Examples of the the word, intimidate , in a Sentence Context

The word ( intimidate ), is the 7615 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. What has been known as the state security special forces which were used to, intimidate ,and persecute political activists On January 26, 2011,INTERPOL confirmed that
  2. Adversaries, mostly Communists, and for general terrorizing by the SA to, intimidate ,the voters before the upcoming election. # In this atmosphere the Reichstag
  3. Armed forces in many countries use firing squads to maintain discipline and, intimidate ,the masses, or opposition, into submission or silent compliance. However, there
  4. In the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Liberia eating body parts to, intimidate ,child soldiers or captives. Marvin Harris has analyzed cannibalism and other
  5. Is the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to, intimidate ,or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in
  6. 7 October the Governor instructed Coronary to order the Sultan to surrender; to, intimidate ,the people he ordered the seizure of all merchant boats in the Lula area. At
  7. Investigative" interviews, and grand jury subpoenas in an effort to, intimidate ,activists and silence their supporters. # Extralegal Force and Violence: The
  8. Of terrorism: Motivation of terrorists Attacks on 'collaborators' are used to, intimidate ,people from cooperating with the state in order to undermine state control.
  9. But I've had no dizzy spells. I read what Harris said. He was trying to, intimidate ,me. He said I'd be afraid to out there. Furthermore, he needn't worry. Furthermore, he doesn't know Lynn
  10. Defamatory, false statements and attempted to humiliate, embarrass,harass or, intimidate ,his opponents. The order was made on September 25, 2008,effective October 25.
  11. Of large prey, such as moose. They also feed on carrion, and use their size to, intimidate ,other predators, such as wolves, cougars,tigers, and black bears from their
  12. The protovestiarius Alexis Murzuphlus provoked a riot, it is presumed, to, intimidate , Alexius IV, but whose only result was the destruction of the great statue of
  13. Facing problems with local corrupt police who steal money by extortion, and, intimidate , visitors with threats to jail. The“ original” Acapulco, where hotels owned by
  14. With Yugoslavia and Greece in 1934,Mussolini made a failed attempt to, intimidate ,the Albanians by sending a fleet of warships to Albania. As Nazi Germany
  15. White Democrats used paramilitary groups such as the Red Shirts to, intimidate ,and terrorize black voters. They regained political control of the state under
  16. Weapon. When the ambassadors of the Senate, entreating for peace, tried to, intimidate ,him with hints of what the despairing citizens might accomplish, he laughed and
  17. Such as the White League, Red Shirts, saber clubs, and rifle clubs continued to, intimidate ,and murder black voters. In 1874,organized white paramilitary groups formed in
  18. Into Nicaraguan airspace;::: efforts by direct and indirect means to coerce and, intimidate ,the Government of Nicaragua.: :2. Using force and the threat of force against
  19. The policeand they are also used to attack houses to burn the house or to, intimidate ,the occupants. In the Revolutions of 2011 in Cairo, Egypt,pro-government
  20. Recorded messages of bigotry and prejudice and that telephones can be used to, intimidate , threaten, and harass individuals and organizations. NTIA's research suggests
  21. Guard as well as an important political force in Rome. They had the power to, intimidate ,the Senate, install new emperors, and depose ones they disliked; the last
  22. Which they defended. For example Barcelona had a great citadel built in 1714 to, intimidate ,the Catalans against repeating their mid 17th and early 18th century rebellions
  23. Campaigning, close campaign headquarters, harass or beat campaign workers, or, intimidate , voters with violence.; Tampering with the election mechanism: This can include
  24. Despite it not being the primary reason for attack. Brown bears regularly, intimidate ,wolves away from their kills. In Yellowstone National Park, brown bears pirate
  25. Down on his or her birth certificate. This is believed to be an attempt to, intimidate ,minorities into declaring Albanian ethnicity, as the Albanian government has
  26. Pot's behavior, one region-watcher suggested that Cambodia was attempting to, intimidate ,Vietnam, by irrational acts, into respecting or at least fearing Cambodia to
  27. Saarinen worked to develop a building that would welcome customers rather than, intimidate ,them. Columbus has been home to many manufacturing companies, including
  28. Resupplying basic armaments and munitions. It made no attempt to militarily, intimidate ,the United States, despite the ongoing American operations in the Gulf of Sudra
  29. And Roy T. Downs Jr. along with Charles Bailey pleaded guilty to conspiring to, intimidate ,oppress and threaten members of black organizations represented by SPLC. " In
  30. Used as status symbols, a means of protection and ... for executions ... and to, intimidate ,potential informants and to enforce debt repayment ". In Serbia on 3 August
  31. In England to be rebuilt in stone, in the southeastern corner of the city to, intimidate ,the native inhabitants. In 1097,William II began the building of Westminster
  32. Movements of both Israeli and Egyptian vessels are known to have been used to, intimidate ,the other side, but neither side directly engaged the other at sea. Six Israeli
  33. Interracial marriage). Despite the efforts of groups like the Ku Klux Klan to, intimidate ,black voters and white Republicans, assurance of federal support for
  34. On the Anglophone minority, who exploited the lack of a secret ballot to, intimidate ,the electorate. The area that had previously comprised Upper Canada was
  35. Of aggression and during the males' mating period. If an elephant wants to, intimidate ,a predator or rival, it will spread its ears out wide to make itself look more
  36. The victims were often humiliated at struggle sessions, a method designed to, intimidate ,and terrify people to the maximum. Mao insisted that minor offenders be
  37. End of the Hoe. Its purpose was to protect the port and probably also to, intimidate ,the townsfolk who had leaned towards Parliament during the Civil War. From 1880
  38. Rights Act which made it illegal to" by force or by threat of force, injure, intimidate , or interfere with anyone who is engaged in six specified protected activities
  39. The President used the strength of the military and his government allies to, intimidate ,and harass citizens and opposition groups. The government and the state
  40. In the late 1940s some Klan members in Birmingham began using bombings to, intimidate ,upwardly mobile blacks who moved into middle-class neighborhoods. " By mid-1949
  41. The province had come to identify with the Catholic community, used violence to, intimidate ,Catholics who tried to enter the linen trade. Estimates suggest that up to 7000
  42. For the Illinois General Assembly. At, he was tall and" strong enough to, intimidate ,any rival ". At his first speech, when he saw a supporter in the crowd being
  43. Prime minister Multi Ali Bhutto described this test as" Indian hegemony" to, intimidate ,Pakistan. Gandhi directed a letter to Bhutto and, later to the world
  44. Be used in 1504,by a Christopher Columbus stranded for a year on Jamaica, to, intimidate , the natives into continuing to provision him and his crew from their own scanty
  45. Guard responded by further increasing repression and using force to contain and, intimidate ,all government opposition. The nationwide strike that paralyzed the country for
  46. Among the patricians to create the" most impressive" trireme, both to, intimidate ,the enemy and to attract the best oarsmen. The ship also had two masts, a main
  47. The criminal laws of the United States or of any State" and are intended to ", intimidate ,or coerce a civilian population,"" influence the policy of a government by
  48. Turkish. ) Gender-specific pejorative terms Gender-specific pejorative terms, intimidate ,or harm another person because of their gender. Sexism can be expressed in a
  49. Tactic Body line, and claimed it was a deliberate attempt by the English team to, intimidate ,and injure the Australian players. Reports of the controversy reaching England
  50. And Mussolini had suspended all payments to Tirana. An Italian attempt to, intimidate ,the Albanians by sending a fleet of warships to Albania failed because the

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