Examples of the the word, miner , in a Sentence Context

The word ( miner ), is the 7616 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. By Alan J. Lerner and music by Frederick Loewe. The story centers around a, miner ,and his daughter and follows the lives and loves of the people in a mining camp
  2. 1949. Everybody has left Mars to go to Earth, except Walter Grip — a single, miner ,who lives in the mountains and does not hear of the departure. At first excited
  3. While only 610 continued to work through the strike, with the average Illinois, miner ,out of work for 72 days because of the strike. In some areas of the country
  4. 1920 – 5 January 2003) was a British politician. The son of a Welsh coal, miner ,who later became a union official and Labor MP, Roy Jenkins served with
  5. Rufipennis) in the Yukon Territory, Canada,and Alaska; the aspen-leaf, miner ,; the larch sawfly; the spruce bud worm (Choristoneura fumiferana); the spruce
  6. S memoir Rocket Boys and the movie October Sky tell the story of how a coal, miner ,'s son, inspired by Sputnik, started building rockets to the consternation of
  7. Through the Sierras suitable for a railroad. In the summer of 1860,a local, miner , Daniel Strong, had surveyed a route over the Sierras for a wagon toll road, a
  8. Predominantly within the confines of the mine complex. Parker, a downtrodden, miner , came to Mars to make a new start in his life - taken in by the promises and
  9. Red Faction takes place on Mars in the late 21st century. The player controls a, miner ,named Parker who helps lead a rebellion against the Ult or Corporation. The
  10. Notice since he thinks Raymond Janna is in love with her (he is). Another, miner , Mike Mooney, tells Julio about a lake that has gold dust on the bottom and he
  11. His place on the US Olympic swimming team. ) Peter Weissmuller worked as a, miner , and his youngest son, Peter Weissmuller, Jr., was born in Winder on 3
  12. Member on the Board of Castro Corp. The second being Lars Fuchs, an independent, miner ,who has a dream of building a space habitat in orbit above Ceres. Each begins
  13. Tier. As United States expansion reached into the American West, settler and, miner ,migrants came into increasing conflict with the Great Plains tribes. These were
  14. Got stuck under a boulder when hiking in Utah. * In 2003,an Australian coal, miner ,amputated his own arm with a Stanley knife after it became trapped when the
  15. On Saint Helena in the Atlantic Ocean. * October 21 – Humphry Davy patents the, miner ,'s safety lamp for use in coal mining. Date unknown * In Britain, use of the
  16. It is on the other side of the board. *Charging with a small unit,e.g. a, miner , towards a known medium-sized unit,e.g. a major, with the view to get past
  17. The first people to cross Greenland on skis (together with Nansen) – and gold, miner , * Lars Mon sen (1963–present) adventurer, explorer,journalist and author.
  18. The homophony of two different notions: in Serbian, ruda" ore ", hence radar ", miner ," and rude" stick, staff,rod, bar,pole" ( in Hungarian
  19. From acting freely to improve themselves were reformed. When an unemployed, miner ,(Daniel Jones) wrote to him to complain of his unemployment and low wages
  20. In 1953. Synopsis; Act I In the California Wilderness in May 1853,a crusty old, miner , Ben Rum son, is conducting a make-shift funeral for a friend. Meanwhile his
  21. Was born in Trademark, Wales. His father Gordon Herbert Knock was a coal, miner ,who suffered from dermatitis and had to find work as a laborer; and his mother
  22. Wage-earner that he was a wage-earner first and a bricklayer, carpenter, miner , ... after. This meant that the Order was teaching something that was not so in
  23. However, the Pandas are warned by their wise uncle, Vidura, who sends them a, miner ,to dig a tunnel. They are able to escape to safety and go into hiding. Back at
  24. All in West Virginia. Was born in Floyd County, Virginia,to Fred James, a coal, miner , and Mary James. Only their parents attended the small ceremony at the home of
  25. Largest untapped coking coal deposit. ArcelorMittal, Vale,Strata, U. S. coal, miner ,Peabody, a consortium of Chinese energy firm Seneca and Japan's Mitsuki & Co
  26. Aria. At the age of twelve his father died, and he had to start working as a, miner , He worked until he had money enough to leave the village and move to Stockholm
  27. At nearby Bendigo in 1853. Murder of James Score On 6 October 1854,Scottish, miner ,James Score was murdered at the Eureka hotel. Ten days later, on 17 October
  28. Man" who he is. The man says he goes by many names and is called the black, miner ,sometimes or the black woodsman. He says that since the Indians are gone, he
  29. Pareto, Italian economist (d. 1923) ** Winfield Scott Stratton, American, miner , ( d. 1902) ** Adolf Friedrich V, Grand Duke of Mecklenburg-Strelitz (d. 1914
  30. Fails. Carbide lamps systems are an older form of illumination, inspired by, miner ,'s equipment, and are still used by some cavers. The type of clothes worn
  31. II Xocoyotzin and wife Dona María Miahuaxuchitl; married to Juan de Tolosa,a, miner , *Dona María Cortés de Moctezuma, daughter of an Aztec princess; nothing more
  32. In town (" What's Going On Here? "). Julio Valves, a handsome young, miner ,forced to live and work outside of town because he is Mexican, comes to town
  33. Movie was supposed to be a pseudo-documentary about cowboys being led by an old, miner ,and a wise Indian tracker on a hunt for Bigfoot. The storyline called for
  34. Girls are around (" Hand Me Down That Can o' Beans" ). Edgar Crocker,a, miner ,who has saved his money, falls for Elizabeth, and she responds, although Ben
  35. He witnesses the spark that starts a rebellion when a security guard abuses a, miner ,at the end of his shift and heartlessly kills him. Parker takes up arms, with
  36. And harassment by the authorities. The blue Eureka Flag designed by a Canadian, miner ," Captain" Henry Ross, and bearing nothing but the Southern Cross, was flown
  37. To the lunatic asylum at Feel. He returned to Cues mes where he lodged with a, miner ,named Charles Decree until October. Increasingly interested in the people and
  38. S big things (although the original proposal appeared larger and for the, miner ,to hold the Eureka Flag) at Ballarat's eastern entrance. Other tourist
  39. Make the Panama Canal. Civil rights, labor disputes and strikes Blair Mountain, miner ,war On May 12, 1921,just two months into Harding's presidency, violence was
  40. The Stockade. The gold licenses were then abolished, and replaced by an annual, miner ,'s right and an export fee based on the value of the gold. Mining wardens
  41. Off the coast of Auckland, New Zealand, killing 189. *1894 – The Cripple Creek, miner ,'s strike, led by the Western Federation of Miners, begins in Cripple Creek
  42. The field of toxicology. * October 21, 1815 – Humphry Davy patents the, miner ,'s safety lamp for use in coal mining. * January 9,1816 – Sir Humphry Davy
  43. Historical figure, one of the many that Scrooge met). *1883: Scrooge becomes a, miner ,searching for silver and copper. *1885: Scrooge's father calls his son back to
  44. Society. Others include Humphry Davy, educated in Tour and inventor of the, miner ,'s safety lamp, and Samuel Foot, an actor and playwright from Bowen Street.
  45. Finds the man in his cups to the proper degree, and Blaine, an old silver, miner , sets out to tell Twain and his friends the tale. Blaine starts out with the
  46. Imprisonment at the camp in the town of Ekibastuz in Kazakhstan, he worked as a, miner , bricklayer, and foundry foreman. His experiences at Ekibastuz formed the basis
  47. To trade. According to legend, he was so devoted to his work that he wore a, miner ,'s headlamp while commuting on the bus so that he could read company
  48. Company militia and thousands of Union miner s led by Bill Blizzard. Both the, miner ,and the strike buster armies were equipped with physicians, nurses and
  49. A coal mine in Sago, West Virginia traps and kills 12 miner s, while leaving one, miner ,in critical condition. Births *1647 – Nathaniel Bacon, English-born American
  50. The Victorian gold rush. His maternal grandfather, John Sampson, was a Cornish, miner ,from Penance who also came to seek his fortune on the goldfields, in Ballarat.

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