore, a verb in a verb-initial sentence is, marked ,as singular regardless of its semantic number when the subject of the verb is
  30. With ASD. The under connectivity theory of autism hypothesizes that autism is, marked ,by under functioning high-level neural connections and synchronization, along
  31. From the artist's previous commitment to social and political change. The film, marked ,something of an end of an era for its creator. The director himself recognized
  32. Languages. The publication of Alfred Kroeber's textbook, Anthropology, marked , a turning point in American anthropology. After three decades of amassing
  33. Snow Trail, directed by Enrich Yamaguchi from Kurosawa's screenplay. It, marked ,the debut of the intense young actor Toshiba Minute. It was Kurosawa who, with
  34. Classical Mongolian or Middle Korean but reconstructed for their ancestors are, marked ,with an asterisk, and /V/ represents an uncertain vowel. Other basic vocabulary
  35. Which takes the /-ah/ or /-at/ suffix. Pronouns in Literary Arabic are, marked ,for person, number and gender. There are two varieties, independent pronouns
  36. These pulls double duty for final consonants. *In the Cree family, vowels are, marked ,by rotating or flipping the consonants, and final consonants are indicated with
  37. Largest is the Brahmin family of India and Southeast Asia, in which vowels are, marked ,with diacritics and syllable-final consonants, when they occur, are indicated
  38. Intentionally knock the dominoes over as they cannot fall themselves. Aristotle, marked ,two modes of causation: proper (prior) causation and accidental (chance)
  39. Used, the most common tone is not marked , just as the most common vowel is not, marked ,in India Aquinas; in Human not only is one of the tones un marked , but there
  40. In Ankara, and Mustachios. As in other Roman towns, the reign of Diocletian, marked ,the culmination of the persecution of the Christians. In 303,Ankara was one of
  41. Pages of mankind's criminal record ". Schopenhauer additionally maintained a, marked ,metaphysical and political anti-Judaism. Schopenhauer argued that Christianity
  42. Of whether letters or diacritics are used, the most common tone is not, marked , just as the most common vowel is not marked in India Aquinas; in Human not
  43. Hospital in Nazarene, Gabon. His grave, on the banks of the Goose River, is, marked , by a cross he made himself. His grandniece Anne-Marie Schweitzer Sartre was
  44. Southern slopes it often rises to, sometimes even to. This region is not always, marked ,by the presence of the characteristic trees. Human interference has nearly
  45. Was on July 9,1962,in the Ferns Gallery of Los Angeles. The exhibition, marked ,his West Coast debut of pop art. Andy Warhol's first New York solo pop art
  46. The patient, if any. Patients with MND and dementia have been shown to exhibit, marked ,frontotemporal lobe atrophy as revealed by MRI or SPENT neuroimaging.
  47. A/ for accusative, /-i/ for genitive). The feminine singular is often, marked ,by /-at/, which is reduced to /-ah/ or /-a/ before a pause. Plural is indicated
  48. Is to be given in symbolic form by a finite number of boxes i.e., INPUT being, marked ,with a stroke. Likewise, the answer i.e., OUTPUT is to be given in symbolic
  49. At the top of the intersection; the third, sixth and ninth of these lines are, marked ,with a cross where they intersect with the vertical line. Roman abacus The
  50. Kart ids, Timurids, Mughals, and finally the Hotcake and Duran dynasties that, marked ,the political origins of the modern state of Afghanistan. Pre-Islamic period

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