Examples of the the word, deceive , in a Sentence Context

The word ( deceive ), is the 7619 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Castigated the governor for issuing" romantic proclamations ... calculated to, deceive ,woods people ", and for his" folly and stupidity ". Clinton's response, once
  2. The birth until Historic, daughter of Tiresias, thought of a trick to, deceive ,the witches. Like Atlantis, Historis announced that Alcmena had delivered her
  3. Only way to ignore Dutch wishes was by the use of secrecy and guile, set out to, deceive ,his Dutch allies by pretending to simply move his troops to the Moselle – a
  4. Cortés reached Hispaniola in a ship commanded by Alonso Quintero, who tried to, deceive ,his superiors and reach the New World before them in order to secure personal
  5. Often, precious metals were alloyed with less valuable substances as a means to, deceive ,buyers. Around 250 BC, Archimedes was commissioned by the king to find a way to
  6. Or attempt to maneuver or" drag" the ball around the tackle, trying to, deceive ,the tackler. In recent years, the penalty corner has gained importance as a
  7. Usually by intrigue * Conspiracy (civil),an agreement between persons to, deceive , mislead, or defraud others of their legal rights, or to gain an unfair
  8. He suffers a complete mental breakdown upon realizing that he can no longer, deceive ,himself in this respect. Lillian Rear den The unsupportive wife of Hank Rear den.
  9. Have suggested that the apes employ this method of amplification in order to, deceive ,the listener into believing that they are larger animals. The first orangutan
  10. The monarchy cannot therefore be total myth or an elaborate literary hoax to, deceive ,and entertain the Roman people about an early history that can't be known. The
  11. The bottomless pit and shut him up, and set a seal on him, so that he should, deceive ,the nations no more till the thousand years were finished. Rev 20:1-3 While
  12. The numbers of the lot cast in the suicide pact cunningly and so managed to, deceive ,all the others ", which is in striking contrast to the conventional version's
  13. S aggressive intentions, and during a fight or a game, fool,trick and, deceive ,him. Music is integral to Capoeira. It sets the tempo and style of game
  14. For a thousand years. Satan is then loosed" for a season" and goes out to, deceive ,the nations, specifically,Gog and Magog. The army mentioned attacks the Saints
  15. To death. Elsewhere, a false prophet may be someone who is purposely trying to, deceive , is delusional, under the influence of Satan or is speaking from his own spirit
  16. US President Richard Nixon's October 7 peace proposal as" a maneuver to, deceive ,world opinion ". *1973 – Yom Kippur War: Gobi Amir's armored brigade attacks
  17. Direction suggested by the player's racket or body movement. This is used to, deceive ,opponents. * Slicing the shuttlecock from the side may cause it to follow a
  18. Of them ruin their bodies by dissipation, but others feign ostensible fasts and, deceive ,simple people while they pride themselves with a sort of abstinence, under the
  19. There to tempt him. To that he said," Ha! Devil, thou keenest to tempt me and, deceive ,me, but it shall not be in thy power. " Once he said this, the plate of silver
  20. The conspiracy theorist from more conventional patterns of thought: appearances, deceive ,; conspiracies drive history; nothing is haphazard; the enemy always gains;
  21. Spend the night at Dodi's apartment near the Arc de Triomphe. In an attempt to, deceive ,the paparazzi, a decoy car left the front of the hotel, while Diana and Jodi
  22. It could be used to improve civic life, it could be used equally easily to, deceive ,or manipulate with negative effects on the city. The masses were incapable of
  23. That alterations made to Chapter 8 of the 1995 IPCC report were made to ", deceive ,policymakers and the public into believing that the scientific evidence shows
  24. Then 100. **Military camouflage: Camouflage is an ancient measure designed to, deceive ,opponents and protect one's forces. Outlines have to be broken up, textures
  25. Me. In that case, I,too, undoubtedly exist, if he deceive s me; and let him, deceive ,me as much as he can, he will never bring it about that I am nothing, so long
  26. Is not the religious groups but rather the programmers who are the ones who, deceive ,and manipulate people. After 10 or 15 years of this, some of these adult
  27. To worship it—the“ abomination of desolation. ” Paul writes:: :Let no-one, deceive ,you by any means, for that day will not come unless the falling away comes
  28. Adjective Machiavellian became a pejorative term describing someone who aims to, deceive ,and manipulate others for personal advantage. Machiavellianism also remains a
  29. Hebblethwaite's objection, however,is the presumption of a God that would not, deceive ,us about our very humanity - an unprovable presumption that the Omphalos
  30. Squire. When they encounter the duo in person, a Duke and Duchess, and others, deceive ,Don Quixote for entertainment, setting forth a string of imagined adventures
  31. Flags to lure their attackers in the open, or who act as stretcher bearers to, deceive ,their targets tend to be especially disliked. ***False flag: An ancient ruse de
  32. Mayerson is to inject himself with a virus after taking Chew-Z, which will, deceive ,the UN into thinking Chew-Z is harmful and cause them to ban it. On Mars
  33. Along and saw a pile of gold in his way which the devil had laid there to, deceive ,him. Saint Anthony cast the pile of gold into a fire, and it vanished just like
  34. He is however, like his predecessors, capable of being charming when needed to, deceive ,Mike, placate Emma or feed Brooke's ego. Supporting staff * Dominica Barony (
  35. Clues and so are often able to penetrate camouflage that has been designed to, deceive ,individuals with color-normal vision. Traffic light colors
  36. Such as improper punctuation, or double meaning, especially if the intent is to, deceive , evade, blame or misrepresent the truth.; Labelling: A euphemism is used when
  37. As advertisements. During has said," We're not trying to be subliminal or, deceive ,the user. We label all the immersive ad campaigns as paid advertisements. " Its
  38. He had been deceive d all along by Esau's show of piety. When Laban planned to, deceive ,Jacob into marrying Leah instead of Rachel, the Midrash recounts that both
  39. Ways a subject who wished to cheat under the conditions Rhine described could, deceive ,the investigator ". Another criticism, made by chemist Irving Langmuir, among
  40. Tree from which it feeds on. Another defense that often uses color or shape to, deceive ,potential enemies is mimicry. A number of longhorn beetles (family
  41. Who the Church teaches, in accordance with I Timothy 4:1,that they" come to, deceive ,people and draw them away from God and into bondage. " As a result, attempts to
  42. The information is found to be deliberately untrue with the intent to, deceive , the applicant may face perjury charges. Affidavits may be written in the first
  43. Of the" power of illusion," which allows him to create false imagery to, deceive ,his enemies. Connor, who has lived with his adopted son John for years with the
  44. Years have expired, Satan will be released from his prison and will go out to, deceive ,the nations which are in the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, too
  45. False Christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to, deceive , if possible, even the elect. Matthew 24:21,24 NKJV These false Christs will
  46. In the first sense) on the showdown. A kicker may also be retained in order to, deceive ,an opponent, for example, to represent a three-of-a-kind when the player has
  47. Often bowls faster and more accurately than a leg spinner, and can therefore, deceive ,the batsman with changes in the pace of the ball. Notable contemporary off
  48. Devil's mission until the Isaiah or Resurrection Day (yaum-ul-qiyama) is to, deceive ,Adam's children (mankind). After that, he will be put into the fires of Hell
  49. Unethical amongst cinéma vérité purists, because they believe such reenactments, deceive ,the audience. In popular culture In literature and publications *The novel The
  50. In the novel. Even faithful and simple Sancho is unintentionally forced to, deceive ,him at certain points. The novel is considered a satire of orthodoxy, veracity

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